Haskell implementation of Tractable and Practicable Inducers
Haskell commentary on the implementation of Tractable and Practicable Inducers/Haskell Implementation
Readers interested mainly in implementation should focus on the following sections of the paper: ‘Substrate structures’, ‘Shuffled history’, ‘Rolls’, ‘Computation time and representation space’, ‘Rolled alignment’, ‘Decomposition alignment’, ‘Computation of alignment’, ‘Tractable alignment-bounding’ and ‘Practicable alignment-bounding’.
The references to page numbers below are to the April 18 version (201803290540.PAP1) of the paper.
This page contains Haskell code that implements the inducers discussed in the Haskell commentary. The following text comes mainly from the ‘Practicable alignment-bounding’ section P633.
Note that some of the example code below relies on the Weather Forecast example of the Haskell commentary on the Overview. The Weather Forecast example is summarised at the beginning of Functional definition sets.
The code in this Haskell commentary can be executed by copying and pasting the code into a Haskell interpreter running the implementation in Alignment repository. See the Introduction in Notation.
Practicable alignment-bounding
Practicable fud decomposition fud
Conditional entropy optimisation
Weather Forecast examples
There is a thread of Weather Forecast examples which demonstrate some of the concepts in the sections above,
Contracted decrementing linear non-overlapping fuds list maximiser initial subset
Contracted decrementing linear non-overlapping fuds list maximiser neighbourhood function
Contracted decrementing linear non-overlapping fuds list maximiser
Maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension contracted decrementing linear non-overlapping fuds tree maximiser
Limited-underlying tuple set list maximiser
Limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Highest-layer limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Limited-derived derived variables set list maximiser
Practicable shuffle content alignment valency-density fud inducer
Practicable highest-layer shuffle content alignment valency-density fud inducer
Practicable highest-layer summed shuffle content alignment valency-density fud decomposition inducer
Highest-layer excluded-self maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension fud decomper