Functional definition sets

Python implementation of the Overview/Functional definition sets



Conversion to transform

One functional definition sets

Example - a weather forecast


A functional definition set $F \in \mathcal{F}$ is a set of unit functional transforms, $\forall T \in F~(T \in \mathcal{T}_{\mathrm{f}})$. Functional definition sets are also called fuds. The Fud type is defined as a set of Transform,

newtype Fud = Fud (Set.Set Transform)

A fud is constructed from a set of transforms,

setTransformsFud :: Set.Set Transform -> Maybe Fud

Consider the deck of cards example,

def lluu(ll):
    return listsSystem([(v,sset(ww)) for (v,ww) in ll])

[suit,rank] = map(VarStr, ["suit","rank"])
[hearts,clubs,diamonds,spades] = map(ValStr, ["hearts","clubs","diamonds","spades"])
[jack,queen,king,ace] = map(ValStr, ["J","Q","K","A"])

uu = lluu([
      (suit, [hearts,clubs,diamonds,spades]),
      (rank, [jack,queen,king,ace] + list(map(ValInt,range(2,10+1))))])

vv = sset([suit, rank])

# {(rank, {A, J, K, Q, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}), (suit, {clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades})}

# {rank, suit}

aa = unit(cart(uu,vv))

# ({(rank, A), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, A), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, A), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, A), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, J), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, J), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ...
# ({(rank, 9), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, 9), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)

A transform $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ can be constructed relating the suit to the colour,

def lltt(kk,ww,qq):
    return trans(unit(sset([llss(zip(kk + ww,ll)) for ll in qq])),sset(ww))

colour = VarStr("colour")
red = ValStr("red")
black = ValStr("black")

ttc = lltt([suit],[colour],[
      [hearts, red], 
      [clubs, black], 
      [diamonds, red], 
      [spades, black]])

# ({(colour, black), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)

# {suit}

# {colour}

Another transform $T_{\mathrm{t}}$ can be constructed relating the rank to whether it is a pip card or a face card,

pip_or_face = VarStr("pip_or_face")
pip = ValStr("pip")
face = ValStr("face")

ttt = lltt([rank],[pip_or_face],[
      [ace, pip], 
      [king, face], 
      [queen, face], 
      [jack, face]] +
      [[ValInt(i), pip] for i in range(2,10+1)])

# ({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, J)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, K)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, Q)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, A)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 2)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 3)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 4)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 5)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 6)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 7)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 8)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 9)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 10)}, 1 % 1)

# {rank}

# {pip_or_face}

Now a fud $F$ can be constructed with the two transforms, $F = \{T_{\mathrm{c}},T_{\mathrm{t}}\}$,

def llff(ll):
    return setTransformsFud(sset(ll))

def ffll(ff):
    return list(fudsSetTransform(ff))

ff = llff([ttc, ttt])

# ({({(colour, black), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1), ({(colour, black), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1), ({(colour, red), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1), ({(colour, red),(suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)}, {colour})
# ({({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, J)}, 1 % 1), ({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, K)}, 1 % 1),..., (rank, 10)}, 1 % 1)}, {pip_or_face})

Fuds are constrained such that derived variables can appear in only one transform. That is, the sets of derived variables are disjoint, \[ \forall F \in \mathcal{F}~\forall T_1,T_2 \in F~(T_1 \neq T_2 \implies \mathrm{der}(T_1) \cap \mathrm{der}(T_2) = \emptyset) \]

all([len(der(tt1) & der(tt2)) == 0 for tt1 in ffll(ff) for tt2 in ffll(ff) if tt1 != tt2])
# True

The set of fud histograms is $\mathrm{his}(F) := \{\mathrm{his}(T) : T \in F\}$.

The set of fud variables is $\mathrm{vars}(F) := \bigcup \{\mathrm{vars}(X) : X \in \mathrm{his}(F)\}$.

The fud derived is $\mathrm{der}(F) := \bigcup_{T \in F} \mathrm{der}(T) \setminus \bigcup_{T \in F} \mathrm{und}(T)$.

The fud underlying is $\mathrm{und}(F) := \bigcup_{T \in F} \mathrm{und}(T) \setminus \bigcup_{T \in F} \mathrm{der}(T)$,

fudsSetHistogram :: Fud -> Set.Set Histogram 
fudsVars :: Fud -> Set.Set Variable
fudsDerived :: Fud -> Set.Set Variable
fudsUnderlying :: Fud -> Set.Set Variable

For example,

fhis = fudsSetHistogram
fvars = fudsSetVar
fder = fudsDerived
fund = fudsUnderlying

# {({(colour, black), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1), ({(colour, black), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1), ({(colour, red), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1), ({(colour, red), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)}
# {({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, J)}, 1 % 1), ({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, K)}, 1 % 1), ..., (rank, 10)}, 1 % 1)}

# {colour, pip_or_face, rank, suit}

# {rank, suit}

# {colour, pip_or_face}

Now consider a third transform $T_{\mathrm{rf}}$ with a derived variable red_face which has value yes for cards which are both red and face, and value no otherwise,

red_face = VarStr("red_face")
yes = ValStr("yes")
no = ValStr("no")

ttrf = lltt([colour,pip_or_face],[red_face],[
      [red, face, yes], 
      [red, pip, no], 
      [black, face, no], 
      [black, pip, no]])

# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face), (red_face, no)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, pip), (red_face, no)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, face), (red_face, yes)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip), (red_face, no)}, 1 % 1)

# {colour, pip_or_face}

# {red_face}

The underlying of the third transform, $T_{\mathrm{rf}}$, equals the derived of the other transforms, $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ and $T_{\mathrm{t}}$,

und(ttrf) == der(ttc) | der(ttt)
# True

Now let fud $G$ contain all three transforms, $G = F \cup \{T_{\mathrm{rf}}\} = \{T_{\mathrm{c}},T_{\mathrm{t}},T_{\mathrm{rf}}\}$,

gg = llff(ffll(ff) + [ttrf])

# {({(colour, black), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1), ({(colour, black), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1), ..., ({(colour, red), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)}
# {({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face), (red_face, no)}, 1 % 1), ..., ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip), (red_face, no)}, 1 % 1)}
# {({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, J)}, 1 % 1), ({(pip_or_face, face), (rank, K)}, 1 % 1), ..., ({(pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 10)}, 1 % 1)}

# {colour, pip_or_face, rank, red_face, suit}

# {rank, suit}

# {red_face}

# True

all([len(der(tt1) & der(tt2)) == 0 for tt1 in ffll(ff) for tt2 in ffll(ff) if tt1 != tt2])
# True

The intermediate variables, colour and pip_or_face, are now hidden in $G$, appearing in neither the underlying nor the derived,

fvars(gg) - fund(gg) - fder(gg)
# {colour, pip_or_face}

Conversion to transform

A functional definition set is a model, so it can be converted to a functional transform, \[ \begin{eqnarray} F^{\mathrm{T}} &:=& (\prod \mathrm{his}(F)~\%~(\mathrm{der}(F) \cup \mathrm{und}(F)),~\mathrm{der}(F)) \end{eqnarray} \]

fudsTransform :: Fud -> Transform

For example,

def ssplit(ll,aa):
    return setVarsSetStatesSplit(sset(ll),states(aa))

fftt = fudsTransform

# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face), (rank, J), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face), (rank, J), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face), (rank, K), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face), (rank, K), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face), (rank, Q), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face), (rank, Q), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, pip), (rank, A), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, black), (pip_or_face, pip), (rank, A), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ...
# ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 8), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 8), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 9), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 9), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 10), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip), (rank, 10), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)

# ({(rank, A), (suit, clubs)}, {(colour, black), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, diamonds)}, {(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, hearts)}, {(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, spades)}, {(colour, black), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, J), (suit, clubs)}, {(colour, black), (pip_or_face, face)})
# ({(rank, J), (suit, diamonds)}, {(colour, red), (pip_or_face, face)})
# ...
# ({(rank, 9), (suit, hearts)}, {(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, 9), (suit, spades)}, {(colour, black), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, clubs)}, {(colour, black), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, diamonds)}, {(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, hearts)}, {(colour, red), (pip_or_face, pip)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, spades)}, {(colour, black), (pip_or_face, pip)})

# ({(rank, A), (red_face, no), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, A), (red_face, no), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, A), (red_face, no), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, A), (red_face, no), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, J), (red_face, no), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, J), (red_face, no), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, J), (red_face, yes), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, J), (red_face, yes), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)
# ...
# ({(rank, 10), (red_face, no), (suit, clubs)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, 10), (red_face, no), (suit, diamonds)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, 10), (red_face, no), (suit, hearts)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(rank, 10), (red_face, no), (suit, spades)}, 1 % 1)

# ({(rank, A), (suit, clubs)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, diamonds)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, hearts)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, spades)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, J), (suit, clubs)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, J), (suit, diamonds)}, {(red_face, yes)})
# ...
# ({(rank, 9), (suit, hearts)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 9), (suit, spades)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, clubs)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, diamonds)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, hearts)}, {(red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, spades)}, {(red_face, no)})

The resultant transform has the same derived and underlying variables as the fud, $\mathrm{der}(F^{\mathrm{T}}) = \mathrm{der}(F)$ and $\mathrm{und}(F^{\mathrm{T}}) = \mathrm{und}(F)$,

der(fftt(ff)) == fder(ff)
# True

und(fftt(ff)) == fund(ff)
# True

der(fftt(gg)) == fder(gg)
# True

und(fftt(gg)) == fund(gg)
# True

One functional definition sets

The set of one functional definition sets $\mathcal{F}_{U,\mathrm{1}}$ in system $U$ is the subset of the functional definition sets, $\mathcal{F}_{U,\mathrm{1}} \subset \mathcal{F}$, such that all transforms are one functional and the fuds are not circular. The transform of a one functional definition set is a one functional transform, $\forall F \in \mathcal{F}_{U,1}~(F^{\mathrm{T}} \in \mathcal{T}_{U,\mathrm{f},1})$. In the case of the deck of cards example the fuds, $F$ and $G$, are one functional definition sets, so the reduction of the fud transform histogram to underlying variables is cartesian, $\mathrm{his}(F^{\mathrm{T}})\%V = V^{\mathrm{C}}$ and $\mathrm{his}(G^{\mathrm{T}})\%V = V^{\mathrm{C}}$,

ared(ttaa(fftt(ff)),vv) == unit(cart(uu,vv))
# True

ared(ttaa(fftt(gg)),vv) == unit(cart(uu,vv))
# True

A dependent variable of a one functional definition set $F \in \mathcal{F}_{U,1}$ is any variable that is not a fud underlying variable, $\mathrm{vars}(F) \setminus \mathrm{und}(F)$,

fvars(ff) - fund(ff)
# {colour, pip_or_face}

fvars(gg) - fund(gg)
# {colour, pip_or_face, red_face}

Each dependent variable depends on an underlying subset of the fud, $\mathrm{depends} \in \mathcal{F} \times \mathrm{P}(\mathcal{V}) \to \mathcal{F}$ such that $\forall w \in \mathrm{vars}(F) \setminus \mathrm{und}(F)~(\mathrm{depends}(F,\{w\}) \subseteq F)$,

fudsVarsDepends :: Fud -> Set.Set Variable -> Fud

For example,

def depends(ff,v):
    return fudsSetVarsDepends(ff,sset([v]))

depends(gg,colour) == llff([ttc])
# True

depends(gg,pip_or_face) == llff([ttt])
# True

depends(gg,red_face) == gg
# True

Each dependent variable is in a layer. The layer is the length of the longest path of underlying transforms to the dependent variable. Given fud $F \in \mathcal{F}_{U,\mathrm{1}}$, let $l$ be the highest layer, $l = \mathrm{layer}(F,\mathrm{der}(F))$, where $\mathrm{layer} \in \mathcal{F} \times \mathrm{P}(\mathcal{V}) \to \mathbf{N}$ is defined in terms of $\mathrm{depends} \in \mathcal{F} \times \mathrm{P}(\mathcal{V}) \to \mathcal{F}$,

fudsSetVarsLayer :: Fud -> Set.Set Variable -> Integer

For example,

def layer(ff,v):
    return fudsSetVarsLayer(ff,sset([v]))

# 1

# 1

# 2

Let $F_i$ be the subset of the fud in a particular layer, $F_i = \{T : T \in F,~\mathrm{layer}(F,\mathrm{der}(T))=i\}$. Then $F = \bigcup_{i \in \{1 \ldots l\}} F_i$,

l = fudsSetVarsLayer(gg,fder(gg))

[len(ffi) for i in range(1,l+1) for ffi in [llff([tt for tt in gg if fudsSetVarsLayer(gg,der(tt)) == i])]]
# [2, 1]

A one functional definition set $F \in \mathcal{F}_{U,1}$ is non-overlapping if the sets of variables of the underlying transforms of each of the fud derived variables are disjoint, $\forall v,w \in \mathrm{der}(F)~(v \neq w~\wedge~\mathrm{vars}(\mathrm{depends}(F,\{v\})) \cap \mathrm{vars}(\mathrm{depends}(F,\{w\})) = \emptyset)$,

fudsOverlap :: Fud -> Bool

For example, neither fud $F$ nor fud $G$ are overlapping,

def isnonoverlap(ff):
    return not fudsOverlap(ff)

# True

# {colour, pip_or_face}

len(fvars(depends(ff,colour)) & fvars(depends(ff,pip_or_face))) == 0
# True

# True

# {red_face}

Let a fourth transform $T_{\mathrm{op}}$ with a derived variable odd_pip have value yes for odd pip cards, and value no otherwise,

odd_pip = VarStr("odd_pip")

ttop = lltt([rank],[odd_pip],[
      [ace, yes], 
      [king, no], 
      [queen, no], 
      [jack, no]] +
      [[ValInt(i), no] for i in [2,4,6,8,10]] +
      [[ValInt(i), yes] for i in [3,5,7,9]])

# ({(odd_pip, no), (rank, J)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, no), (rank, K)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, no), (rank, Q)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, no), (rank, 2)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, no), (rank, 4)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, no), (rank, 6)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, no), (rank, 8)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, no), (rank, 10)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, yes), (rank, A)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, yes), (rank, 3)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, yes), (rank, 5)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, yes), (rank, 7)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(odd_pip, yes), (rank, 9)}, 1 % 1)

# {rank}

# {odd_pip}

Now let fud $H$ contain all three transforms, $H = G \cup \{T_{\mathrm{op}}\} = \{T_{\mathrm{c}},T_{\mathrm{t}},T_{\mathrm{rf}},T_{\mathrm{op}}\}$,

hh = llff(ffll(gg) + [ttop])


# {colour, odd_pip, pip_or_face, rank, red_face, suit}

# {rank, suit}

# {odd_pip, red_face}

# True

all([len(der(tt1) & der(tt2)) == 0 for tt1 in ffll(hh) for tt2 in ffll(hh) if tt1 != tt2])
# True

# ({(rank, A), (suit, clubs)}, {(odd_pip, yes), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, diamonds)}, {(odd_pip, yes), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, hearts)}, {(odd_pip, yes), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, A), (suit, spades)}, {(odd_pip, yes), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, J), (suit, clubs)}, {(odd_pip, no), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, J), (suit, diamonds)}, {(odd_pip, no), (red_face, yes)})
# ...
# ({(rank, 9), (suit, hearts)}, {(odd_pip, yes), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 9), (suit, spades)}, {(odd_pip, yes), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, clubs)}, {(odd_pip, no), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, diamonds)}, {(odd_pip, no), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, hearts)}, {(odd_pip, no), (red_face, no)})
# ({(rank, 10), (suit, spades)}, {(odd_pip, no), (red_face, no)})

Fud $H$ is overlapping because the underlying transforms for red_face and odd_pip share rank,

# False

fvars(depends(hh,red_face)) & fvars(depends(hh,odd_pip))
# {rank}

# {rank, suit}

# {rank}

If the transform, $T$, is non-overlapping, then its formal is always independent, $A^{\mathrm{X}} * T = (A^{\mathrm{X}} * T)^{\mathrm{X}}$, where $A$ is any underlying histogram, $\mathrm{vars}(A) \supseteq \mathrm{und}(T)$. For example,

tmul(ind(aa),fftt(ff)) == ind(tmul(ind(aa),fftt(ff)))
# True

tmul(ind(aa),fftt(gg)) == ind(tmul(ind(aa),fftt(gg)))
# True

tmul(ind(aa),fftt(hh)) == ind(tmul(ind(aa),fftt(hh)))
# False

Example - a weather forecast

Some of the concepts above regarding functional definition sets can be demonstrated with the sample of some weather measurements created in States, histories and histograms,

def lluu(ll):
    return listsSystem([(v,sset(ww)) for (v,ww) in ll])

def llhh(vv,ev):
    return listsHistory([(IdInt(i), llss(zip(vv,ll))) for (i,ll) in ev])

def ared(aa,vv):
    return setVarsHistogramsReduce(vv,aa)

def red(aa,ll):
    return setVarsHistogramsReduce(sset(ll),aa)

def ssplit(ll,aa):
    return setVarsSetStatesSplit(sset(ll),states(aa))

def aarr(aa):
    return [(ss,float(q)) for (ss,q) in aall(aa)]

def lltt(kk,ww,qq):
    return trans(unit(sset([llss(zip(kk + ww,ll)) for ll in qq])),sset(ww))

def query(qq,tt,aa,ll):
    return norm(red(mul(mul(tmul(qq,tt),ttaa(tt)),aa),ll))

ent = histogramsEntropy 

cent = transformsHistogramsEntropyComponent

def rent(aa,bb):
    a = size(aa)
    b = size(bb)
    return (a+b) * ent(add(aa,bb)) - a * ent(aa) - b * ent(bb)

def tlent(tt,aa,ll):
    return setVarsTransformsHistogramsEntropyLabel(vars(aa)-sset(ll),tt,aa)

def tlalgn(tt,aa,ll):
    return algn(ared(mul(aa,ttaa(tt)),der(tt)|sset(ll)))

def layer(ff,v):
    return fudsSetVarsLayer(ff,sset([v]))

def isnonoverlap(ff):
    return not fudsOverlap(ff)

[pressure,cloud,wind,rain] = map(VarStr,["pressure","cloud","wind","rain"])

[low,medium,high,none,light,heavy,strong] = map(ValStr,["low","medium","high","none","light","heavy","strong"])

uu = lluu([
      (pressure, [low,medium,high]),
      (cloud,    [none,light,heavy]),
      (wind,     [none,light,strong]),
      (rain,     [none,light,heavy])])

vv = uvars(uu)

hh = llhh([pressure,cloud,wind,rain],[

aa = hhaa(hh)

vvc = unit(cart(uu,vv))

# {(cloud, {heavy, light, none}), (pressure, {high, low, medium}), (rain, {heavy, light, none}), (wind, {light, none, strong})}

# {cloud, pressure, rain, wind}

# ({(cloud, heavy), (pressure, low), (rain, heavy), (wind, light)}, 2 % 1)
# ({(cloud, heavy), (pressure, low), (rain, heavy), (wind, strong)}, 2 % 1)
# ({(cloud, light), (pressure, high), (rain, heavy), (wind, light)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(cloud, light), (pressure, high), (rain, light), (wind, strong)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(cloud, light), (pressure, low), (rain, light), (wind, none)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(cloud, light), (pressure, medium), (rain, heavy), (wind, strong)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(cloud, light), (pressure, medium), (rain, light), (wind, light)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(cloud, light), (pressure, medium), (rain, light), (wind, none)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(cloud, light), (pressure, medium), (rain, none), (wind, none)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(cloud, none), (pressure, high), (rain, none), (wind, light)}, 2 % 1)
# ({(cloud, none), (pressure, high), (rain, none), (wind, none)}, 3 % 1)
# ({(cloud, none), (pressure, low), (rain, light), (wind, light)}, 1 % 1)
# ({(cloud, none), (pressure, medium), (rain, light), (wind, light)}, 2 % 1)
# ({(cloud, none), (pressure, medium), (rain, none), (wind, none)}, 1 % 1)

# 20 % 1

We considered the case where we wish to predict the rain given the pressure, cloud and wind in Transforms, by creating a transform which related cloud and wind, $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$,

# 2.7673350044725016

cloud_and_wind = VarStr("cloud_and_wind")

ttcw = lltt([cloud,wind],[cloud_and_wind],[
      [none, none, none],
      [none, light, light],
      [none, strong, light],
      [light, none, light],
      [light, light, light],
      [light, strong, light],
      [heavy, none, strong],
      [heavy, light, strong],
      [heavy, strong, strong]])

It was shown that the alignment between cloud_and_wind and rain is greater than the alignments between any of cloud, wind or pressure and rain,

# 4.278766678519384

# 6.4150379630063465

# 3.930131313218345

# 6.743705969634357


# 6.743705969634357

The relative entropy is

# 0.9819412530333693

The label entropy is

# 11.51537752694459

In the case of medium pressure, heavy cloud and light winds, the forecast for rain is heavy,

qq1 = hhaa(llhh([pressure,cloud,wind],[(1,[medium,heavy,light])]))

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 1.0)

In the case of low pressure, but no cloud and light winds, the prediction of the model $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$ is ambiguous,

qq2 = hhaa(llhh([pressure,cloud,wind],[(1,[low,none,light])]))

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 0.16666666666666666)
# ({(rain, light)}, 0.5833333333333334)
# ({(rain, none)}, 0.25)

Then it was found that a better predictor of the rain can be made by constructing a transform $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$ that relates cloud and pressure,

# 4.6232784937782885

cloud_and_pressure = VarStr("cloud_and_pressure")

ttcp = lltt([cloud,pressure],[cloud_and_pressure],[
      [none, high, none],
      [none, medium, light],
      [none, low, light],
      [light, high, light],
      [light, medium, light],
      [light, low, light],
      [heavy, high, strong],
      [heavy, medium, strong],
      [heavy, low, strong]])

# 8.020893995655356

The relative entropy is

# 1.4736881918377236

The label entropy is

# 9.982888235155102

In the case of medium pressure, heavy cloud and light winds, the forecast for rain is still heavy,

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 1.0)

In the case of low pressure, but no cloud and light winds, the prediction of the model $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$ is also ambiguous, but the forecast of no rain is less probable,

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 0.18181818181818182)
# ({(rain, light)}, 0.6363636363636364)
# ({(rain, none)}, 0.18181818181818182)

Now consider a fud constructed from the two transforms $F = \{T_{\mathrm{cw}},T_{\mathrm{cp}}\}$,

ff = llff([ttcw, ttcp])

# {cloud, pressure, wind}

# {cloud_and_pressure, cloud_and_wind}

# {cloud_and_pressure, cloud_and_wind}

The label alignment of the fud transform, $F^{\mathrm{T}}$, is

# 14.228011796647355


# 14.228011796647355

# ({(cloud_and_pressure, light), (cloud_and_wind, light)}, {(rain, heavy)})
# ({(cloud_and_pressure, light), (cloud_and_wind, light)}, {(rain, light)})
# ({(cloud_and_pressure, light), (cloud_and_wind, light)}, {(rain, none)})
# ({(cloud_and_pressure, light), (cloud_and_wind, none)}, {(rain, none)})
# ({(cloud_and_pressure, none), (cloud_and_wind, light)}, {(rain, none)})
# ({(cloud_and_pressure, none), (cloud_and_wind, none)}, {(rain, none)})
# ({(cloud_and_pressure, strong), (cloud_and_wind, strong)}, {(rain, heavy)})

So the label alignment of the model, $F$, is even greater than the sample alignment,

# 11.85085227502473

The reason is that transforms $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$ and $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$ share underlying variable cloud,

und(ttcw) & und(ttcp)
# {cloud}

so the fud is overlapping

# False

and the formal is not independent,

tmul(ind(aa),fftt(ff)) == ind(tmul(ind(aa),fftt(ff)))
# False

# 6.984724493295616

The formal alignment is non-zero, so consider the label content alignment of the fud transform, $F^{\mathrm{T}}$, which is the label alignment minus the label formal alignment,

# 14.228011796647355

# 4.885137181562289

tlalgn(fftt(ff),aa,[rain]) - tlalgn(fftt(ff),ind(aa),[rain])
# 9.342874615085066

# 11.85085227502473

So the label content alignment is now less than the sample alignment.

The relative entropy is

# 2.018496742223732

The label entropy is

# 8.018185525433372

So the fud, $F$, has (a) higher relative entropy, (b) higher label content alignment, and (c) lower label entropy than the other models.

Again, in the case of medium pressure, heavy cloud and light winds, the forecast for rain is heavy,

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 1.0)

In the case of low pressure, no cloud and light winds, the forecast is also ambiguous, but the forecast of no rain is the least probable of the models so far,

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 0.2)
# ({(rain, light)}, 0.7)
# ({(rain, none)}, 0.1)

This query is effective in the sample, $Q_2 \in (A\%K)^{\mathrm{FS}}$, predicting light rain,

# ({(rain, light)}, 1.0)

so the prediction from the sample differs from the predictions of the models. The fud transform, $F^{\mathrm{T}}$, has the closest forecast,

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 0.16666666666666666)
# ({(rain, light)}, 0.5833333333333334)
# ({(rain, none)}, 0.25)

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 0.18181818181818182)
# ({(rain, light)}, 0.6363636363636364)
# ({(rain, none)}, 0.18181818181818182)

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 0.2)
# ({(rain, light)}, 0.7)
# ({(rain, none)}, 0.1)

So model $F^{\mathrm{T}}$ is most likely in this case.

In the case of high pressure, no cloud and strong winds, the prediction of the model $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$ expects rain,

qq3 = hhaa(llhh([pressure,cloud,wind],[(1,[high,none,strong])]))

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 0.16666666666666666)
# ({(rain, light)}, 0.5833333333333334)
# ({(rain, none)}, 0.25)

but the predictions of the models $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$ and $F^{\mathrm{T}}$ are only for dry weather,

# ({(rain, none)}, 1.0)

# ({(rain, none)}, 1.0)

So models $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$ and $F^{\mathrm{T}}$ are most likely in this case.

Now consider another transform $T_{\mathrm{cwp}}$ which relates the two derived variables, cloud_and_wind and cloud_and_pressure,

cloud_wind_pressure = VarStr("cloud_wind_pressure")

ttcwp = lltt([cloud_and_wind,cloud_and_pressure],[cloud_wind_pressure],[
      [none, none, none],
      [none, light, none],
      [none, strong, none],
      [light, none, none],
      [light, light, light],
      [light, strong, light],
      [strong, none, none],
      [strong, light, light],
      [strong, strong, strong]])

If we add the new transform, $T_{\mathrm{cwp}}$, to the fud, $F$, we obtain a two layer fud $G = \{T_{\mathrm{cw}},T_{\mathrm{cp}},T_{\mathrm{cwp}}\}$,

gg = llff([ttcw, ttcp, ttcwp])

# 1

# 1

# 2

# {cloud, pressure, wind}

# {cloud_wind_pressure}

# {cloud_wind_pressure}

The alignment of the fud transform, $G^{\mathrm{T}}$, is lower than for the single layer fud, $F^{\mathrm{T}}$,

# 9.65426190284667


# 9.65426190284667

# ({(cloud_wind_pressure, light)}, {(rain, heavy)})
# ({(cloud_wind_pressure, light)}, {(rain, light)})
# ({(cloud_wind_pressure, light)}, {(rain, none)})
# ({(cloud_wind_pressure, none)}, {(rain, none)})
# ({(cloud_wind_pressure, strong)}, {(rain, heavy)})

The fud, $G$, is non-overlapping, however,

# True

and so the formal is independent,

tmul(ind(aa),fftt(gg)) == ind(tmul(ind(aa),fftt(gg)))
# True

# 0.0

# 0.0

The label content alignment of the fud transform $G^{\mathrm{T}}$ is greater than the label content alignment of the fud transform $F^{\mathrm{T}}$,

tlalgn(fftt(gg),aa,[rain]) - tlalgn(fftt(gg),ind(aa),[rain])
# 9.65426190284667

tlalgn(fftt(ff),aa,[rain]) - tlalgn(fftt(ff),ind(aa),[rain])
# 9.342874615085066

The relative entropy is

# 0.9832138502623167

The label entropy is

# 8.018185525433372

So the fud transform $G^{\mathrm{T}}$ has lower relative entropy but the same label entropy as fud transform $F^{\mathrm{T}}$. Overall, the forecasts for rain for model $G^{\mathrm{T}}$ are always the same as for model $F^{\mathrm{T}}$,

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 1.0)

# ({(rain, heavy)}, 0.2)
# ({(rain, light)}, 0.7)
# ({(rain, none)}, 0.1)

# ({(rain, none)}, 1.0)

kk = vv - sset([rain])

all([query(qq,fftt(gg),aa,[rain]) == query(qq,fftt(ff),aa,[rain]) for ss in cart(uu,kk) for qq in [unit(sset([ss]))]])
# True

To summarise the models,

[ent(tmul(aa,tt)) for tt in [ttcw, ttcp, fftt(ff), fftt(gg)]]
# [0.9502705392332347, 0.9972715231823841, 1.333074293476779, 1.0296530140645737]

[cent(tt,aa) for tt in [ttcw, ttcp, fftt(ff), fftt(gg)]]
# [1.603411018796562, 1.5564100348474128, 1.2206072645530173, 1.5240285439652228]

[rent(tmul(aa,tt),tmul(vvc,tt)) for tt in [ttcw, ttcp, fftt(ff), fftt(gg)]]
# [0.9819412530333693, 1.4736881918377236, 2.018496742223732, 0.9832138502623167]

[tlalgn(tt,aa,[rain])-tlalgn(tt,ind(aa),[rain]) for tt in [ttcw, ttcp, fftt(ff), fftt(gg)]]
# [6.743705969634357, 8.020893995655356, 9.342874615085066, 9.65426190284667]

[tlent(tt,aa,[rain]) for tt in [ttcw, ttcp, fftt(ff), fftt(gg)]]
# [11.51537752694459, 9.982888235155102, 8.018185525433372, 8.018185525433372]

The weather forecast example continues in Decompositions.
