States, histories and histograms
Haskell implementation of the Overview/States, histories and histograms
Variables, values and systems
The set of all variables is $\mathcal{V}$. The Variable
type is usually defined with a String
, an Integer
or a pair of Variable
data Variable = VarStr String | VarInt Integer | VarPair (Variable,Variable) | ...
For example,
let suit = VarStr "suit"
rank = VarStr "rank"
:t suit
suit :: Variable
let vv = Set.fromList [suit, rank]
rp vv
The set of all values is $\mathcal{W}$. The Value
type is usually defined with a String
, an Integer
or a Double
data Value = ValStr String | ValInt Integer | ValDouble Double | ...
For example,
let [hearts,clubs,diamonds,spades] = map ValStr ["hearts","clubs","diamonds","spades"]
:t spades
spades :: Value
let wws = Set.fromList [hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades]
:t wws
wws :: Set.Set Value
rp wws
let [jack,queen,king,ace] = map ValStr ["J","Q","K","A"]
:t ace
ace :: Value
let wwr = Set.fromList $ [jack,queen,king,ace] ++ map ValInt [2..10]
rp wwr
A system $U \in \mathcal{V} \to \mathrm{P}(\mathcal{W})$ is a functional mapping between variables and non-empty sets of values, $\forall (v,W) \in U~(|W|>0)$. The System
type is defined with a Map.Map
from Variable
to a set of Value
newtype System = System (Map.Map Variable (Set.Set Value))
A System
can be constructed from a list of pairs of Variable
and Value
listsSystem :: [(Variable, Set.Set Value)] -> Maybe System
systemsList :: System -> [(Variable, Set.Set Value)]
For example,
let uu = fromJust $ listsSystem [(suit,wws), (rank,wwr)]
rp uu
rpln $ systemsList uu
The Variable
set accessor is
systemsVars :: System -> Set.Set Variable
For example,
let uvars = systemsVars
rp $ uvars uu
The Value
set accessor is
systemsVarsSetValue :: System -> Variable -> Maybe (Set.Set Value)
For example,
let uat uu v = fromJust $ systemsVarsSetValue uu v
rp $ uu `uat` suit
The valency of a variable $v$ is the cardinality of its values, $|U_v|$,
Set.size $ uu `uat` suit
Set.size $ uu `uat` rank
The volume of a set of variables in a system $V \subseteq \mathrm{vars}(U)$ is the product of the valencies, $\prod_{v \in V} |U_v| \geq 1$,
systemsSetVarsVolume :: System -> Set.Set Variable -> Maybe Integer
For example
let vol uu vv = fromJust $ systemsSetVarsVolume uu vv
vol uu vv
vol uu $ Set.singleton suit
vol uu $ Set.singleton rank
The volume of an empty set of variables is defined as $1$,
vol uu $ Set.empty
A regular system $U’$ of dimension $n$ cardinal variables $\{1 \ldots n\}$ each of valency $d$ cardinal values $\{1 \ldots d\}$ is constructed
systemRegular :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe System
For example,
let sysreg d n = fromJust $ systemRegular d n
let uu' = sysreg 3 2
rp $ uu'
vol uu' $ uvars uu'
The set of states is the set of value valued functions of variable, $\mathcal{S} = \mathcal{V} \to \mathcal{W}$. The State
type is defined with a Map.Map
from Variable
to Value
newtype State = State (Map.Map Variable Value)
A State
can be constructed from a list of pairs of Variable
and Value
listsState :: [(Variable, Value)] -> State
statesList :: State -> [(Variable, Value)]
The variables of a state $S \in \mathcal{S}$ is the function domain, $\mathrm{vars}(S) := \mathrm{dom}(S)$,
statesVars :: State -> Set.Set Variable
For example,
let llss = listsState
ssll = statesList
let ss = llss [(suit,spades),(rank,ace)]
rp ss
rpln $ ssll ss
let svars = statesVars
rp $ svars ss
The Value
accessor is
statesVarsValue :: State -> Variable -> Maybe Value
For example,
let sat ss v = fromJust $ statesVarsValue ss v
rp $ ss `sat` suit
The empty state, $\{\}$, has no variables,
stateEmpty :: State
For example,
rp $ svars stateEmpty
The state, $S$, is in a system $U$ if (i) the variables of the state are variables of the system, $\mathrm{vars}(S) \subseteq \mathrm{vars}(U)$, and (ii) the value of each variable in the state is in the system, $\forall v \in \mathrm{vars}(S)~(S_v \in U_v)$,
systemsStatesIs :: System -> State -> Bool
For example,
systemsStatesIs uu ss
svars ss `Set.isSubsetOf` uvars uu
(ss `sat` suit) `Set.member` (uu `uat` suit)
(ss `sat` rank) `Set.member` (uu `uat` rank)
systemsStatesIs uu' ss
Given a set of variables in a system $V \subseteq \mathrm{vars}(U)$, the cartesian set of all possible states is $\prod_{v \in V} ({v} \times U_v)$,
systemsSetVarsSetStateCartesian :: System -> Set.Set Variable -> Maybe (Set.Set State)
which has cardinality equal to the volume $\prod_{v \in V} |U_v|$,
let cart uu vv = fromJust $ systemsSetVarsSetStateCartesian uu vv
rpln $ Set.toList $ cart uu vv
Set.size $ cart uu vv
vol uu vv
The variables $V = \mathrm{vars}(S)$ of a state $S$ may be reduced to a given subset $K \subseteq V$ by taking the subset of the variable-value pairs, \[ S~\%~K := \{(v,u) :(v,u) \in S,~v \in K\} \]
setVarsStatesStateFiltered :: Set.Set Variable -> State -> State
For example,
let sred ss vv = setVarsStatesStateFiltered vv ss
rp $ ss `sred` svars ss
rp $ ss `sred` Set.empty
rp $ ss `sred` Set.singleton suit
rp $ ss `sred` Set.singleton rank
A set of states $Q \subset \mathcal{S}$ in the same variables $\forall S \in Q~(\mathrm{vars}(S)=V)$ may be split into a subset of its variables $K \subseteq V$ and the complement $V \setminus K$, \[ \mathrm{split}(K,Q) = \{(S~\%~K,~S~\%~(V \setminus K)) :S \in Q\} \]
setVarsSetStatesSplit :: Set.Set Variable -> Set.Set State -> Set.Set (State,State)
For example,
let ssplit = setVarsSetStatesSplit
rpln $ Set.toList $ ssplit (Set.singleton suit) (cart uu vv)
Two states $S,T \in \mathcal{S}$ are said to join if their union is also a state, $S \cup T \in \mathcal{S}$,
pairStatesIsJoin :: State -> State -> Bool
pairStatesUnionLeft :: State -> State -> State
For example,
let sjoin = pairStatesUnionLeft
let colour = VarStr "colour"
red = ValStr "red"; black = ValStr "black"
let tt = llss [(suit,spades),(colour,black)]
pairStatesIsJoin ss tt
rp $ ss `sjoin` tt
let qq = llss [(suit,hearts),(colour,red)]
pairStatesIsJoin ss qq
let rr = llss [(suit,spades),(rank,king)]
pairStatesIsJoin ss rr
pairStatesIsJoin ss ss
The set of event identifiers is the universal set $\mathcal{X}$. The Id
type is usually defined with a String
, an Integer
, a pair of Id
or a null,
data Id = IdStr String | IdInt Integer | IdPair (Id,Id) | IdNull | ...
An event $(x,S)$ is a pair of an event identifier and a state, $(x,S) \in \mathcal{X} \times \mathcal{S}$. A history $H$ is a state valued function of event identifiers, $H \in \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{S}$, such that all of the states of its events share the same set of variables, $\forall (x,S),(y,T) \in H~(\mathrm{vars}(S)=\mathrm{vars}(T))$. The set of histories is denoted $\mathcal{H} \subset \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{S}$.
The History
type is defined with a Map.Map
from Id
to State
newtype History = History (Map.Map Id State)
A History
can be constructed from a list of pairs of Id
and State
listsHistory :: [(Id, State)] -> Maybe History
historyToList :: History -> [(Id, State)]
For example, if a deck of cards happens to be dealt in alphanumeric order the history is
let suit = VarStr "suit"
rank = VarStr "rank"
vv = Set.fromList [suit, rank]
[hearts,clubs,diamonds,spades] = map ValStr ["hearts","clubs","diamonds","spades"]
wws = Set.fromList [hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades]
[jack,queen,king,ace] = map ValStr ["J","Q","K","A"]
wwr = Set.fromList $ [jack,queen,king,ace] ++ map ValInt [2..10]
uu = fromJust $ listsSystem [(suit,wws), (rank,wwr)]
let llhh = fromJust . listsHistory
hhll = historyToList
let hh = llhh $ zip (map IdInt [1..]) (Set.toList (cart uu vv))
rpln $ hhll hh
The set of variables of a history is the set of the variables of any of the events of the history, $\mathrm{vars}(H) = \mathrm{vars}(S)$ where $(x,S) \in H$,
historiesSetVar :: History -> Set.Set Variable
For example,
let hvars = historiesSetVar
rp $ hvars hh
The inverse of a history, $H^{-1}$, is called the classification. So a classification is an event identifier set valued function of state, $H^{-1} \in \mathcal{S} \to \mathrm{P}(\mathcal{X})$. The Classification
type is defined with a Map.Map
from State
to a set of Id
newtype Classification = Classification (Map.Map State (Set.Set Id))
A Classification
can be constructed from a History
and vice-versa,
historiesClassification :: History -> Classification
classificationsHistory :: Classification -> History
For example,
let hhgg = historiesClassification
gghh = classificationsHistory
ggll = classificationsList
rpln $ ggll $ hhgg hh
gghh (hhgg hh) == hh
The reduction of a history is the reduction of its events, $H\%V := \{(x,S\%V) : (x,S) \in H\}$,
setVarsHistoriesReduce :: Set.Set Variable -> History -> History
For example,
let hred hh vv = setVarsHistoriesReduce vv hh
rpln $ hhll $ hh `hred` Set.singleton suit
rpln $ ggll $ hhgg $ hh `hred` Set.singleton suit
rpln $ ggll $ hhgg $ hh `hred` Set.singleton rank
The size of a history is its cardinality,
historiesSize :: History -> Integer
For example,
let hsize = historiesSize
hsize hh
fromInteger (hsize hh) == length (hhll hh)
The addition operation of histories is defined as the disjoint union of the events if both histories have the same variables, \[ H_1 + H_2~:=~\{((x,\cdot),S) : (x,S) \in H_1\}~\cup~\{((\cdot,y),T) : (y,T) \in H_2\} \] where $\mathrm{vars}(H_1) = \mathrm{vars}(H_2)$,
pairHistoriesAdd :: History -> History -> Maybe History
For example,
let hadd hh gg = fromJust $ pairHistoriesAdd hh gg
rpln $ hhll $ hh `hadd` hh
hsize $ hh `hadd` hh
The size of the sum equals the sum of the sizes, $|H_1 + H_2| = |H_1| + |H_2|$,
hsize (hh `hadd` hh) == hsize hh + hsize hh
The multiplication operation of histories is defined as the product of the events where the states join, \[ \begin{eqnarray} H_1 * H_2 &:=& \{((x,y),S \cup T) : (x,S) \in H_1,~(y,T) \in H_2,\\ & &\hspace{5em}\forall v \in \mathrm{vars}(S) \cap \mathrm{vars}(T)~(S_v = T_v)\} \end{eqnarray} \]
pairHistoriesMultiply :: History -> History -> History
For example,
let hmul = pairHistoriesMultiply
rpln $ hhll $ hh `hmul` hh
hsize $ hh `hmul` hh
let coin = VarStr "coin"
heads = ValStr "heads"; tails = ValStr "tails"
let gg = llhh $ [(IdInt 1, llss [(coin,heads)]), (IdInt 2, llss [(coin,tails)])]
rpln $ hhll $ gg
rpln $ hhll $ hh `hmul` gg
hsize $ hh `hmul` gg
The size of the product equals the product of the sizes if the variables are disjoint, $\mathrm{vars}(H_1) \cap \mathrm{vars}(H_2) = \emptyset \implies |H_1 * H_2| = |H_1| \times |H_2|$,
hsize (hh `hmul` gg) == hsize hh * hsize gg
The variables of the product is the union of the variables if the size is non-zero, $H_1 * H_2 \neq \emptyset \implies \mathrm{vars}(H_1 * H_2) = \mathrm{vars}(H_1) \cup \mathrm{vars}(H_2)$,
hvars (hh `hmul` gg) == hvars hh `Set.union` hvars gg
The set of all histograms $\mathcal{A}$ is a subset of the positive rational valued functions of states, $\mathcal{A} \subset \mathcal{S} \to \mathbf{Q}_{\geq 0}$, such that each state of each histogram has the same set of variables, $\forall A \in \mathcal{A}~\forall S,T \in \mathrm{dom}(A)~(\mathrm{vars}(S)=\mathrm{vars}(T))$.
The Histogram
type is defined with a Map.Map
from State
to Rational
newtype Histogram = Histogram (Map.Map State Rational)
A Histogram
can be constructed from a list of pairs of State
and Rational
listsHistogram :: [(State, Rational)] -> Maybe Histogram
histogramsList :: Histogram -> [(State, Rational)]
For example, the histogram of a deck of cards is
let suit = VarStr "suit"
rank = VarStr "rank"
vv = Set.fromList [suit, rank]
[hearts,clubs,diamonds,spades] = map ValStr ["hearts","clubs","diamonds","spades"]
wws = Set.fromList [hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades]
[jack,queen,king,ace] = map ValStr ["J","Q","K","A"]
wwr = Set.fromList $ [jack,queen,king,ace] ++ map ValInt [2..10]
uu = fromJust $ listsSystem [(suit,wws), (rank,wwr)]
let llaa = fromJust . listsHistogram
aall = histogramsList
let aa = llaa $ zip (Set.toList (cart uu vv)) (repeat 1)
rpln $ aall aa
"({(rank,A),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
The set of variables of a histogram $A \in \mathcal{A}$ is the set of the variables of any of the elements of the histogram, $\mathrm{vars}(A) = \mathrm{vars}(S)$ where $(S,q) \in A$,
histogramsSetVar :: Histogram -> Set.Set Variable
For example,
let vars = histogramsSetVar
rp $ vars aa
Given a variable map, a histogram may be reframed,
histogramsMapVarsFrame :: Histogram -> Map.Map Variable Variable -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let reframe aa mm = fromJust $ histogramsMapVarsFrame aa (Map.fromList mm)
rpln $ aall $ aa `reframe` [(suit, VarStr "S"), (rank, VarStr "R")]
"({(R,A),(S,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,A),(S,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,A),(S,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,A),(S,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,J),(S,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,J),(S,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,9),(S,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,9),(S,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,10),(S,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,10),(S,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,10),(S,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(R,10),(S,spades)},1 % 1)"
rp $ vars $ aa `reframe` [(suit, VarStr "S"), (rank, VarStr "R")]
The dimension of a histogram is the cardinality of its variables, $|\mathrm{vars}(A)|$,
Set.size $ vars aa
The states of a histogram is the domain, $A^{\mathrm{S}} := \mathrm{dom}(A)$,
histogramsStates :: Histogram -> Set.Set State
For example,
let states = histogramsStates
rpln $ Set.toList $ states aa
The count accessor is
histogramsStatesCount :: Histogram -> State -> Maybe Rational
For example,
let aat aa ss = fromJust $ histogramsStatesCount aa ss
let ss = llss [(suit,spades),(rank,ace)]
rp ss
aa `aat` ss
1 % 1
The size of a histogram is the sum of the counts, $\mathrm{size}(A) := \mathrm{sum}(A)$,
histogramsSize :: Histogram -> Rational
For example,
let size = histogramsSize
size aa
52 % 1
If the size is non-zero the normalised histogram has a size of one, $\mathrm{size}(A) > 0 \implies \mathrm{size}(\hat{A}) = 1$,
histogramsResize :: Rational -> Histogram -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let norm aa = fromJust $ histogramsResize 1 aa
rpln $ aall $ norm aa
"({(rank,A),(suit,clubs)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,hearts)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,clubs)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,hearts)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,hearts)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,spades)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,clubs)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,hearts)},1 % 52)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,spades)},1 % 52)"
size $ norm aa
1 % 1
The volume of a histogram $A$ of variables $V$ in a system $U$ is the volume of the variables, $\prod_{v \in V} |U_v|$,
vol uu $ vars aa
A histogram with no variables is called a scalar. The scalar of size $z$ is $\{(\emptyset,z)\}$. Define $\mathrm{scalar}(z) := \{(\emptyset,z)\}$.
histogramScalar :: Rational -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let scalar q = fromJust $ histogramScalar q
rp $ scalar 52
"{({},52 % 1)}"
rp $ vars $ scalar 52
scalar 52 == llaa [(stateEmpty,52)]
A singleton is a histogram with only one state, $\{(S,z)\}$,
histogramsIsSingleton :: Histogram -> Bool
histogramSingleton :: State -> Rational -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let single ss c = fromJust $ histogramSingleton ss c
let ss = llss [(suit,spades),(rank,ace)]
let rr = llss [(suit,hearts),(rank,queen)]
let bb = llaa [(ss,1)]
rp bb
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)}"
histogramsIsSingleton bb
bb == single ss 1
let cc = llaa [(ss,1),(rr,1)]
rp cc
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1),({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)}"
histogramsIsSingleton cc
histogramsIsSingleton $ scalar 1
A uniform histogram $A$ has unique non-zero count, $|\{c : (S,c) \in A,~c>0\}|=1$,
histogramsIsUniform :: Histogram -> Bool
For example,
histogramsIsUniform aa
histogramsIsUniform bb
histogramsIsUniform cc
histogramsIsUniform $ scalar 1
let dd = llaa [(ss,1),(rr,2)]
rp dd
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1),({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},2 % 1)}"
histogramsIsUniform dd
The set of integral histograms is the subset of histograms which have integal counts $\mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{i}} = \mathcal{A}~\cap~(\mathcal{S} \to \mathbf{N})$,
histogramsIsIntegral :: Histogram -> Bool
For example,
histogramsIsIntegral `map` [aa,bb,cc,dd,scalar 1]
histogramsIsIntegral $ norm aa
A unit histogram is a special case of an integral histogram in which all its counts equal one, $\mathrm{ran}(A)=\{1\}$,
histogramsIsUnit :: Histogram -> Bool
For example,
histogramsIsUnit `map` [aa,bb,cc,dd,scalar 1,norm aa]
The size of a unit histogram equals its cardinality, $\mathrm{size}(A)=|A|$,
size `map` [aa,bb,cc,scalar 1]
[52 % 1,1 % 1,2 % 1,1 % 1]
(length . aall) `map` [aa,bb,cc,scalar 1]
A set of states $Q \subset \mathcal{S}$ in the same variables may be promoted to a unit histogram, $Q^{\mathrm{U}} := Q \times {1} \in \mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{i}}$,
setStatesHistogramUnit :: Set.Set State -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let unit qq = fromJust $ setStatesHistogramUnit qq
let cart uu vv = fromJust $ systemsSetVarsSetStateCartesian uu vv
aa == unit (cart uu vv)
cc == unit (Set.fromList [ss,rr])
The effective states of a histogram are those where the count is non-zero. A histogram may be trimmed to its effective states, $\{(S,c) : (S,c) \in A,~c>0\}$,
histogramsTrim :: Histogram -> Histogram
For example,
let trim = histogramsTrim
rpln $ aall $ trim $ llaa [(ss,3),(rr,0)]
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},3 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ trim $ llaa [(ss,3),(rr,5)]
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},3 % 1)"
"({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},5 % 1)"
trim (llaa [(ss,0),(rr,0)]) == histogramEmpty
The unit effective histogram of a histogram is the unit histogram of the effective states, $A^{\mathrm{F}} := \{(S,1) : (S,c) \in A,~c>0\} \in \mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{i}}$,
histogramsEffective :: Histogram -> Histogram
For example,
let eff = histogramsEffective
let ee = llaa [(ss,3),(rr,0)]
rp ee
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},3 % 1),({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},0 % 1)}"
rp $ eff ee
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)}"
[xx == eff xx | xx <- [aa,bb,cc,dd,scalar 1,norm aa,ee]]
Given a system $U$ define the cartesian histogram of the set of variables $V$ as $V^{\mathrm{C}} := \big(\prod_{v \in V} ({v} \times U_v)\big) \times {1} \in \mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{i}}$,
let vvc = unit (cart uu vv)
aa == vvc
The size of the cartesian histogram equals its cardinality which is the volume of the variables, $\mathrm{size}(V^{\mathrm{C}})=|V^{\mathrm{C}}| = \prod_{v \in V} |U_v|$,
size vvc
52 % 1
length $ aall vvc
vol uu vv
The unit effective histogram is a subset of the cartesian histogram of its variables, $A^{\mathrm{F}} \subseteq V^{\mathrm{C}}$, where $V = \mathrm{vars}(A)$,
let aaqq = Set.fromList . aall
[aaqq (eff xx) `Set.isSubsetOf` aaqq vvc | xx <- [aa,bb,cc,dd,scalar 1,norm aa,ee]]
A partition $P$ is a partition of the cartesian states, $P \in \mathrm{B}(V^{\mathrm{CS}})$. The partition is a set of disjoint components, $\forall C,D \in P~(C \neq D \implies C \cap D = \emptyset)$, that union to equal the cartesian states, $\bigcup P = V^{\mathrm{CS}}$. The Component
type is a set of State
type Component = Set.Set State
The Partition
type is a set of Component
newtype Partition = Partition (Set.Set Component)
A Partition
can be constructed from a set of Component
setComponentsPartition :: Set.Set Component -> Maybe Partition
partitionsSetComponent :: Partition -> Set.Set Component
For example,
let qqpp qq = fromJust $ setComponentsPartition qq
ppqq = partitionsSetComponent
let c = Set.fromList $ take 13 $ Set.toList $ states vvc
Set.size c
let d = Set.fromList $ drop 13 $ Set.toList $ states vvc
Set.size d
c `Set.intersection` d == Set.empty
c `Set.union` d == states vvc
let pp = qqpp $ Set.fromList [c,d]
and [c `Set.intersection` d == Set.empty | c <- Set.toList (ppqq pp), d <- Set.toList (ppqq pp), c /= d]
let bigcup = setSetsUnion
and [c `Set.union` d == bigcup (ppqq pp) | c <- Set.toList (ppqq pp), d <- Set.toList (ppqq pp), c /= d]
The unary partition is $\{V^{\mathrm{CS}}\}$,
systemsSetVarsPartitionUnary :: System -> Set.Set Variable -> Maybe Partition
For example,
let unary uu vv = fromJust $ systemsSetVarsPartitionUnary uu vv
ppqq (unary uu vv) == Set.singleton (states vvc)
The self partition is $V^{\mathrm{CS}\{\}} = \{\{S\} : S \in V^{\mathrm{CS}}\}$,
systemsSetVarsPartitionSelf :: System -> Set.Set Variable -> Maybe Partition
For example,
let self uu vv = fromJust $ systemsSetVarsPartitionSelf uu vv
ppqq (self uu vv) == Set.fromList [Set.singleton ss | ss <- Set.toList (states vvc)]
A partition variable $P \in \mathrm{vars}(U)$ in a system $U$ is such that its set of values equals its set of components, $U_P = P$. So the valency of a partition variable is the cardinality of the components, $|U_P| = |P|$. The Variable
type can be constructed with a Partition
data Variable = ... | VarPartition Partition | ...
Similarly, the Value
type can be constructed with a Component
data Value = ... | ValComponent Component | ...
For example,
:t pp
pp :: Partition
let uu' = fromJust $ listsSystem [(VarPartition pp, Set.fromList [ValComponent c,ValComponent d])]
let uat uu v = fromJust $ systemsVarsSetValue uu v
Set.size (uu' `uat` VarPartition pp)
Set.size (uu' `uat` VarPartition pp) == Set.size (ppqq pp)
A regular histogram $A’$ of variables $V’$ in system $U’$ has unique valency of its variables, $|\{|U’_v| : v \in V’\}|=1$. The volume of a regular histogram is $d^n = |{V’}^{\mathrm{C}}| = \prod_{v \in V’} |U’_v|$, where valency $d$ is such that $\{d\} = \{|U’_v| : v \in V’\}$ and dimension $n = |V’|$. For example,
let sysreg d n = fromJust $ systemRegular d n
let uu' = sysreg 3 2
rp $ uu'
vol uu' $ uvars uu'
let aa' = llaa [(llss [(VarInt 1, ValInt 1),(VarInt 2, ValInt 1)], 1)]
rp aa'
"{({(1,1),(2,1)},1 % 1)}"
rp $ vars aa'
vol uu' $ vars aa'
let d = Set.size $ uu' `uat` VarInt 1
let n = Set.size $ vars aa'
A regular cartesian histogram of cardinal variables $\{1 \ldots n\}$ and cardinal values $\{1 \ldots d\}$ is constructed,
histogramRegularCartesian :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let regcart d n = fromJust $ histogramRegularCartesian d n
rpln $ aall $ regcart 3 2
"({(1,1),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,3)},1 % 1)"
let uu' = sysreg 3 2
regcart 3 2 == unit (cart uu' (uvars uu'))
A regular unit singleton histogram of cardinal variables $\{1 \ldots n\}$ and cardinal values $\{1 \ldots d\}$ is constructed,
histogramRegularUnitSingleton :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let regsing d n = fromJust $ histogramRegularUnitSingleton d n
rpln $ aall $ regsing 3 2
"({(1,1),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
A regular unit diagonal histogram of cardinal variables $\{1 \ldots n\}$ and cardinal values $\{1 \ldots d\}$ is constructed,
histogramRegularUnitDiagonal :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let regdiag d n = fromJust $ histogramRegularUnitDiagonal d n
rpln $ aall $ regdiag 3 2
"({(1,1),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,3)},1 % 1)"
A histogram may be reframed to a list of cardinal variables by transposition,
let cdtp aa ll = reframe aa (zip (Set.toList (vars aa)) (map VarInt ll))
rpln $ aall $ regcart 2 2 `cdtp` [3,4]
"({(3,1),(4,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,1),(4,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,2),(4,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,2),(4,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ regsing 2 2 `cdtp` [3,2]
"({(2,1),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
A unit histogram of cardinal variables and cardinal values may be constructed from a list of states which are in turn constructed from lists of integers,
let cdaa ll = llaa [(llss [(VarInt i, ValInt j) | (i,j) <- (zip [1..] ss)],1) | ss <- ll]
cdaa [[1,1],[1,2],[2,1],[2,2]] == regcart 2 2
cdaa [[1,1,1]] == regsing 2 3
The counts of the integral histogram $A \in \mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{i}}$ of a history $H \in \mathcal{H}$ are the cardinalities of the event identifier components of its classification, $A = \mathrm{histogram}(H)$ where $\mathrm{histogram}(H) := \{(S,|X|) : (S,X) \in H^{-1}\}$,
historiesHistogram :: History -> Histogram
For example,
let llhh = fromJust . listsHistory
hhll = historyToList
let hhaa = historiesHistogram
let hh = llhh $ zip (map IdInt [1..]) (Set.toList (cart uu vv))
let aa = llaa $ zip (Set.toList (cart uu vv)) (repeat 1)
hhaa hh == aa
let hhgg = historiesClassification
gghh = classificationsHistory
ggll = classificationsList
gghh (hhgg hh) == hh
llaa [(ss, toRational (Set.size xx)) | (ss,xx) <- ggll (hhgg hh)] == aa
Given an integral histogram $A \in \mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{i}}$, a history $H$ can be constructed by creating an event identifier for each element of each component of the classification, $H = \mathrm{history}(A)$ where $\mathrm{history}(A) := \bigcup \{\{((S,i),S) : i \in \{1 \ldots q\}\} : (S,q) \in A\}$,
histogramsHistory :: Histogram -> Maybe History
For example,
let aahh = fromJust . histogramsHistory
hhaa (aahh aa) == aa
rpln $ hhll $ aahh $ regdiag 3 2
rpln $ hhll $ aahh $ regdiag 3 2 `mul` scalar 3
Note that multiplication of histograms is described below.
A sub-histogram $B$ of a histogram $A$ is such that the effective states of $B$ are a subset of the effective states of $A$ and the counts of $B$ are less than or equal to those of $A$, $B \leq A := B^{\mathrm{FS}} \subseteq A^{\mathrm{FS}}~\wedge~\forall S \in B^{\mathrm{FS}}~(B_S \leq A_S)$,
pairHistogramsLeq :: Histogram -> Histogram -> Bool
For example,
let leq = pairHistogramsLeq
rp bb
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)}"
bb `leq` aa
[xx `leq` aa | xx <- [aa,bb,cc,dd,scalar 1,norm aa,ee]]
The reduction of a histogram is the reduction of its states, adding the counts where two different states reduce to the same state, \[ A\%V := \{(R, \sum (c : (T, c) \in A,~T \supseteq R)) : R \in \{S\%V : S \in A^{\mathrm{S}}\}\} \]
setVarsHistogramsReduce :: Set.Set Variable -> Histogram -> Histogram
For example,
let ared aa vv = setVarsHistogramsReduce vv aa
rpln $ aall $ aa `ared` Set.singleton suit
"({(suit,clubs)},13 % 1)"
"({(suit,diamonds)},13 % 1)"
"({(suit,hearts)},13 % 1)"
"({(suit,spades)},13 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `ared` Set.singleton rank
"({(rank,A)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,J)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,K)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,Q)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,2)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,3)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,4)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,5)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,6)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,7)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,8)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,9)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,10)},4 % 1)"
rp $ aa `ared` Set.empty
"{({},52 % 1)}"
aa `ared` vars aa == aa
The reduction to the empty set is a scalar, $A\%\emptyset = \{(\emptyset,z)\}$, where $z = \mathrm{size}(A)$,
aa `ared` Set.empty == scalar (size aa)
Reduction leaves the size of a histogram unchanged,
size `map` [aa, aa `ared` Set.singleton suit, aa `ared` Set.singleton rank, aa `ared` Set.empty]
[52 % 1,52 % 1,52 % 1,52 % 1]
The histogram of a reduction of a history equals the reduction of the histogram of the history, \[ \mathrm{histogram}(H~\%~V) = \mathrm{histogram}(H)~\%~V \]
let vs = Set.singleton suit
hhaa (hh `hred` vs) == hhaa hh `ared` vs
The addition of histograms $A$ and $B$ is defined, \[ \begin{eqnarray} A + B &:=& \{ (S, c) : (S,c) \in A,~S \notin B^{\mathrm{S}} \}~\cup\\ & & \{ (S, c + d) : (S,c) \in A,~(T,d) \in B,~S = T \}~\cup \\ & & \{ (T, d) : (T,d) \in B,~T \notin A^{\mathrm{S}} \} \end{eqnarray} \] where $\mathrm{vars}(A) = \mathrm{vars}(B)$.
pairHistogramsAdd :: Histogram -> Histogram -> Maybe Histogram
For example,
let add xx yy = fromJust $ pairHistogramsAdd xx yy
rp bb
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)}"
rp cc
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1),({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)}"
rp dd
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1),({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},2 % 1)}"
rp $ bb `add` cc
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},2 % 1),({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)}"
rp $ cc `add` dd
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},2 % 1),({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},3 % 1)}"
rp $ bb `add` cc `add` dd
"{({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},3 % 1),({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},3 % 1)}"
The sizes add, $\mathrm{size}(A+B) = \mathrm{size}(A) + \mathrm{size}(B)$,
size bb + size cc + size dd == size (bb `add` cc `add` dd)
The histogram of an addition of histories equals the addition of the histograms of the histories, \[ \mathrm{histogram}(H_1+H_2) = \mathrm{histogram}(H_1) + \mathrm{histogram}(H_2) \]
let hh = aahh aa
let gg = aahh bb
hhaa (hh `hadd` gg) == hhaa hh `add` hhaa gg
The multiplication of histograms $A$ and $B$ is the product of the counts where the states join, \[ A*B := \{ (S \cup T, cd) : (S,c) \in A,~(T,d) \in B,~\forall v \in \mathrm{vars}(S) \cap \mathrm{vars}(T)~(S_v = T_v)\} \]
pairHistogramsMultiply :: Histogram -> Histogram -> Histogram
For example,
let mul = pairHistogramsMultiply
let colour = VarStr "colour"
red = ValStr "red"; black = ValStr "black"
let bb = llaa [(llss [(suit, u),(colour, w)],1) | (u,w) <- [(hearts, red), (clubs, black), (diamonds, red), (spades, black)]]
rpln $ aall bb
"({(colour,black),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `mul` bb
"({(colour,black),(rank,A),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(rank,J),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(rank,J),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(rank,K),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(rank,K),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,8),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,8),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,9),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,9),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,10),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,10),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `mul` bb `ared` Set.fromList [rank,colour]
"({(colour,black),(rank,A)},2 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(rank,J)},2 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(rank,9)},2 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(rank,10)},2 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,A)},2 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,J)},2 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,9)},2 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,10)},2 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `mul` bb `ared` Set.singleton colour
"({(colour,black)},26 % 1)"
"({(colour,red)},26 % 1)"
If the variables are disjoint, the sizes multiply, $\mathrm{vars}(A) \cap \mathrm{vars}(B) = \emptyset \implies \mathrm{size}(A*B) = \mathrm{size}(A) \times \mathrm{size}(B)$,
let coin = VarStr "coin"
heads = ValStr "heads"; tails = ValStr "tails"
let cc = llaa [(llss [(coin,heads)], 1),(llss [(coin,tails)], 1)]
rpln $ aall cc
"({(coin,heads)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `mul` cc
"({(coin,heads),(rank,A),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,A),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,A),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,J),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,J),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,9),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,9),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,10),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,10),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,10),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,heads),(rank,10),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,A),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,A),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,A),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,J),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,J),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,9),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,9),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,10),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,10),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,10),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails),(rank,10),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
size aa
52 % 1
size cc
2 % 1
size (aa `mul` cc) == size aa * size cc
rpln $ aall $ aa `mul` cc `ared` Set.singleton coin
"({(coin,heads)},52 % 1)"
"({(coin,tails)},52 % 1)"
Multiplication by a scalar scales the size, $\mathrm{size}(\mathrm{scalar}(z)*A) = z \times \mathrm{size}(A)$,
size $ scalar 2
2 % 1
size $ scalar 2 `mul` aa
104 % 1
The histogram of a multiplication of histories equals the multiplication of the histograms of the histories, \[ \mathrm{histogram}(H_1*H_2) = \mathrm{histogram}(H_1) * \mathrm{histogram}(H_2) \]
let hh = aahh aa
let gg = aahh bb
hhaa (hh `hmul` gg) == hhaa hh `mul` hhaa gg
The reciprocal of a histogram is $1/A := \{(S, 1/c) : (S, c) \in A,~c>0\}$,
histogramsReciprocal :: Histogram -> Histogram
Define histogram division as $B/A := B*(1/A)$,
pairHistogramsDivide :: Histogram -> Histogram -> Histogram
For example,
let recip = histogramsReciprocal
divide = pairHistogramsDivide
scalar (1 % 2) == recip (scalar 2)
aa `divide` scalar 52 == norm aa
scalar (1 % 2) == scalar 1 `divide` scalar 2
A histogram $A$ is causal in a subset of its variables $K \subset V$ if the reduction of the effective states to the subset, $K$, is functionally related to the reduction to the complement, $V \setminus K$, \[ \{(S~\%~K,~S~\%~(V \setminus K)) : S \in A^{\mathrm{FS}}\} \in K^{\mathrm{CS}} \to (V \setminus K)^{\mathrm{CS}} \] or \[ \mathrm{split}(K,A^{\mathrm{FS}}) \in K^{\mathrm{CS}} \to (V \setminus K)^{\mathrm{CS}} \]
histogramsIsCausal :: Histogram -> Bool
In the example, the histogram of the deck of cards, $A$, is cartesian and not causal,
let iscausal = histogramsIsCausal
iscausal aa
The histogram of the colours of the suits, $B$, however, is causal from suit
to colour
rpln $ aall bb
"({(colour,black),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
iscausal bb
let ssplit = setVarsSetStatesSplit
rpln $ Set.toList $ ssplit (Set.singleton suit) (states (eff bb))
rpln $ Set.toList $ ssplit (Set.singleton colour) (states (eff bb))
iscausal $ aa `mul` bb
rpln $ Set.toList $ ssplit (Set.fromList [suit,rank]) (states (eff (aa `mul` bb)))
A histogram $A$ is diagonalised if no pair of effective states shares any value, $\forall S,T \in A^{\mathrm{FS}}~(S \neq T \implies S \cap T = \emptyset)$,
histogramsIsDiagonal :: Histogram -> Bool
For example,
let isdiag = histogramsIsDiagonal
isdiag aa
isdiag bb
isdiag $ aa `mul` bb
In a diagonalised histogram the causality is bijective or equational, \[ \forall u,w \in V~(\{(S\%{u},S\%{w}) : S \in A^{\mathrm{FS}}\}~\in~\{u\}^{\mathrm{CS}} \leftrightarrow \{w\}^{\mathrm{CS}}) \]
let saturation = VarStr "saturation"
white = ValStr "white"; grey = ValStr "grey"; black = ValStr "black"
let dd = llaa [(llss [(colour, u),(saturation, w)],1) | (u,w) <- [(red, grey), (black, black)]]
rpln $ aall dd
"({(colour,black),(saturation,black)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(saturation,grey)},1 % 1)"
isdiag dd
Similarly for a regular unit histograms,
rpln $ aall $ regdiag 3 2
"({(1,1),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,3)},1 % 1)"
iscausal $ regdiag 3 2
isdiag $ regdiag 3 2
iscausal $ regcart 3 2
isdiag $ regcart 3 2
iscausal $ regsing 3 2
isdiag $ regsing 3 2
iscausal $ regdiag 3 2 `add` regcart 3 2
isdiag $ regdiag 3 2 `add` regcart 3 2
iscausal $ regdiag 3 2 `add` regsing 3 2
isdiag $ regdiag 3 2 `add` regsing 3 2
Given some slice state $R \in K^{\mathrm{CS}}$, where $K \subset V$ and $V = \mathrm{vars}(A)$, the slice histogram, $A * \{R\}^{\mathrm{U}} \subset A$, is said to be contingent on the incident slice state,
let rr = llss [(suit,spades)]
rpln $ aall $ aa `mul` unit (Set.singleton rr)
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,K),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,Q),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,2),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,3),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,4),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,5),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,6),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,7),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,8),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
For example, if the slice histogram is diagonalised, $\mathrm{diagonal}(A * \{R\}^{\mathrm{U}}~\%~(V \setminus K))$, then the histogram, $A$, is said to be contingently diagonalised,
let ee = (cdaa [[1]] `mul` (regdiag 2 2 `cdtp` [2,3])) `add` (cdaa [[2]] `mul` (regcart 2 2 `cdtp` [2,3]))
rpln $ aall $ ee
"({(1,1),(2,1),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,2),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,1),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,1),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ ee `mul` cdaa [[1]]
"({(1,1),(2,1),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,2),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
let vk = Set.fromList (map VarInt [2,3])
isdiag $ ee `mul` cdaa [[1]] `ared` vk
rpln $ aall $ ee `mul` cdaa [[2]]
"({(1,2),(2,1),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,1),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
isdiag $ ee `mul` cdaa [[2]] `ared` vk
Independent Histograms
The perimeters of a histogram $A \in \mathcal{A}$ is the set of its reductions to each of its variables, $\{A\%\{w\} : w \in V\}$, where $V = \mathrm{vars}(A)$,
rpln $ aall $ aa `ared` Set.singleton suit
"({(suit,clubs)},13 % 1)"
"({(suit,diamonds)},13 % 1)"
"({(suit,hearts)},13 % 1)"
"({(suit,spades)},13 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `ared` Set.singleton rank
"({(rank,A)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,J)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,K)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,Q)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,2)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,3)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,4)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,5)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,6)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,7)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,8)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,9)},4 % 1)"
"({(rank,10)},4 % 1)"
The independent of a histogram is the product of the normalised perimeters scaled to the size, \[ A^{\mathrm{X}} := Z * \prod_{w \in V} \hat{A}\%\{w\} \] where $z = \mathrm{size}(A)$ and $Z = \mathrm{scalar}(z) = A\%\emptyset$,
histogramsIndependent :: Histogram -> Histogram
For example,
let ind = histogramsIndependent
ind aa == scalar (size aa) `mul` (norm aa `ared` Set.singleton suit) `mul` (norm aa `ared` Set.singleton rank)
The size is unchanged, $\mathrm{size}(A^{\mathrm{X}}) = \mathrm{size}(A)$,
size (ind aa) == size aa
A histogram is said to be independent if it equals its independent, $A = A^{\mathrm{X}}$,
aa == ind aa
regdiag 2 2 == ind (regdiag 2 2)
Scalar histograms are independent, $\{(\emptyset,z)\} = \{(\emptyset,z)\}^{\mathrm{X}}$,
scalar 52 == ind (scalar 52)
Singleton histograms, $|A^{\mathrm{F}}| = 1$, are independent, $\{(S,z)\} = \{(S,z)\}^{\mathrm{X}}$,
regsing 2 2 == ind (regsing 2 2)
If the histogram is mono-variate, $|V|=1$, then it is independent $A = A \% \{w\} = A^{\mathrm{X}}$ where $\{w\} = V$,
regdiag 2 2 `ared` Set.singleton (VarInt 1) == ind (regdiag 2 2 `ared` Set.singleton (VarInt 1))
Cartesian histograms are independent, $V^{\mathrm{C}} = V^{\mathrm{CX}}$,
regcart 2 2 == ind (regcart 2 2)
aa == ind aa
The independent of a uniform fully diagonalised histogram equals the sized cartesian,
norm (ind (regdiag 2 2)) == norm (regcart 2 2)
A completely effective pluri-variate independent histogram, $A^{\mathrm{XF}} = V^{\mathrm{C}}$ where $|V|>1$, for which all of the variables are pluri-valent, $\forall w \in V~(|U_w| > 1)$, must be non-causal,
iscausal (ind (regdiag 2 2))
iscausal (regdiag 2 2)
Substrate structures
The set of substrate histories $\mathcal{H}_{U,V,z}$ is the set of histories having event identifiers $\{1 \ldots z\}$, fixed size $z$ and fixed variables $V$, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{H}_{U,V,z} &:=& \{1 \ldots z\} :\to V^{\mathrm{CS}}\\ &=& \{H : H \subseteq \{1 \ldots z\} \times V^{\mathrm{CS}},~\mathrm{dom}(H) = \{1 \ldots z\},~|H|=z\} \end{eqnarray} \]
systemsSetVarsSizesHistorySubstrate :: System -> Set.Set Variable -> Integer -> Maybe (Set.Set History)
For example,
let uu' = sysreg 2 2
let hhvvz uu z = fromJust $ systemsSetVarsSizesHistorySubstrate uu (uvars uu) z
rpln $ Set.toList $ hhvvz uu' 3
The cardinality of the substrate histories is $|\mathcal{H}_{U,V,z}| = v^z$ where $v = |V^{\mathrm{C}}|$,
Set.size $ hhvvz uu' 3
Set.size $ hhvvz uu' 7
The corresponding set of integral substrate histograms $\mathcal{A}_{U,\mathrm{i},V,z}$ is the set of complete integral histograms in variables $V$ with size $z$, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{A}_{U,\mathrm{i},V,z} &:=& \{\mathrm{histogram}(H) : H \in \mathcal{H}_{U,V,z}\}\\ &=& \{A : A \in V^{\mathrm{CS}} :\to \{0 \ldots z\},~\mathrm{size}(A) = z\} \end{eqnarray} \]
systemsSetVarsSizesHistogramSubstrate :: System -> Set.Set Variable -> Integer -> Maybe (Set.Set Histogram)
For example,
let uu' = sysreg 2 2
let aavvz uu z = fromJust $ systemsSetVarsSizesHistogramSubstrate uu (uvars uu) z
rpln $ Set.toList $ aavvz uu' 3
"{({(1,1),(2,1)},0 % 1),({(1,1),(2,2)},0 % 1),({(1,2),(2,1)},0 % 1),({(1,2),(2,2)},3 % 1)}"
"{({(1,1),(2,1)},0 % 1),({(1,1),(2,2)},0 % 1),({(1,2),(2,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(2,2)},2 % 1)}"
"{({(1,1),(2,1)},0 % 1),({(1,1),(2,2)},0 % 1),({(1,2),(2,1)},2 % 1),({(1,2),(2,2)},1 % 1)}"
"{({(1,1),(2,1)},2 % 1),({(1,1),(2,2)},0 % 1),({(1,2),(2,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(2,2)},0 % 1)}"
"{({(1,1),(2,1)},2 % 1),({(1,1),(2,2)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(2,1)},0 % 1),({(1,2),(2,2)},0 % 1)}"
"{({(1,1),(2,1)},3 % 1),({(1,1),(2,2)},0 % 1),({(1,2),(2,1)},0 % 1),({(1,2),(2,2)},0 % 1)}"
The cardinality of integral substrate histograms is the cardinality of weak compositions,
|\mathcal{A}_{U,\mathrm{i},V,z}| &=& \frac {(z + v -1)!}{z!~(v -1)!}
where the factorial function is $n! := 1 \cdot 2 \cdot 3 \cdots n$. The function compositionWeak
is defined in AlignmentUtil
compositionWeak :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
Set.size $ aavvz uu' 3
compositionWeak 3 (2^2)
Set.size $ hhaa $ hhvvz uu' 3
Set.size $ aavvz uu' 7
compositionWeak 7 (2^2)
Set.size $ hhaa $ hhvvz uu' 7
Example - a weather forecast
Some of the concepts above regarding histories and histograms can be demonstrated with a sample of some weather measurements.
Let system $U$ consist of four variables, (i) pressure
, having values low
, medium
and high
, (ii) cloud
, having values none
, light
and heavy
, (iii) wind
, having values none
, light
and strong
, and (iv) rain
, having values none
, light
and heavy
let [pressure,cloud,wind,rain] = map VarStr ["pressure","cloud","wind","rain"]
let [low,medium,high,none,light,heavy,strong] = map ValStr ["low","medium","high","none","light","heavy","strong"]
let lluu ll = fromJust $ listsSystem [(v,Set.fromList ww) | (v,ww) <- ll]
let uu = lluu [
(pressure, [low,medium,high]),
(cloud, [none,light,heavy]),
(wind, [none,light,strong]),
(rain, [none,light,heavy])]
rp uu
rp $ uvars uu
let vv = uvars uu
vol uu vv
Now let history $H$ be constructed from the following sample,
event | pressure | cloud | wind | rain |
1 | high | none | none | none |
2 | medium | light | none | light |
3 | high | none | light | none |
4 | low | heavy | strong | heavy |
5 | low | none | light | light |
6 | medium | none | light | light |
7 | low | heavy | light | heavy |
8 | high | none | light | none |
9 | medium | light | strong | heavy |
10 | medium | light | light | light |
11 | high | light | light | heavy |
12 | medium | none | none | none |
13 | medium | light | none | none |
14 | high | light | strong | light |
15 | medium | none | light | light |
16 | low | heavy | strong | heavy |
17 | low | heavy | light | heavy |
18 | high | none | none | none |
19 | low | light | none | light |
20 | high | none | none | none |
let llhh vv ev = fromJust $ listsHistory [(IdInt i, llss (zip vv ll)) | (i,ll) <- ev]
let hh = llhh [pressure,cloud,wind,rain] [
rpln $ hhll hh
rp $ hvars hh
hsize hh
The event identifiers are classified,
let hhgg = historiesClassification
gghh = classificationsHistory
ggll = classificationsList
rpln $ ggll $ hhgg hh
The history can be reduced to a subset of the variables,
let hred hh vv = setVarsHistoriesReduce (Set.fromList vv) hh
rpln $ hhll $ hh `hred` [pressure,rain]
rpln $ ggll $ hhgg $ hh `hred` [pressure,rain]
Let the sample histogram be constructed from the history, $A = \mathrm{histogram}(H)$,
let aa = hhaa hh
rpln $ aall aa
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,high),(rain,light),(wind,strong)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,low),(rain,light),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,high),(rain,none),(wind,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,high),(rain,none),(wind,none)},3 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,low),(rain,light),(wind,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"
rp $ vars aa
size aa
20 % 1
histogramsIsUniform aa
histogramsIsIntegral aa
histogramsIsUnit aa
size $ unit (cart uu vv)
81 % 1
eff aa `leq` unit (cart uu vv)
rpln $ aall $ norm aa
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},1 % 10)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},1 % 10)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},1 % 20)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,high),(rain,light),(wind,strong)},1 % 20)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,low),(rain,light),(wind,none)},1 % 20)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},1 % 20)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,light)},1 % 20)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,none)},1 % 20)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,none)},1 % 20)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,high),(rain,none),(wind,light)},1 % 10)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,high),(rain,none),(wind,none)},3 % 20)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,low),(rain,light),(wind,light)},1 % 20)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,light)},1 % 10)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,none)},1 % 20)"
Now consider the relationships (a) between pressure
and rain
histogramsIsDiagonal aa
histogramsIsCausal aa
let red aa ll = setVarsHistogramsReduce (Set.fromList ll) aa
ssplit ll aa = Set.toList (setVarsSetStatesSplit (Set.fromList ll) (states aa))
rpln $ aall $ aa `red` [pressure,rain]
"({(pressure,high),(rain,heavy)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,none)},5 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,heavy)},4 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,light)},4 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,none)},2 % 1)"
rpln $ ssplit [pressure] (aa `red` [pressure,rain])
histogramsIsCausal $ aa `red` [pressure,rain]
and (b) between (i) cloud
and wind
, and (ii) rain
rpln $ aall $ aa `red` [cloud,wind,rain]
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(wind,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(wind,none)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(wind,strong)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(wind,light)},3 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(wind,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(wind,none)},4 % 1)"
rpln $ ssplit [cloud,wind] (aa `red` [cloud,wind,rain])
histogramsIsCausal $ aa `red` [cloud,wind,rain]
Although the sample histogram is neither diagonal nor causal, it is not independent, $A \neq A^{\mathrm{X}}$,
aa == ind aa
The perimeters are
rpln $ aall $ aa `red` [pressure]
"({(pressure,high)},7 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low)},6 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium)},7 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `red` [cloud]
"({(cloud,heavy)},4 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light)},7 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none)},9 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `red` [wind]
"({(wind,light)},9 % 1)"
"({(wind,none)},7 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong)},4 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `red` [rain]
"({(rain,heavy)},6 % 1)"
"({(rain,light)},7 % 1)"
"({(rain,none)},7 % 1)"
The sample independent is
rpln $ aall $ ind aa
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},189 % 1000)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(wind,none)},147 % 1000)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},21 % 250)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,high),(rain,light),(wind,light)},441 % 2000)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,strong)},441 % 2000)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,light)},3969 % 8000)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,none)},3087 % 8000)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,strong)},441 % 2000)"
The weather forecast example continues in Entropy and alignment.