Haskell implementation of fast Practicable Inducers
The Haskell implementation of Tractable and Practicable Inducers discusses the implementation of the inducers in the Code commentary using the Alignment repository. Here the discussion is extended to an implementation using the AlignmentRepa repository. The AlignmentRepa repository is a fast Haskell implementation of some of the practicable inducers described in the paper. The AlignmentRepa repository depends on the Alignment repository for the underlying model framework. Also, the slower implementations of some of the practicable inducers in the Alignment repository can be used to verify the correctness of equivalent faster implementations in AlignmentRepa.
The references to page numbers below are to the April 18 version (201803290540.PAP1) of the paper.
The code in this Haskell commentary can be executed by copying and pasting the code into a Haskell interpreter running the implementation in AlignmentRepa repository. Also see the Introduction in Notation.
Fast Practicable Inducers
Derived variables set builders
Weather Forecast example
The Weather Forecast example is compared to the set-theoretic implementation in Limited-nodes highest-layer excluded-self maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension fud decomper.