Fud searchers
Haskell commentary on the implementation of Tractable and Practicable Inducers/Haskell Implementation/Fud searchers
Limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Highest-layer limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Excluded-self limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Maximum-roll highest-layer layerer
Excluded-self maximum-roll highest-layer layerer
Excluded-self maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension highest-layer layerer
Level limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Level excluded-self maximum-roll highest-layer layerer
Level excluded-self maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension highest-layer layerer
Limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
The limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher creates a path of layer-cumulative fuds of length $\mathrm{lmax}$. Define the limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher (Text) \[ Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L}} = \mathrm{searchTreer}(\mathcal{F}_{\infty,U_A,V_A} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{u}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{b}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{h}},P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L}},\{\emptyset\}) \] where the neighbourhood function returns a singleton \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L}}(F) = \{G :\\ &&\hspace{2em}G = F \cup \{T : K \in \mathrm{topd}(\lfloor\mathrm{bmax}/\mathrm{mmax}\rfloor)(\mathrm{elements}(Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{B}})),\\ &&\hspace{5em}H \in \mathrm{topd}(\mathrm{pmax})(\mathrm{elements}(Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{n},-,K})),\\ &&\hspace{5em}w \in \mathrm{der}(H),~I = \mathrm{depends}(\mathrm{explode}(H),\{w\}),~T = I^{\mathrm{TPT}}\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}\mathrm{layer}(G, \mathrm{der}(G)) \leq \mathrm{lmax}\} \end{eqnarray} \] If the substrate variables are pluri-variate, $|V_A| > 1$, the optimised limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud $F_{\mathrm{L}}$ of layer $\mathrm{lmax}$ is the leaf \[ \begin{eqnarray} \{F_{\mathrm{L}}\} = \mathrm{leaves}(\mathrm{tree}(Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L}})) \subset \mathcal{F}_{\infty,U_A,V_A} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{u}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{b}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{h}} \end{eqnarray} \] If the optimised limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud, $F_{\mathrm{L}}$, exists, it has at least two variables, $|\mathrm{vars}(F_{\mathrm{L}}) \setminus V_A| > 1$.
The fud tree search function is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFud ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram ->
Maybe [Fud]
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFud lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr
| ... = Just $ ls uu fudEmpty lmax
| otherwise = Nothing
ls _ _ 0 = []
ls uu ff h = gg : ls (uu `uunion` fsys gg) gg (h-1)
gg = ff `funion` llff [(pptt . ttpp . fftt) (depends (fexplode hh) w) |
kk <- topff (bmax `div` mmax) ff (zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff),
hh <- top pmax (zzcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk), w <- qqll (fder hh)]
zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFudsFunctionOptimiserTuple xmax omax uu aa aarr ff
zzcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk
Note that this implementation is additionally constrained to be limited-valency. See the limited-valency contracted decrementing linear non-overlapping fuds list maximiser in Tuple Optimisation, which is implemented in Decrementing maximiser.
An implementation with the partition variables replaced by cardinal variables has an additional argument of a list of variables, [Variable]
. It is also defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFud ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram -> [Variable] ->
Maybe ([Fud],(System,[Variable]))
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFud lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ll
| ... = Just $ (pp,(uu',ll'))
| otherwise = Nothing
qq = ls fudEmpty uu ll lmax
pp = fst $ unzip $ qq
(uu',ll') = if qq /= [] then (last $ snd $ unzip qq) else (uu,ll)
ls _ _ _ 0 = []
ls ff uu ll h = (gg,(uu',ll')) : ls gg uu' ll' (h-1)
yy = ls2 (topff (bmax `div` mmax) ff (zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff)) uu ll
gg = ff `funion` llff (elems (llmm [(rr, tt) | hh <- (concat $ fst $ unzip yy),
w <- qqll (fder hh), let tt = fftt (depends hh w),
let rr = ttpp tt, rr `notmem` nn]))
(uu',ll') = if yy /= [] then (last $ snd $ unzip yy) else (uu,ll)
nn = llqq [ttpp tt | tt <- (qqll . ffqq) ff]
ls2 [] _ _ = []
ls2 (kk:bb) uu ll = (top pmax (fst $ unzip xx),(uu',ll')) : ls2 bb uu' ll'
(xx,(uu',ll')) = zzllcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk ll
zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFudsFunctionOptimiserTuple xmax omax uu aa aarr ff
zzllcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk ll = fromJust $
mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk ll
For example,
let zzfuds aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax = fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFud lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax (sys aa) aa aarr
let zzllfuds aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax = fst $ fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFud lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax (sys aa) aa aarr [VarInt i | i <-[10..]]
let aa = resize 100 $ regpivot 3 2
rpln $ map fmpi $ zzfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^2) 2 2 2 (3^2) 1
"{({({(1,1),(3,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)},{3}),({({(2,1),(4,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2)},1 % 1)},{4})}"
let aa = resize 100 $ regpivot 3 3
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
"{({({(1,1),(64,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(64,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(64,2)},1 % 1)},{64}),({({(2,1),(65,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(65,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(65,2)},1 % 1)},{65}),({({(3,1),(66,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(66,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(66,2)},1 % 1)},{66})}"
let aa = resize 200 $ regpivot 3 2 `mul` regtranspose [3,4] (regaxial 3 2)
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25})}"
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25})}"
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25}),({({(24,1),(30,1)},1 % 1),({(24,2),(30,2)},1 % 1)},{30}),({({(25,1),(31,1)},1 % 1),({(25,2),(31,2)},1 % 1)},{31})}"
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 3 3 3 (3^4) 1
"{({({(1,1),(625,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(625,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(625,2)},1 % 1)},{625}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1)},{624}),({({(3,1),(626,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(626,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(626,2)},1 % 1)},{626})}"
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 3 3 3 (3^4) 1
"{({({(1,1),(625,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(625,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(625,2)},1 % 1)},{625}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1)},{624}),({({(3,1),(626,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(626,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(626,2)},1 % 1)},{626})}"
"{({({(1,1),(625,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(625,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(625,2)},1 % 1)},{625}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1)},{624}),({({(3,1),(626,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(626,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(626,2)},1 % 1)},{626}),({({(4,1),(748,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(748,2)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(748,2)},1 % 1)},{748}),({({(624,1),(747,1)},1 % 1),({(624,2),(747,2)},1 % 1),({(624,3),(747,2)},1 % 1)},{747}),({({(625,1),(626,1),(746,1)},1 % 1),({(625,1),(626,2),(746,1)},1 % 1),({(625,2),(626,1),(746,2)},1 % 1),({(625,2),(626,2),(746,3)},1 % 1)},{746})}"
In the weather forecast example (summarised in Functional definition sets),
let aa = hhaa hh
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 4 (3^4) 1
"{({({(cloud,heavy),(108,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(108,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(108,3)},1 % 1)},{108}),({({(pressure,high),(106,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(106,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(106,2)},1 % 1)},{106}),({({(rain,heavy),(109,1)},1 % 1),({(rain,light),(109,2)},1 % 1),({(rain,none),(109,3)},1 % 1)},{109}),({({(wind,light),(107,1)},1 % 1),({(wind,none),(107,1)},1 % 1),({(wind,strong),(107,2)},1 % 1)},{107})}"
let ff1 = zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 4 (3^4) 1 !! 0
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rp $ fvars ff1
rp $ fder ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(108,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(108,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(108,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(106,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(106,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(106,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(109,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(109,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(109,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(107,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(107,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(107,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [pressure, VarInt 106]
"({(pressure,high),(106,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(106,2)},27 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(106,2)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [wind, VarInt 107]
"({(wind,light),(107,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(107,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(107,2)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [cloud, VarInt 108]
"({(cloud,heavy),(108,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(108,2)},27 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(108,3)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [rain, VarInt 109]
"({(rain,heavy),(109,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(109,2)},27 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(109,3)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(106,1),(107,1),(108,2),(109,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(106,1),(107,1),(108,3),(109,3)},5 % 1)"
"({(106,1),(107,2),(108,2),(109,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(106,2),(107,1),(108,1),(109,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(106,2),(107,1),(108,2),(109,2)},3 % 1)"
"({(106,2),(107,1),(108,2),(109,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(106,2),(107,1),(108,3),(109,2)},3 % 1)"
"({(106,2),(107,1),(108,3),(109,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(106,2),(107,2),(108,1),(109,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(106,2),(107,2),(108,2),(109,1)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn $ aa `fapply` ff1
algnden $ aa `fapply` ff1
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) aa
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
This is the unconstrained tuple partition cardinality case where let mmax = 4
, already described in Decrementing maximiser.
Now consider let lmax = 2
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 4 (3^4) 1
"{({({(cloud,heavy),(108,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(108,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(108,3)},1 % 1)},{108}),({({(pressure,high),(106,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(106,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(106,2)},1 % 1)},{106}),({({(rain,heavy),(109,1)},1 % 1),({(rain,light),(109,2)},1 % 1),({(rain,none),(109,3)},1 % 1)},{109}),({({(wind,light),(107,1)},1 % 1),({(wind,none),(107,1)},1 % 1),({(wind,strong),(107,2)},1 % 1)},{107})}"
"{({({(cloud,heavy),(108,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(108,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(108,3)},1 % 1)},{108}),({({(pressure,high),(106,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(106,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(106,2)},1 % 1)},{106}),({({(rain,heavy),(109,1)},1 % 1),({(rain,light),(109,2)},1 % 1),({(rain,none),(109,3)},1 % 1)},{109}),({({(wind,light),(107,1)},1 % 1),({(wind,none),(107,1)},1 % 1),({(wind,strong),(107,2)},1 % 1)},{107}),({({(107,1),(216,1)},1 % 1),({(107,2),(216,2)},1 % 1)},{216}),({({(109,1),(217,1)},1 % 1),({(109,2),(217,2)},1 % 1),({(109,3),(217,3)},1 % 1)},{217})}"
let ff2 = zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 4 (3^4) 1 !! 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff2
rp $ fvars ff2
rp $ fder ff2
rpln $ aall $ (foldl1 mul (fhis ff2)) `red` [VarInt 109, VarInt 217]
"({(109,1),(217,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(109,2),(217,2)},27 % 1)"
"({(109,3),(217,3)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (foldl1 mul (fhis ff2)) `red` [VarInt 107, VarInt 216]
"({(107,1),(216,1)},54 % 1)"
"({(107,2),(216,2)},27 % 1)"
let approx a b = round (a * 10^6) == round (b * 10^6)
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) `approx` algn (aa `fapply` ff2)
The extra layer adds another two variables, 216
and 217
, but does not increase the model alignment.
Now impose the constraint let mmax = 3
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 3 (3^4) 1
"{({({(cloud,heavy),(543,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(543,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(543,2)},1 % 1)},{543}),({({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(544,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(544,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)},{544}),({({(rain,heavy),(545,1)},1 % 1),({(rain,light),(545,2)},1 % 1),({(rain,none),(545,2)},1 % 1)},{545})}"
let ff1 = zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 3 (3^4) 1 !! 0
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rp $ fvars ff1
rp $ fder ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(543,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(543,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(543,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(544,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(544,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(545,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(545,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(545,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [pressure, wind, VarInt 544]
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(544,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(544,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
Re-arranging to show the components,
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(544,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(544,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(544,2)},9 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [cloud, VarInt 543]
"({(cloud,heavy),(543,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(543,2)},27 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(543,2)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [rain, VarInt 545]
"({(rain,heavy),(545,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(545,2)},27 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(545,2)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(543,1),(544,2),(545,1)},4 % 1)"
"({(543,2),(544,1),(545,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(543,2),(544,1),(545,2)},13 % 1)"
"({(543,2),(544,2),(545,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn $ aa `fapply` ff1
algnden $ aa `fapply` ff1
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) aa
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
This is the highest alignment valency-density case where let mmax = 3
already described in Decrementing maximiser.
Now consider let lmax = 2
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 3 (3^4) 1
"{({({(cloud,heavy),(543,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(543,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(543,2)},1 % 1)},{543}),({({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(544,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(544,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)},{544}),({({(rain,heavy),(545,1)},1 % 1),({(rain,light),(545,2)},1 % 1),({(rain,none),(545,2)},1 % 1)},{545})}"
"{({({(cloud,heavy),(543,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(543,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(543,2)},1 % 1)},{543}),({({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(544,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(544,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)},{544}),({({(pressure,high),(544,1),(778,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(544,2),(778,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(544,1),(778,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(544,2),(778,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(544,1),(778,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(544,2),(778,1)},1 % 1)},{778}),({({(rain,heavy),(545,1)},1 % 1),({(rain,light),(545,2)},1 % 1),({(rain,none),(545,2)},1 % 1)},{545})}"
let ff2 = zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 3 (3^4) 1 !! 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff2
rp $ fvars ff2
rp $ fder ff2
rpln $ aall $ (foldl1 mul (fhis ff2)) `red` [pressure, VarInt 544, VarInt 778]
"({(pressure,high),(544,1),(778,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(544,1),(778,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(544,2),(778,2)},18 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(544,1),(778,1)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff2) `red` [pressure, wind, VarInt 778]
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(778,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(778,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(778,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(778,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(778,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(778,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(778,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(778,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(778,1)},9 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) == algn (aa `fapply` ff2)
The extra layer adds another variable, 778
, but does not increase the model alignment.
Now impose the constraint let mmax = 2
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 2 (3^4) 1
"{({({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,heavy),(rain,light),(930,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,heavy),(rain,none),(930,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(930,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(930,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(930,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(930,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(930,2)},1 % 1)},{930}),({({(cloud,heavy),(1225,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(1225,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(1225,2)},1 % 1)},{1225}),({({(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(1224,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1)},{1224}),({({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(931,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(931,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(931,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(931,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(931,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(931,1)},1 % 1)},{931})}"
let ff1 = zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 2 (3^4) 1 !! 0
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rp $ fvars ff1
rp $ fder ff1
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [pressure, wind, VarInt 931]
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(931,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(931,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(931,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
Re-arranging to show the components,
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(931,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(931,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(931,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(931,2)},9 % 1)"
Cloud and rain are also in a component together,
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [cloud, rain, VarInt 930]
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,light),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,none),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(930,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(930,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(930,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(930,2)},9 % 1)"
Re-arranging to show the components,
"({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(930,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(930,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(930,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(930,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,none),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,light),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},9 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [pressure, rain, VarInt 1224]
"({(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,light),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,none),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(1224,2)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,light),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,none),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
Re-arranging to show the components,
"({(pressure,high),(rain,none),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,light),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,none),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,light),(1224,1)},9 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(1224,2)},9 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ (ttaa $ fftt $ ff1) `red` [cloud, VarInt 1225]
"({(cloud,heavy),(1225,1)},27 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(1225,2)},27 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(1225,2)},27 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(930,1),(931,2),(1224,1),(1225,2)},3 % 1)"
"({(930,1),(931,2),(1224,2),(1225,1)},4 % 1)"
"({(930,2),(931,1),(1224,1),(1225,2)},12 % 1)"
"({(930,2),(931,2),(1224,1),(1225,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff1) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) aa
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
Here the example differs from the let mmax = 2
example in Decrementing maximiser because bmax / mmax == 2
and so there are two tuples to be decremented, [pressure, wind, cloud, rain]
which is the underlying tuple for variables 930
and 931
, and [pressure, cloud, rain]
which is the underlying tuple for variables 1224
and 1225
. The overall alignment valency-density is the highest so far.
Now consider the next layer let lmax = 2
let ff2 = zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 2 (3^4) 1 !! 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff2
rp $ fvars ff2
rp $ fder ff2
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff2
"({(cloud,heavy),(931,1),(1487,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(931,2),(1487,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(931,1),(1487,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(931,2),(1487,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(931,1),(1487,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(931,2),(1487,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(1224,1),(1486,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(1224,2),(1486,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(1224,1),(1486,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(1224,2),(1486,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(1224,1),(1486,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(1224,2),(1486,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(930,1),(1225,1),(1561,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(930,1),(1225,2),(1561,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(930,2),(1225,1),(1561,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(930,2),(1225,2),(1561,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(931,1),(1224,1),(1560,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(931,1),(1224,2),(1560,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(931,2),(1224,1),(1560,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(931,2),(1224,2),(1560,2)},1 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff2) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff2)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff2) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff2)
ent (aa `fapply` ff2)
cent (fftt ff2) aa
rent (aa `fapply` ff2) (vvc `fapply` ff2)
In this case, the additional layer reduces the alignment valency-density.
Now consider increasing pmax
let ff1 = last $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 4 (3^4) 2
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rp $ fvars ff1
rp $ fder ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(278,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(278,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(278,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(352,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(352,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(352,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(354,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(279,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(279,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(279,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(353,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(353,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(353,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(355,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(355,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(355,1)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(278,1),(279,1),(352,1),(353,1),(354,2),(355,1)},4 % 1)"
"({(278,2),(279,1),(352,2),(353,1),(354,1),(355,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(278,2),(279,2),(352,2),(353,2),(354,1),(355,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(278,2),(279,2),(352,2),(353,2),(354,1),(355,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(278,2),(279,2),(352,2),(353,2),(354,2),(355,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(278,2),(279,3),(352,2),(353,2),(354,1),(355,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(278,3),(279,2),(352,2),(353,2),(354,1),(355,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(278,3),(279,2),(352,2),(353,2),(354,2),(355,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(278,3),(279,3),(352,2),(353,2),(354,1),(355,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(278,3),(279,3),(352,2),(353,2),(354,1),(355,2)},4 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff1) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) aa
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
This optimisation has the highest relative entropy, but not the highest alignment valency-density because it is a mixture of the mmax == 4
and mmax == 3
Now consider increasing pmax
and bmax
let ff1 = last $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 (4*2) 4 (3^4) 3
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rp $ fvars ff1
rp $ fder ff1
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
This case is unchanged from the previous optimisation.
Now consider predicting the rain,
let ff1 = last $ zzllfuds (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 1 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(64,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(64,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(64,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(66,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(66,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(66,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(65,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(65,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(65,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(64,1),(65,1),(66,2)},2 % 1)"
"({(64,1),(65,2),(66,2)},2 % 1)"
"({(64,2),(65,1),(66,1)},12 % 1)"
"({(64,2),(65,1),(66,2)},2 % 1)"
"({(64,2),(65,2),(66,1)},2 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff1) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
tlalgn (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff1) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff1)
57 % 1
let ff2 = last $ zzllfuds (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 2 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff2
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff2
"({(cloud,heavy),(64,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(64,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(64,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(66,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(66,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(66,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(65,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(65,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(65,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,1),(102,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(102,2)},1 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff2) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff2)
algn (aa `fapply` ff2) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff2) == algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
Here the addition of the variable 102
in the second layer is redundant.
Now impose the constraint let mmax = 2
let ff1 = last $ zzllfuds (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 1 (3^3) 3 3 2 (3^3) 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(296,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(296,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(296,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(297,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(297,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(296,1),(297,2)},4 % 1)"
"({(296,2),(297,1)},15 % 1)"
"({(296,2),(297,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff1) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
tlalgn (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff1) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff1)
60 % 1
let ff2 = last $ zzllfuds (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 2 (3^3) 3 3 2 (3^3) 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff2
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff2
"({(cloud,heavy),(296,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(296,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(296,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(297,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(297,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(297,1),(401,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(297,2),(401,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(297,1),(401,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(297,2),(401,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(297,1),(401,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(297,2),(401,1)},1 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff2) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff2)
algn (aa `fapply` ff2) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff2) == algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
Here the addition of the variable 401
in the second layer is redundant.
Now consider increasing bmax
and pmax
let ff1 = last $ zzllfuds (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 1 (3^3) 3 (3*2) 3 (3^3) 2
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(197,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(197,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(197,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(196,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(196,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(196,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(161,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(161,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(161,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(171,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(171,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(171,1)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(161,1),(171,1),(196,1),(197,2)},6 % 1)"
"({(161,1),(171,1),(196,2),(197,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(161,1),(171,1),(196,2),(197,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(161,1),(171,2),(196,1),(197,2)},6 % 1)"
"({(161,1),(171,2),(196,2),(197,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(161,2),(171,1),(196,1),(197,2)},2 % 1)"
"({(161,2),(171,1),(196,2),(197,1)},2 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff1) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
tlalgn (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff1) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff1)
54 % 1
Of the optimised predictive models this has the highest relative entropy and the lowest label entropy, but it is the least query effective. It does not have the highest alignment density, however, which is obtained by constraining mmax
Now restrict mmax
let ff1 = last $ zzllfuds (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 1 (3^3) 3 (3*2) 2 (3^3) 2
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(607,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(607,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(607,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(614,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(614,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(614,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(631,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(631,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(631,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(577,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(577,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(577,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(577,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(577,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(577,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(577,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(577,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(577,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(606,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(606,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(606,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(615,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(615,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(615,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(630,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(630,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(630,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(577,1),(606,1),(607,2),(614,2),(615,1),(630,1),(631,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(577,1),(606,1),(607,2),(614,2),(615,2),(630,1),(631,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(577,1),(606,1),(607,2),(614,2),(615,3),(630,2),(631,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(577,1),(606,1),(607,2),(614,3),(615,1),(630,1),(631,2)},4 % 1)"
"({(577,1),(606,1),(607,2),(614,3),(615,2),(630,1),(631,2)},4 % 1)"
"({(577,1),(606,2),(607,2),(614,2),(615,2),(630,1),(631,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(577,2),(606,2),(607,1),(614,1),(615,1),(630,1),(631,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(577,2),(606,2),(607,1),(614,1),(615,3),(630,2),(631,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(577,2),(606,2),(607,2),(614,3),(615,1),(630,1),(631,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff1) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
tlalgn (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff1) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff1)
42 % 1
It is clear that a more sophisticated management of the tuple partitions has the potential to increase the optimisation in some cases. This is achieved in the maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension fud tree searcher below.
The weather forecast example continues in Highest-layer limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher.
Highest-layer limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Define the highest-layer limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher (Text) \[ Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,d}} = \mathrm{searchTreer}(\mathcal{F}_{\infty,U_A,V_A} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{u}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{b}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{h}},P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,d}},\{\emptyset\}) \] where the neighbourhood function returns a singleton \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,d}}(F) = \{G : \\ &&\hspace{2em}G \in P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L}}(F),\\ &&\hspace{2em}(F \neq \emptyset \implies ~\mathrm{maxr}(\mathrm{el}(Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{D,d}})) < \mathrm{maxr}(\mathrm{el}(Z_{P,A,A_R,G,\mathrm{D,d}})))\} \end{eqnarray} \] where $\mathrm{el} = \mathrm{elements}$.
The fud tree search function is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFudHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram ->
Maybe [Fud]
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFudHighest wmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr
| ... = Just $ ls uu fudEmpty lmax 0
| otherwise = Nothing
ls _ _ 0 _ = []
ls uu ff h a = if b > a then (gg : ls uu' gg (h-1) b) else []
gg = ff `funion` llff [(pptt . ttpp . fftt) (depends (fexplode hh) w) |
kk <- topff (bmax `div` mmax) ff (zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff),
hh <- top pmax (zzcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk), w <- qqll (fder hh)]
uu' = uu `uunion` fsys gg
b = maxr $ zzffcsdderopt wmax omax uu' aa aarr gg
zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFudsFunctionOptimiserTuple xmax omax uu aa aarr ff
zzcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk
zzffcsdderopt wmax omax uu aa rr ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFudsFunctionOptimiserDerivedHighest wmax omax uu aa rr ff
Note that this implementation is additionally constrained to be limited-valency.
An implementation with the partition variables replaced by cardinal variables has an additional argument of a list of variables, [Variable]
. It is also defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFudHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram -> [Variable] ->
Maybe ([Fud],(System,[Variable]))
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFudHighest wmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ll
| ... = Just $ (pp,(uu',ll'))
| otherwise = Nothing
qq = ls fudEmpty uu ll lmax 0
pp = fst $ unzip $ qq
(uu',ll') = if qq /= [] then (last $ snd $ unzip qq) else (uu,ll)
ls _ _ _ 0 _ = []
ls ff uu ll h a = if b > a then ((gg,(uu',ll')) : ls gg uu' ll' (h-1) b) else []
yy = ls2 (topff (bmax `div` mmax) ff (zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff)) uu ll
gg = ff `funion` llff (elems (llmm [(rr, tt) | hh <- (concat $ fst $ unzip yy),
w <- qqll (fder hh), let tt = fftt (depends hh w),
let rr = ttpp tt, rr `notmem` nn]))
(uu',ll') = if yy /= [] then (last $ snd $ unzip yy) else (uu,ll)
b = maxr $ zzffcsdderhighopt wmax omax uu' aa aarr gg
nn = llqq [ttpp tt | tt <- (qqll . ffqq) ff]
ls2 [] _ _ = []
ls2 (kk:bb) uu ll = (top pmax (fst $ unzip xx),(uu',ll')) : ls2 bb uu' ll'
(xx,(uu',ll')) = zzllcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk ll
zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFudsFunctionOptimiserTuple xmax omax uu aa aarr ff
zzllcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk ll = fromJust $
mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk ll
zzffcsdderhighopt wmax omax uu aa rr ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFudsFunctionOptimiserDerivedHighest wmax omax uu aa rr ff
For example,
let zzllfuds aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax = fst $ fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFud lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax (sys aa) aa aarr [VarInt i | i <-[10..]]
let zzllfudshigh aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax = fst $ fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFudHighest xmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax (sys aa) aa aarr [VarInt i | i <-[10..]]
let aa = resize 200 $ regpivot 3 2 `mul` regtranspose [3,4] (regaxial 3 2)
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25})}"
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25}),({({(24,1),(30,1)},1 % 1),({(24,2),(30,2)},1 % 1)},{30}),({({(25,1),(31,1)},1 % 1),({(25,2),(31,2)},1 % 1)},{31})}"
rpln $ zzllfudshigh aa (ind aa) 2 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25})}"
rpln $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 3 3 3 (3^4) 1
"{({({(1,1),(625,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(625,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(625,2)},1 % 1)},{625}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1)},{624}),({({(3,1),(626,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(626,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(626,2)},1 % 1)},{626})}"
"{({({(1,1),(625,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(625,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(625,2)},1 % 1)},{625}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1)},{624}),({({(3,1),(626,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(626,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(626,2)},1 % 1)},{626}),({({(4,1),(748,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(748,2)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(748,2)},1 % 1)},{748}),({({(624,1),(747,1)},1 % 1),({(624,2),(747,2)},1 % 1),({(624,3),(747,2)},1 % 1)},{747}),({({(625,1),(626,1),(746,1)},1 % 1),({(625,1),(626,2),(746,1)},1 % 1),({(625,2),(626,1),(746,2)},1 % 1),({(625,2),(626,2),(746,3)},1 % 1)},{746})}"
rpln $ zzllfudshigh aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 3 3 3 (3^4) 1
"{({({(1,1),(625,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(625,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(625,2)},1 % 1)},{625}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1)},{624}),({({(3,1),(626,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(626,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(626,2)},1 % 1)},{626})}"
"{({({(1,1),(625,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(625,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(625,2)},1 % 1)},{625}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(624,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(624,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(624,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(624,3)},1 % 1)},{624}),({({(3,1),(626,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(626,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(626,2)},1 % 1)},{626}),({({(4,1),(748,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(748,2)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(748,2)},1 % 1)},{748}),({({(624,1),(747,1)},1 % 1),({(624,2),(747,2)},1 % 1),({(624,3),(747,2)},1 % 1)},{747}),({({(625,1),(626,1),(746,1)},1 % 1),({(625,1),(626,2),(746,1)},1 % 1),({(625,2),(626,1),(746,2)},1 % 1),({(625,2),(626,2),(746,3)},1 % 1)},{746})}"
In the weather forecast example (summarised in Functional definition sets),
let aa = hhaa hh
let ff = last $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 4 (3^4) 1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff
"({(cloud,heavy),(108,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(108,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(108,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(106,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(106,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(106,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(109,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(109,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(109,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(107,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(107,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(107,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(107,1),(216,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(107,2),(216,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(109,1),(217,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(109,2),(217,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(109,3),(217,3)},1 % 1)"
algnden (aa `fapply` ff) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff)
let ff = last $ zzllfudshigh aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 4 (3^4) 1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff
"({(cloud,heavy),(108,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(108,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(108,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(106,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(106,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(106,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(109,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(109,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(109,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(107,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(107,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(107,2)},1 % 1)"
algnden (aa `fapply` ff) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff)
let ff = last $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 3 (3^4) 1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff
"({(cloud,heavy),(543,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(543,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(543,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(544,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(544,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(544,1),(778,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(544,2),(778,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(544,1),(778,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(544,2),(778,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(544,1),(778,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(544,2),(778,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(545,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(545,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(545,2)},1 % 1)"
algnden (aa `fapply` ff) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff)
let ff = last $ zzllfudshigh aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 3 (3^4) 1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff
"({(cloud,heavy),(543,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(543,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(543,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(544,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(544,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(544,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(545,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(545,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(545,2)},1 % 1)"
algnden (aa `fapply` ff) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff)
let ff = last $ zzllfuds aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 2 (3^4) 1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,light),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,none),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(930,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(930,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(930,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(930,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(931,1),(1487,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(931,2),(1487,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(931,1),(1487,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(931,2),(1487,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(931,1),(1487,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(931,2),(1487,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(1225,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(1225,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(1225,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(1224,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(931,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(931,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(931,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(1224,1),(1486,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(1224,2),(1486,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(1224,1),(1486,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(1224,2),(1486,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(1224,1),(1486,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(1224,2),(1486,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(930,1),(1225,1),(1561,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(930,1),(1225,2),(1561,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(930,2),(1225,1),(1561,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(930,2),(1225,2),(1561,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(931,1),(1224,1),(1560,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(931,1),(1224,2),(1560,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(931,2),(1224,1),(1560,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(931,2),(1224,2),(1560,2)},1 % 1)"
algnden (aa `fapply` ff) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff)
let ff = last $ zzllfudshigh aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 2 (3^4) 1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,light),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,none),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(930,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(930,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(930,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,heavy),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(930,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(930,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(1225,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(1225,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(1225,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(1224,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(1224,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(931,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(931,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(931,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(931,1)},1 % 1)"
algnden (aa `fapply` ff) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff)
The weather forecast example continues in Maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher.
Maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Define the maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher (Text)
Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,mm}} = \mathrm{searchTreer}(\mathcal{F}_{\infty,U_A,V_A} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{u}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{b}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{h}},P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,mm}},\{\emptyset\})
where the neighbourhood function returns a singleton
&&P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,mm}}(F) = \{G :\\
&&\hspace{2em}G = F \cup \{T : K \in \mathrm{topd}(\lfloor\mathrm{bmax}/\mathrm{mmax}\rfloor)(\mathrm{elements}(Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{B}})),\\
&&\hspace{5em}H \in \bigcup \{\mathrm{maxd}(\mathrm{set}(L)) : L \in \mathrm{paths}(\mathrm{tree}(Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{n},-,K,\mathrm{mm}}))\},\\
&&\hspace{5em}w \in \mathrm{der}(H),~I = \mathrm{depends}(\mathrm{explode}(H),\{w\}),~T = I^{\mathrm{TPT}}\},\\
&&\hspace{2em}\mathrm{layer}(G, \mathrm{der}(G)) \leq \mathrm{lmax}\}
The fud tree search function is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFudMaxRollByM ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram ->
Maybe [Fud]
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFudMaxRollByM lmax xmax omax bmax mmax pmax uu aa aarr
| vars aa `subset` uvars uu = Just $ ls uu fudEmpty lmax
| otherwise = Nothing
ls _ _ 0 = []
ls uu ff h = gg : ls (uu `uunion` fsys gg) gg (h-1)
gg = ff `funion` llff [(pptt . ttpp . fftt) (depends (fexplode hh) w) |
kk <- topff (bmax `div` mmax) ff (zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff),
hh <- concat (map (top 1) (zzll (zzcsddecoptmm mmax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk))),
w <- qqll (fder hh)]
zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFudsFunctionOptimiserTuple xmax omax uu aa aarr ff
zzcsddecoptmm mmax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk = fromJust $
mmax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk
An implementation with the partition variables replaced by cardinal variables has an additional argument of a list of variables, [Variable]
. It is also defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFudMaxRollByM ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram -> [Variable] ->
Maybe ([Fud],(System,[Variable]))
For example,
let zzfudsmm aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax pmax = fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFudMaxRollByM lmax xmax omax bmax mmax pmax (sys aa) aa aarr
let zzllfudsmm aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax pmax = fst $ fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesListVariablesSearcherFudMaxRollByM lmax xmax omax bmax mmax pmax (sys aa) aa aarr [VarInt i | i <-[10..]]
let aa = resize 100 $ regpivot 3 2
rpln $ map fmpi $ zzfudsmm aa (ind aa) 1 (3^2) 2 2 2 1
"{({({(1,1),(3,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)},{3}),({({(2,1),(4,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2)},1 % 1)},{4})}"
let aa = resize 100 $ regpivot 3 3
rpln $ zzllfudsmm aa (ind aa) 1 (3^3) 3 3 3 1
"{({({(1,1),(3,1),(331,1)},1 % 1),({(1,1),(3,2),(331,1)},1 % 1),({(1,1),(3,3),(331,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,1),(331,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2),(331,2)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,3),(331,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,1),(331,1)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2),(331,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,3),(331,2)},1 % 1)},{331}),({({(1,1),(380,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(380,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(380,2)},1 % 1)},{380}),({({(2,1),(381,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(381,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(381,2)},1 % 1)},{381}),({({(3,1),(382,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(382,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(382,2)},1 % 1)},{382})}"
let aa = resize 200 $ regpivot 3 2 `mul` regtranspose [3,4] (regaxial 3 2)
rpln $ zzllfudsmm aa (ind aa) 1 (3^3) 3 3 3 1
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25})}"
rpln $ zzllfudsmm aa (ind aa) 2 (3^3) 3 3 3 1
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25})}"
"{({({(1,1),(24,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(24,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(24,2)},1 % 1)},{24}),({({(2,1),(25,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(25,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(25,2)},1 % 1)},{25}),({({(24,1),(30,1)},1 % 1),({(24,2),(30,2)},1 % 1)},{30}),({({(25,1),(31,1)},1 % 1),({(25,2),(31,2)},1 % 1)},{31})}"
rpln $ zzllfudsmm aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 3 3 3 1
"{({({(1,1),(4,1),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,1),(4,2),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,1),(4,3),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,1),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,2),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,3),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,1),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,2),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,3),(986,2)},1 % 1)},{986}),({({(1,1),(1575,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(1575,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(1575,2)},1 % 1)},{1575}),({({(2,1),(3,1),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(3,2),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(3,3),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,1),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,2),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,3),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,1),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,2),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,3),(987,2)},1 % 1)},{987}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(1574,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(1574,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(1574,3)},1 % 1)},{1574}),({({(3,1),(1576,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(1576,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(1576,2)},1 % 1)},{1576})}"
rpln $ zzllfudsmm aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 3 3 3 1
"{({({(1,1),(4,1),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,1),(4,2),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,1),(4,3),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,1),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,2),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,3),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,1),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,2),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,3),(986,2)},1 % 1)},{986}),({({(1,1),(1575,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(1575,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(1575,2)},1 % 1)},{1575}),({({(2,1),(3,1),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(3,2),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(3,3),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,1),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,2),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,3),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,1),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,2),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,3),(987,2)},1 % 1)},{987}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(1574,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(1574,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(1574,3)},1 % 1)},{1574}),({({(3,1),(1576,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(1576,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(1576,2)},1 % 1)},{1576})}"
"{({({(1,1),(4,1),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,1),(4,2),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,1),(4,3),(986,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,1),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,2),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(4,3),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,1),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,2),(986,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(4,3),(986,2)},1 % 1)},{986}),({({(1,1),(1575,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(1575,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(1575,2)},1 % 1)},{1575}),({({(2,1),(3,1),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(3,2),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(3,3),(987,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,1),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,2),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(3,3),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,1),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,2),(987,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(3,3),(987,2)},1 % 1)},{987}),({({(2,1),(4,1),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,2),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,1),(4,3),(1574,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,1),(1574,2)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,3),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,1),(1574,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2),(1574,3)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,3),(1574,3)},1 % 1)},{1574}),({({(3,1),(1576,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(1576,2)},1 % 1),({(3,3),(1576,2)},1 % 1)},{1576}),({({(4,1),(987,1),(1574,1),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,1),(987,1),(1574,2),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,1),(987,1),(1574,3),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,1),(987,2),(1574,1),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,1),(987,2),(1574,2),(4047,2)},1 % 1),({(4,1),(987,2),(1574,3),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(987,1),(1574,1),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(987,1),(1574,2),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(987,1),(1574,3),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(987,2),(1574,1),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(987,2),(1574,2),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(987,2),(1574,3),(4047,2)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(987,1),(1574,1),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(987,1),(1574,2),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(987,1),(1574,3),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(987,2),(1574,1),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(987,2),(1574,2),(4047,1)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(987,2),(1574,3),(4047,2)},1 % 1)},{4047}),({({(4,1),(1575,1),(4291,1)},1 % 1),({(4,1),(1575,2),(4291,2)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(1575,1),(4291,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(1575,2),(4291,3)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(1575,1),(4291,1)},1 % 1),({(4,3),(1575,2),(4291,3)},1 % 1)},{4291}),({({(987,1),(1576,1),(4290,1)},1 % 1),({(987,1),(1576,2),(4290,1)},1 % 1),({(987,2),(1576,1),(4290,2)},1 % 1),({(987,2),(1576,2),(4290,3)},1 % 1)},{4290}),({({(1574,1),(4292,1)},1 % 1),({(1574,2),(4292,1)},1 % 1),({(1574,3),(4292,2)},1 % 1)},{4292}),({({(1575,1),(1576,1),(4048,1)},1 % 1),({(1575,1),(1576,2),(4048,1)},1 % 1),({(1575,2),(1576,1),(4048,2)},1 % 1),({(1575,2),(1576,2),(4048,2)},1 % 1)},{4048})}"
Now each layer is larger than for the fud tree searcher. This is because there are pmax
tuple partitions for each derived-dimension. That is, the layer cardinality increases by a factor of mmax - 1
In the weather forecast example (summarised in Functional definition sets),
let aa = hhaa hh
rpln $ zzllfudsmm aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 4 1
"{({({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(952,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,heavy),(rain,light),(952,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,heavy),(rain,none),(952,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(952,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(952,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(952,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(rain,heavy),(952,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(952,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(952,2)},1 % 1)},{952}),({({(cloud,heavy),(1020,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(1020,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(1020,3)},1 % 1)},{1020}),({({(cloud,heavy),(1579,1)},1 % 1),({(cloud,light),(1579,2)},1 % 1),({(cloud,none),(1579,2)},1 % 1)},{1579}),({({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(953,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(953,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(953,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(953,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(953,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(953,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(953,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(953,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(953,1)},1 % 1)},{953}),({({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(1580,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(1580,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(1580,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(1580,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(1580,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(1580,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(1580,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(1580,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(1580,1)},1 % 1)},{1580}),({({(pressure,high),(1018,1)},1 % 1),({(pressure,low),(1018,2)},1 % 1),({(pressure,medium),(1018,2)},1 % 1)},{1018}),({({(rain,heavy),(1021,1)},1 % 1),({(rain,light),(1021,2)},1 % 1),({(rain,none),(1021,3)},1 % 1)},{1021}),({({(rain,heavy),(1581,1)},1 % 1),({(rain,light),(1581,2)},1 % 1),({(rain,none),(1581,2)},1 % 1)},{1581}),({({(wind,light),(1019,1)},1 % 1),({(wind,none),(1019,1)},1 % 1),({(wind,strong),(1019,2)},1 % 1)},{1019})}"
let ff1 = last $ zzllfudsmm aa (ind aa) 1 (3^4) 4 4 4 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rp $ fvars ff1
rp $ fder ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(952,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,light),(952,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,none),(952,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(952,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(952,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(952,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,heavy),(952,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(952,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(952,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(1020,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(1020,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(1020,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(1579,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(1579,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(1579,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(953,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(953,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(953,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(953,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(953,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(953,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(953,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(953,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(953,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(1580,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(1580,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(1580,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(1580,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(1580,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(1580,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(1580,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(1580,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(1580,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(1018,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(1018,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(1018,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(1021,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(1021,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(1021,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(1581,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(1581,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(1581,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(1019,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(1019,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(1019,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(952,1),(953,2),(1018,2),(1019,1),(1020,1),(1021,1),(1579,1),(1580,2),(1581,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(952,1),(953,2),(1018,2),(1019,1),(1020,3),(1021,2),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,2)},2 % 1)"
"({(952,1),(953,2),(1018,2),(1019,1),(1020,3),(1021,2),(1579,2),(1580,2),(1581,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(952,1),(953,2),(1018,2),(1019,2),(1020,1),(1021,1),(1579,1),(1580,2),(1581,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(952,2),(953,1),(1018,1),(1019,1),(1020,2),(1021,1),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(952,2),(953,1),(1018,1),(1019,1),(1020,3),(1021,3),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,2)},5 % 1)"
"({(952,2),(953,1),(1018,1),(1019,2),(1020,2),(1021,2),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(952,2),(953,1),(1018,2),(1019,1),(1020,2),(1021,2),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,2)},2 % 1)"
"({(952,2),(953,1),(1018,2),(1019,1),(1020,2),(1021,3),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(952,2),(953,1),(1018,2),(1019,1),(1020,3),(1021,3),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(952,2),(953,1),(1018,2),(1019,2),(1020,2),(1021,1),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(952,2),(953,2),(1018,2),(1019,1),(1020,2),(1021,2),(1579,2),(1580,1),(1581,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff1) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) aa
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
Now consider let lmax = 2
let ff2 = last $ zzllfudsmm aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 4 4 4 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff2
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff2
"({(953,1),(1018,1),(1580,1),(3191,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1018,1),(1580,2),(3191,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1018,2),(1580,1),(3191,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1018,2),(1580,2),(3191,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1018,1),(1580,1),(3191,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1018,1),(1580,2),(3191,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1018,2),(1580,1),(3191,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1018,2),(1580,2),(3191,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1021,1),(1580,1),(2715,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1021,1),(1580,2),(2715,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1021,2),(1580,1),(2715,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1021,2),(1580,2),(2715,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1021,3),(1580,1),(2715,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(1021,3),(1580,2),(2715,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1021,1),(1580,1),(2715,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1021,1),(1580,2),(2715,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1021,2),(1580,1),(2715,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1021,2),(1580,2),(2715,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1021,3),(1580,1),(2715,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(1021,3),(1580,2),(2715,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,1),(2795,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(953,2),(2795,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1018,1),(1580,1),(2793,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1018,1),(1580,2),(2793,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1018,2),(1580,1),(2793,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1018,2),(1580,2),(2793,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1021,1),(3193,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1021,2),(3193,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1021,3),(3193,3)},1 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff2) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff2)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff2) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff2)
ent (aa `fapply` ff2)
cent (fftt ff2) aa
rent (aa `fapply` ff2) (vvc `fapply` ff2)
Adding an extra layer reduces the alignment of the whole layer. Two of the derived variables, 2795
and 3193
, are reframes of their underlying variables.
Now consider predicting the rain,
let ff1 = last $ zzllfudsmm (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 1 (3^3) 3 3 3 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff1
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff1
"({(cloud,heavy),(353,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(353,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(353,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(354,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(354,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(66,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(66,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(66,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(65,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(65,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(65,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff1
"({(65,1),(66,1),(353,2),(354,1)},12 % 1)"
"({(65,1),(66,2),(353,1),(354,2)},2 % 1)"
"({(65,1),(66,2),(353,2),(354,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,1),(66,2),(353,2),(354,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,2),(66,1),(353,2),(354,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(65,2),(66,2),(353,1),(354,2)},2 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff1)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff1))
algn (aa `fapply` ff1) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff1) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff1)
ent (aa `fapply` ff1)
cent (fftt ff1) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff1) (vvc `fapply` ff1)
tlalgn (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff1) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff1) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff1)
54 % 1
Now consider let lmax = 2
let ff2 = last $ zzllfudsmm (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 2 (3^3) 3 3 3 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff2
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff2
"({(65,1),(66,1),(354,1),(648,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,1),(66,1),(354,2),(648,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,1),(66,2),(354,1),(648,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,1),(66,2),(354,2),(648,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,2),(66,1),(354,1),(648,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,2),(66,1),(354,2),(648,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,2),(66,2),(354,1),(648,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,2),(66,2),(354,2),(648,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,1),(66,1),(418,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,1),(66,2),(418,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,2),(66,1),(418,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(65,2),(66,2),(418,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(420,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(420,2)},1 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff2) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff2)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff2) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff2)
ent (aa `fapply` ff2)
cent (fftt ff2) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff2) (vvc `fapply` ff2)
tlalgn (fftt ff2) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff2) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff2) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff2)
45 % 1
The addition of the extra layer increases the alignment, alignment density and label alignment and decreases the label entropy, but the effectiveness of the query has decreased.
Now consider let lmax = 3
let ff3 = last $ zzllfudsmm (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 3 (3^3) 3 3 3 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff3
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff3
"({(66,1),(354,1),(648,1),(847,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,1),(354,1),(648,2),(847,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,1),(354,2),(648,1),(847,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,1),(354,2),(648,2),(847,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(354,1),(648,1),(847,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(354,1),(648,2),(847,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(354,2),(648,1),(847,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(354,2),(648,2),(847,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,1),(873,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(873,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(353,1),(874,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(353,2),(874,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(648,1),(872,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(648,2),(872,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(648,1),(872,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(648,2),(872,2)},1 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff3) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff3)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff3) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff3)
ent (aa `fapply` ff3)
cent (fftt ff3) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff3) (vvc `fapply` ff3)
tlalgn (fftt ff3) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff3) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff3) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff3)
45 % 1
Again, the addition of the extra layer has seen a small improvement in the model, this time without a decrease in model effectiveness.
Now consider let lmax = 4
let ff4 = last $ zzllfudsmm (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 4 (3^3) 3 3 3 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff4
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff4
"({(66,1),(354,1),(420,1),(1072,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,1),(354,1),(420,2),(1072,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,1),(354,2),(420,1),(1072,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,1),(354,2),(420,2),(1072,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(354,1),(420,1),(1072,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(354,1),(420,2),(1072,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(354,2),(420,1),(1072,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(66,2),(354,2),(420,2),(1072,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(420,1),(1097,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(420,2),(1097,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(420,1),(1097,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(420,2),(1097,2)},1 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff4) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff4)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff4) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff4)
ent (aa `fapply` ff4)
cent (fftt ff4) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff4) (vvc `fapply` ff4)
tlalgn (fftt ff4) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff4) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff4) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff4)
45 % 1
Again, the addition of the extra layer has seen a small in the alignment density. The other measures are little changed.
Now consider let lmax = 5
let ff5 = last $ zzllfudsmm (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind]) (ind (aa `red` [pressure,cloud,wind])) 5 (3^3) 3 3 3 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff5
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ ff5
"({(354,1),(873,1),(1097,1),(1297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(873,1),(1097,2),(1297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(873,2),(1097,1),(1297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(873,2),(1097,2),(1297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(873,1),(1097,1),(1297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(873,1),(1097,2),(1297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(873,2),(1097,1),(1297,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(873,2),(1097,2),(1297,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(1097,1),(1322,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,1),(1097,2),(1322,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(1097,1),(1322,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(354,2),(1097,2),(1322,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(873,1),(1323,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(873,2),(1323,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(874,1),(1324,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(874,2),(1324,2)},1 % 1)"
algn (aa `fapply` ff5) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff5)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff5) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff5)
ent (aa `fapply` ff5)
cent (fftt ff5) (aa `red` [cloud,pressure,wind])
rent (aa `fapply` ff5) (vvc `fapply` ff5)
tlalgn (fftt ff5) aa [rain]
tlent (fftt ff5) aa [rain]
size $ eff (aa `fapply` ff5) `mul` (vvc `fapply` ff5)
45 % 1
Finally, in the fifth layer the alignment density begins to decrease.
Previously in the fud tree searcher, above, it was necessary to fine tune the derived-dimension parameter, mmax
, to maximise the alignment and alignment density. Now in the maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension fud tree searcher there is no longer any need to manage the tuple partitions.
The weather forecast example continues in Limited-derived derived variables set list maximiser.
Excluded-self limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Define the excluded-self limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher as (Text) \[ Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,xs}} = \mathrm{searchTreer}(\mathcal{F}_{\infty,U_A,V_A} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{u}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{b}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{h}},P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,xs}},\{\emptyset\}) \] where the neighbourhood function returns a singleton \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,xs}}(F) = \{G :\\ &&\hspace{2em}G = F \cup \{P^{\mathrm{T}} : K \in \mathrm{topd}(\lfloor\mathrm{bmax}/\mathrm{mmax}\rfloor)(\mathrm{elements}(Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{B}})),\\ &&\hspace{5em}H \in \mathrm{topd}(\mathrm{pmax})(\mathrm{elements}(Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{n},-,K})),\\ &&\hspace{5em}w \in \mathrm{der}(H),~I = \mathrm{depends}(\mathrm{explode}(H),\{w\}),\\ &&\hspace{5em}P = I^{\mathrm{TP}},~P \neq (\cup P)^{\{\}}\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}\mathrm{layer}(G, \mathrm{der}(G)) \leq \mathrm{lmax}\} \end{eqnarray} \]
The fud tree search function is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFudExcludedSelf ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram ->
Maybe [Fud]
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFudExcludedSelf lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr
| ... = Just $ ls uu fudEmpty lmax
| otherwise = Nothing
ls _ _ 0 = []
ls uu ff h = gg : ls (uu `uunion` fsys gg) gg (h-1)
gg = ff `funion` llff [pptt pp |
kk <- topff (bmax `div` mmax) ff (zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff),
hh <- top pmax (zzcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk), w <- qqll (fder hh),
let pp = ttpp (fftt (depends (fexplode hh) w)), pp /= self uu (ppvars pp)]
zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFudsFunctionOptimiserTuple xmax omax uu aa aarr ff
zzcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk
Note that this implementation is additionally constrained to be limited-valency.
For example,
let zzfuds aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax = fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFud lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax (sys aa) aa aarr
let zzfudsxs aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax = fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesSearcherFudExcludedSelf lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax (sys aa) aa aarr
let aa = resize 100 $ regpivot 3 2
rpln $ map fmpi $ zzfuds aa (ind aa) 3 (3^2) 2 2 2 (3^2) 1
"{({({(1,1),(3,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)},{3}),({({(2,1),(4,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2)},1 % 1)},{4})}"
"{({({(1,1),(3,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)},{3}),({({(2,1),(4,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2)},1 % 1)},{4}),({({(3,1),(5,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(5,2)},1 % 1)},{5}),({({(4,1),(6,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(6,2)},1 % 1)},{6})}"
"{({({(1,1),(3,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)},{3}),({({(2,1),(4,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2)},1 % 1)},{4}),({({(3,1),(5,1)},1 % 1),({(3,2),(5,2)},1 % 1)},{5}),({({(4,1),(6,1)},1 % 1),({(4,2),(6,2)},1 % 1)},{6}),({({(5,1),(7,1)},1 % 1),({(5,2),(7,2)},1 % 1)},{7})}"
rpln $ map fmpi $ zzfudsxs aa (ind aa) 3 (3^2) 2 2 2 (3^2) 1
"{({({(1,1),(3,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)},{3}),({({(2,1),(4,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2)},1 % 1)},{4})}"
"{({({(1,1),(3,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)},{3}),({({(2,1),(4,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2)},1 % 1)},{4})}"
"{({({(1,1),(3,1)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(3,2)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)},{3}),({({(2,1),(4,1)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(4,2)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(4,2)},1 % 1)},{4})}"
Highest-layer layerer
The functionality of (i) the highest-layer limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher, $Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,d}}$, (Haskell) and (ii) the highest-layer limited-derived derived variables set list maximiser, $Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{D,d}}$, (Haskell) is implemented in the highest-layer layerer $I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,d}} \in \mathrm{computers}$, which is defined such that (i) the domain is $\mathrm{domain}(I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,d}}) = \mathrm{P}(\mathcal{V}_U) \times \mathcal{A}_U \times \mathcal{A}_U \times \mathbf{N}$, (ii) the range is $\mathrm{range}(I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,d}}) = \mathcal{U} \times \mathcal{F} \times (\mathrm{P}(\mathcal{V}) \to \mathbf{Q})$, and (iii) the application is (Text) \[ \begin{eqnarray} I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,d}}^{ * }((V,A,A_R,f)) = \mathrm{layer}(V,U,\emptyset,\emptyset,A,A_R,f,1) \end{eqnarray} \] where \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&\mathrm{layer} \in \mathrm{P}(\mathcal{V}) \times \mathcal{U} \times \mathcal{F} \times ((\mathrm{P}(\mathcal{V}) \times \mathcal{A} \times \mathcal{A}) \to \mathbf{Q}) \times \mathcal{A} \times \mathcal{A} \times \mathbf{N} \times \mathbf{N} \to \\ &&\hspace{20em}(\mathcal{U} \times \mathcal{F} \times (\mathrm{P}(\mathcal{V}) \to \mathbf{Q})) \end{eqnarray} \] is defined \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&\mathrm{layer}(V,U,F,M,X,X_R,f,l) = \\ &&\hspace{1em}\mathrm{if}((l \leq \mathrm{lmax}) \wedge (H \neq \emptyset) \wedge (M \neq \emptyset \implies \mathrm{maxr}(M’)>\mathrm{maxr}(M)),\\ &&\hspace{4em}\mathrm{layer}(V,U’,F \cup H,M’,X’,X’_R,f,l+1),\\ &&\hspace{4em}(U,F,M)) :\\ &&\hspace{2em}L = \{(b,(T,(w, \mathrm{ran}(I)))) : \\ &&\hspace{4em}((\cdot,I),b) \in \mathrm{order}(D_{\mathrm{L}},\{(v,I) : \\ &&\hspace{6em}Q \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{B}}^{ * }((V,F,X,X_R)),\\ &&\hspace{6em}N \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{R}}^{ * }(I_{P,U,\mathrm{K}}^{ * }(Q)),\\ &&\hspace{6em}(v,I) \in N\}),\\ &&\hspace{4em}w=(f,l,b),~T = (\{S \cup \{(w,k)\} : (S,k) \in I\},\{w\})\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}L’ = \{(i,(T,(w,W))) : (i,(T,(w,W))) \in L, \\ &&\hspace{4em}\forall (i’,(T’,(w’,W’))) \in L~(i>i’ \implies T^{\mathrm{P}} \neq T^{‘\mathrm{P}})\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}H = \mathrm{dom}(\mathrm{set}(L’)),~U’ = U \cup \mathrm{ran}(\mathrm{set}(L’)),\\ &&\hspace{2em}X’ = I_{\mathrm{ * X}}^{ * }((H,X)),~X’_R = I_{\mathrm{ * X}}^{ * }((H,X_R)),\\ &&\hspace{2em}M’ = I_{P,U’,\mathrm{D,d}}^{ * }((V,F \cup H,X’,X’_R)) \end{eqnarray} \] where $I_{\mathrm{ * X}} = \mathrm{applier} \in \mathrm{computers}$.
The layer list, $L$, potentially contains duplicate transform partitions, $|\{T^{\mathrm{P}} : (\cdot,(T,\cdot)) \in L\}| \leq |L|$. These duplicates are stripped from the list $L’$ by crossing each new variable with all previous and checking that the transforms differ. Note that these implementations improve the performance of the check by testing the valency and underlying variables before testing the partition, $\forall (i’,(T’,(w’,W’))) \in L~(i>i’ \implies |W| \neq |W’| \wedge \mathrm{und}(T) \neq \mathrm{und}(T’) \wedge T^{\mathrm{P}} \neq T^{‘\mathrm{P}})$.
The layerer is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsLayererHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Set.Set Variable -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Integer ->
Maybe (System, Fud, Map.Map (Set.Set Variable) Double)
parametersSystemsLayererHighest wmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu vv aa aarr f
| otherwise = Just $ layer vv uu fudEmpty Map.empty aa aarr f 1
layer vv uu ff mm xx xxrr f l =
if l <= lmax && hh /= fudEmpty && (mm == Map.empty || maxr mm' > maxr mm) then
layer vv uu' gg mm' xx' xxrr' f (l+1) else (uu,ff,mm)
ll = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (ii,b) <- zip [ii | ((kk,bb,bbrr),y1) <- qqll (buildfftup uu vv ff xx xxrr),
nn <- qqll (roller (parter uu kk bb bbrr y1)), ii <- nn] [1..],
let w = VarPair (VarPair (VarInt f, VarInt l), VarInt b),
let ww = Set.map (\(_,u) -> (nnww u)) ii,
let tt = trans (unit [ss `sunion` ssgl w (nnww u) | (ss,u) <- qqll ii]) (sgl w)]
ll' = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (tt,(w,ww)) <- ll,
and [Set.size ww /= Set.size ww' || und tt /= und tt' || ttpp tt /= ttpp tt' | (tt',(w',ww')) <- ll, w > w']]
hh = qqff $ llqq $ fst $ unzip ll'
uu' = uu `uunion` (lluu $ snd $ unzip ll')
xx' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xx
xxrr' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xxrr
gg = ff `funion` hh
mm' = buildffdervar uu' vv gg xx' xxrr'
buildfftup uu vv ff xx xxrr = fromJust $ parametersSystemsBuilderTuple xmax omax bmax mmax uu vv ff xx xxrr
parter uu kk bb bbrr y1 = fromJust $ parametersSystemsPartitioner mmax umax pmax uu kk bb bbrr y1
roller qq = fromJust $ parametersRoller pmax qq
buildffdervar uu vv ff xx xxrr = llmm $ map (\((kk,_,_),a) -> (kk,a)) $ mmll $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsBuilderDerivedVarsHighest wmax omax uu vv ff xx xxrr
Maximum-roll highest-layer layerer
A variation of the highest-layer layerer, $I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,d}}$, is to implement the limited-valency maximum-roll contracted decrementing linear non-overlapping fuds tree maximiser, $Z_{P,A,A_R,F,\mathrm{n,w},-,K,\mathrm{mr}}$, (Haskell) by means of the maximum-roll tuple-partition value roller, $I_{P,U,\mathrm{R,mr}}$ (Haskell). The highest-layer maximum-roll layerer $I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mr,d}} \in \mathrm{computers}$ is defined such that the application is (Text) \[ \begin{eqnarray} I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mr,d}}^{ * }((V,A,A_R,f)) = \mathrm{layer}(V,U,\emptyset,\emptyset,A,A_R,f,1) \end{eqnarray} \] and \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&\mathrm{layer}(V,U,F,M,X,X_R,f,l) = \\ &&\hspace{1em}\mathrm{if}((l \leq \mathrm{lmax}) \wedge (H \neq \emptyset) \wedge (M \neq \emptyset \implies \mathrm{maxr}(M’)>\mathrm{maxr}(M)),\\ &&\hspace{4em}\mathrm{layer}(V,U’,F \cup H,M’,X’,X’_R,f,l+1),\\ &&\hspace{4em}(U,F,M)) :\\ &&\hspace{2em}L = \{(b,(T,(w, \mathrm{ran}(I)))) : \\ &&\hspace{4em}((\cdot,I),b) \in \mathrm{order}(D_{\mathrm{L}},\{(v,I) : \\ &&\hspace{6em}Q \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{B}}^{ * }((V,F,X,X_R)),\\ &&\hspace{6em}P \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{K}}^{ * }(Q),~N \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{R,mr}}^{ * }(P),\\ &&\hspace{6em}(v,I) \in N\}),\\ &&\hspace{4em}w=(f,l,b),~T = (\{S \cup \{(w,k)\} : (S,k) \in I\},\{w\})\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}L’ = \{(i,(T,(w,W))) : (i,(T,(w,W))) \in L, \\ &&\hspace{4em}\forall (i’,(T’,(w’,W’))) \in L~(i>i’ \implies T^{\mathrm{P}} \neq T^{‘\mathrm{P}})\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}H = \mathrm{dom}(\mathrm{set}(L’)),~U’ = U \cup \mathrm{ran}(\mathrm{set}(L’)),\\ &&\hspace{2em}X’ = I_{\mathrm{ * X}}^{ * }((H,X)),~X’_R = I_{\mathrm{ * X}}^{ * }((H,X_R)),\\ &&\hspace{2em}M’ = I_{P,U’,\mathrm{D,d}}^{ * }((V,F \cup H,X’,X’_R)) \end{eqnarray} \]
The layerer is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsLayererMaximumRollHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Set.Set Variable -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Integer ->
Maybe (System, Fud, Map.Map (Set.Set Variable) Double)
parametersSystemsLayererMaximumRollHighest wmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu vv aa aarr f
| otherwise = Just $ layer vv uu fudEmpty Map.empty aa aarr f 1
layer vv uu ff mm xx xxrr f l =
if l <= lmax && hh /= fudEmpty && (mm == Map.empty || maxr mm' > maxr mm) then
layer vv uu' gg mm' xx' xxrr' f (l+1) else (uu,ff,mm)
ll = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (ii,b) <- zip [ii | ((kk,bb,bbrr),y1) <- qqll (buildfftup uu vv ff xx xxrr),
pp <- qqll (parter uu kk bb bbrr y1), nn <- qqll (roller (sgl pp)), ii <- nn] [1..],
let w = VarPair (VarPair (VarInt f, VarInt l), VarInt b),
let ww = Set.map (\(_,u) -> (nnww u)) ii,
let tt = trans (unit [ss `sunion` ssgl w (nnww u) | (ss,u) <- qqll ii]) (sgl w)]
ll' = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (tt,(w,ww)) <- ll,
and [Set.size ww /= Set.size ww' || und tt /= und tt' || ttpp tt /= ttpp tt' | (tt',(w',ww')) <- ll, w > w']]
hh = qqff $ llqq $ fst $ unzip ll'
uu' = uu `uunion` (lluu $ snd $ unzip ll')
xx' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xx
xxrr' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xxrr
gg = ff `funion` hh
mm' = buildffdervar uu' vv gg xx' xxrr'
buildfftup uu vv ff xx xxrr = fromJust $ parametersSystemsBuilderTuple xmax omax bmax mmax uu vv ff xx xxrr
parter uu kk bb bbrr y1 = fromJust $ parametersSystemsPartitioner mmax umax pmax uu kk bb bbrr y1
roller qq = fromJust $ parametersRoller 1 qq
buildffdervar uu vv ff xx xxrr = llmm $ map (\((kk,_,_),a) -> (kk,a)) $ mmll $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsBuilderDerivedVarsHighest wmax omax uu vv ff xx xxrr
Excluded-self maximum-roll highest-layer layerer
A further variation of the highest-layer maximum-roll layerer $I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mr,d}}$, is to add the functionality of the excluded-self contracted decrementing linear non-overlapping fuds tree maximiser, $Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{L,xs}}$, (Haskell) by excluding self partitions. The highest-layer excluded-self maximum-roll layerer $I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mr,xs,d}} \in \mathrm{computers}$ is defined such that the application is (Text) \[ \begin{eqnarray} I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mr,xs,d}}^{ * }((V,A,A_R,f)) = \mathrm{layer}(V,U,\emptyset,\emptyset,A,A_R,f,1) \end{eqnarray} \] and \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&\mathrm{layer}(V,U,F,M,X,X_R,f,l) = \\ &&\hspace{1em}\mathrm{if}((l \leq \mathrm{lmax}) \wedge (H \neq \emptyset) \wedge (M \neq \emptyset \implies \mathrm{maxr}(M’)>\mathrm{maxr}(M)),\\ &&\hspace{4em}\mathrm{layer}(V,U’,F \cup H,M’,X’,X’_R,f,l+1),\\ &&\hspace{4em}(U,F,M)) :\\ &&\hspace{2em}L = \{(b,(T,(w, \mathrm{ran}(I)))) : \\ &&\hspace{4em}((\cdot,I),b) \in \mathrm{order}(D_{\mathrm{L}},\{(v,I) : \\ &&\hspace{6em}Q \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{B}}^{ * }((V,F,X,X_R)),\\ &&\hspace{6em}P \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{K}}^{ * }(Q),~N \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{R,mr}}^{ * }(P),\\ &&\hspace{6em}(v,I) \in N,~|\mathrm{ran}(I)|<|I|\}),\\ &&\hspace{4em}w=(f,l,b),~T = (\{S \cup \{(w,k)\} : (S,k) \in I\},\{w\})\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}L’ = \{(i,(T,(w,W))) : (i,(T,(w,W))) \in L, \\ &&\hspace{4em}\forall (i’,(T’,(w’,W’))) \in L~(i>i’ \implies T^{\mathrm{P}} \neq T^{‘\mathrm{P}})\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}H = \mathrm{dom}(\mathrm{set}(L’)),~U’ = U \cup \mathrm{ran}(\mathrm{set}(L’)),\\ &&\hspace{2em}X’ = I_{\mathrm{ * X}}^{ * }((H,X)),~X’_R = I_{\mathrm{ * X}}^{ * }((H,X_R)),\\ &&\hspace{2em}M’ = I_{P,U’,\mathrm{D,d}}^{ * }((V,F \cup H,X’,X’_R)) \end{eqnarray} \]
The layerer is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsLayererMaximumRollExcludedSelfHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Set.Set Variable -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Integer ->
Maybe (System, Fud, Map.Map (Set.Set Variable) Double)
parametersSystemsLayererMaximumRollExcludedSelfHighest wmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu vv aa aarr f
| otherwise = Just $ layer vv uu fudEmpty Map.empty aa aarr f 1
layer vv uu ff mm xx xxrr f l =
if l <= lmax && hh /= fudEmpty && (mm == Map.empty || maxr mm' > maxr mm) then
layer vv uu' gg mm' xx' xxrr' f (l+1) else (uu,ff,mm)
ll = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (ii,b) <- zip [ii | ((kk,bb,bbrr),y1) <- qqll (buildfftup uu vv ff xx xxrr),
pp <- qqll (parter uu kk bb bbrr y1), nn <- qqll (roller (sgl pp)), ii <- nn, rancd ii < domcd ii] [1..],
let w = VarPair (VarPair (VarInt f, VarInt l), VarInt b),
let ww = Set.map (\(_,u) -> (nnww u)) ii,
let tt = trans (unit [ss `sunion` ssgl w (nnww u) | (ss,u) <- qqll ii]) (sgl w)]
ll' = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (tt,(w,ww)) <- ll,
and [Set.size ww /= Set.size ww' || und tt /= und tt' || ttpp tt /= ttpp tt' | (tt',(w',ww')) <- ll, w > w']]
hh = qqff $ llqq $ fst $ unzip ll'
uu' = uu `uunion` (lluu $ snd $ unzip ll')
xx' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xx
xxrr' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xxrr
gg = ff `funion` hh
mm' = buildffdervar uu' vv gg xx' xxrr'
buildfftup uu vv ff xx xxrr = fromJust $
parametersSystemsBuilderTupleNoSumlayerMultiEffective xmax omax bmax mmax uu vv ff xx xxrr
parter uu kk bb bbrr y1 = fromJust $ parametersSystemsPartitioner mmax umax pmax uu kk bb bbrr y1
roller qq = fromJust $ parametersRoller 1 qq
buildffdervar uu vv ff xx xxrr = llmm $ map (\((kk,_,_),a) -> (kk,a)) $ mmll $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsBuilderDerivedVarsHighestNoSumlayer wmax omax uu vv ff xx xxrr
Excluded-self maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension highest-layer layerer
The highest-layer excluded-self maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension layerer $I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mm,xs,d}} \in \mathrm{computers}$ is defined such that the application is (Text) \[ \begin{eqnarray} I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mm,xs,d}}^{ * }((V,A,A_R,f)) = \mathrm{layer}(V,U,\emptyset,\emptyset,A,A_R,f,1) \end{eqnarray} \] and \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&\mathrm{layer}(V,U,F,M,X,X_R,f,l) = \\ &&\hspace{1em}\mathrm{if}((l \leq \mathrm{lmax}) \wedge (H \neq \emptyset) \wedge (M \neq \emptyset \implies \mathrm{maxr}(M’)>\mathrm{maxr}(M)),\\ &&\hspace{4em}\mathrm{layer}(V,U’,F \cup H,M’,X’,X’_R,f,l+1),\\ &&\hspace{4em}(U,F,M)) :\\ &&\hspace{2em}L = \{(b,(T,(w, \mathrm{ran}(I)))) : \\ &&\hspace{4em}((\cdot,I),b) \in \mathrm{order}(D_{\mathrm{L}},\{(v,I) : \\ &&\hspace{6em}Q \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{B}}^{ * }((V,F,X,X_R)),\\ &&\hspace{6em}P \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{K},\mathrm{mm}}^{ * }(Q),~N \in I_{P,U,\mathrm{R,mr}}^{ * }(P),\\ &&\hspace{6em}(v,I) \in N,~|\mathrm{ran}(I)|<|I|\}),\\ &&\hspace{4em}w=(f,l,b),~T = (\{S \cup \{(w,k)\} : (S,k) \in I\},\{w\})\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}L’ = \{(i,(T,(w,W))) : (i,(T,(w,W))) \in L, \\ &&\hspace{4em}\forall (i’,(T’,(w’,W’))) \in L~(i>i’ \implies T^{\mathrm{P}} \neq T^{‘\mathrm{P}})\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}H = \mathrm{dom}(\mathrm{set}(L’)),~U’ = U \cup \mathrm{ran}(\mathrm{set}(L’)),\\ &&\hspace{2em}X’ = I_{\mathrm{ * X}}^{ * }((H,X)),~X’_R = I_{\mathrm{ * X}}^{ * }((H,X_R)),\\ &&\hspace{2em}M’ = I_{P,U’,\mathrm{D,d}}^{ * }((V,F \cup H,X’,X’_R)) \end{eqnarray} \]
The layerer is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsLayererMaxRollByMExcludedSelfHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Set.Set Variable -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Integer ->
Maybe (System, Fud, Map.Map (Set.Set Variable) Double)
parametersSystemsLayererMaxRollByMExcludedSelfHighest wmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu vv aa aarr f
| otherwise = Just $ layer vv uu fudEmpty Map.empty aa aarr f 1
layer vv uu ff mm xx xxrr f l =
if l <= lmax && hh /= fudEmpty && (mm == Map.empty || maxr mm' > maxr mm) then
layer vv uu' gg mm' xx' xxrr' f (l+1) else (uu,ff,mm)
ll = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (ii,b) <- zip [ii | ((kk,bb,bbrr),y1) <- qqll (buildfftup uu vv ff xx xxrr),
pp <- qqll (parter uu kk bb bbrr y1), nn <- qqll (roller (sgl pp)), ii <- nn, rancd ii < domcd ii] [1..],
let w = VarPair (VarPair (VarInt f, VarInt l), VarInt b),
let ww = Set.map (\(_,u) -> (nnww u)) ii,
let tt = trans (unit [ss `sunion` ssgl w (nnww u) | (ss,u) <- qqll ii]) (sgl w)]
ll' = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (tt,(w,ww)) <- ll,
and [Set.size ww /= Set.size ww' || und tt /= und tt' || ttpp tt /= ttpp tt' | (tt',(w',ww')) <- ll, w > w']]
hh = qqff $ llqq $ fst $ unzip ll'
uu' = uu `uunion` (lluu $ snd $ unzip ll')
xx' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xx
xxrr' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xxrr
gg = ff `funion` hh
mm' = buildffdervar uu' vv gg xx' xxrr'
buildfftup uu vv ff xx xxrr = fromJust $
parametersSystemsBuilderTupleNoSumlayerMultiEffective xmax omax bmax mmax uu vv ff xx xxrr
parter uu kk bb bbrr y1 = fromJust $ parametersSystemsPartitionerMaxRollByM mmax umax pmax uu kk bb bbrr y1
roller qq = fromJust $ parametersRoller 1 qq
buildffdervar uu vv ff xx xxrr = llmm $ map (\((kk,_,_),a) -> (kk,a)) $ mmll $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsBuilderDerivedVarsHighestNoSumlayer wmax omax uu vv ff xx xxrr
For example,
let layerermmxs aa aarr lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax = (\(_,ff,_) -> ff) $ fromJust $ parametersSystemsLayererMaxRollByMExcludedSelfHighest xmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax (sys aa) (vars aa) aa aarr 1
let aa = resize 100 $ regpivot 3 2
rp $ layerermmxs aa (ind aa) 1 (3^2) 2 2 2 (3^2) 1
"{({({(1,1),(<<1,1>,1>,0)},1 % 1),({(1,2),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1),({(1,3),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)},{<<1,1>,1>}),({({(2,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0)},1 % 1),({(2,2),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1),({(2,3),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)},{<<1,1>,2>})}"
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ layerermmxs aa (ind aa) 1 (3^2) 2 2 2 (3^2) 1
"({(1,1),(<<1,1>,1>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,2),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,3),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)"
let aa = resize 100 $ regpivot 3 3
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ layerermmxs aa (ind aa) 1 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
"({(1,1),(3,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(3,2),(<<1,1>,4>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(3,3),(<<1,1>,4>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(3,1),(<<1,1>,4>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(3,2),(<<1,1>,4>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(3,3),(<<1,1>,4>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(3,1),(<<1,1>,4>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(3,2),(<<1,1>,4>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(3,3),(<<1,1>,4>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(<<1,1>,1>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,2),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,3),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,1),(<<1,1>,3>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,2),(<<1,1>,3>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,3),(<<1,1>,3>,1)},1 % 1)"
let aa = resize 200 $ regpivot 3 2 `mul` regtranspose [3,4] (regaxial 3 2)
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ layerermmxs aa (ind aa) 2 (3^3) 3 3 3 (3^3) 1
"({(1,1),(<<1,1>,1>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,2),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,3),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) $ layerermmxs aa (ind aa) 2 (3^4) 3 3 3 (3^4) 1
"({(1,1),(4,1),(<<1,1>,1>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(4,2),(<<1,1>,1>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(4,3),(<<1,1>,1>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(4,1),(<<1,1>,1>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(4,2),(<<1,1>,1>,4)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(4,3),(<<1,1>,1>,4)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(4,1),(<<1,1>,1>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(4,2),(<<1,1>,1>,4)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(4,3),(<<1,1>,1>,4)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(4,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(4,2),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(4,3),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(4,1),(<<1,1>,4>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(4,2),(<<1,1>,4>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(4,3),(<<1,1>,4>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(4,1),(<<1,1>,4>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(4,2),(<<1,1>,4>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(4,3),(<<1,1>,4>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,1),(3,1),(<<1,1>,5>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,1),(3,2),(<<1,1>,5>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,1),(3,3),(<<1,1>,5>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,2),(3,1),(<<1,1>,5>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,2),(3,2),(<<1,1>,5>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,2),(3,3),(<<1,1>,5>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,3),(3,1),(<<1,1>,5>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,3),(3,2),(<<1,1>,5>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,3),(3,3),(<<1,1>,5>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,2),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(2,3),(<<1,1>,2>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,1),(<<1,1>,3>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,2),(<<1,1>,3>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(3,3),(<<1,1>,3>,1)},1 % 1)"
In the weather forecast example (summarised in Functional definition sets),
let aa = hhaa hh
let ff = layerermmxs aa (ind aa) 8 (3^4) 4 4 4 (3^4) 1
Set.size $ ffqq ff
rpln $ (concat . map (aall . ttaa) . Set.toList . ffqq) ff
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,heavy),(<<1,1>,6>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,light),(<<1,1>,6>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(rain,none),(<<1,1>,6>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,heavy),(<<1,1>,6>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,light),(<<1,1>,6>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(rain,none),(<<1,1>,6>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,heavy),(<<1,1>,6>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,light),(<<1,1>,6>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(rain,none),(<<1,1>,6>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(<<1,1>,3>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(<<1,1>,3>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(<<1,1>,3>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(<<1,1>,4>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(<<1,1>,4>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(<<1,1>,4>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,light),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,none),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(wind,strong),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,light),(<<1,1>,7>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,none),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(wind,strong),(<<1,1>,7>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,light),(<<1,1>,7>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,none),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(wind,strong),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,high),(<<1,1>,1>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,low),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(pressure,medium),(<<1,1>,1>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,heavy),(<<1,1>,5>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,light),(<<1,1>,5>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(rain,none),(<<1,1>,5>,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,light),(<<1,1>,2>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,none),(<<1,1>,2>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(wind,strong),(<<1,1>,2>,2)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aall $ aa `fapply` ff
"({(<<1,1>,1>,0),(<<1,1>,2>,0),(<<1,1>,3>,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0),(<<1,1>,5>,0),(<<1,1>,6>,1),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,0),(<<1,1>,2>,0),(<<1,1>,3>,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0),(<<1,1>,5>,1),(<<1,1>,6>,1),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},5 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,0),(<<1,1>,2>,2),(<<1,1>,3>,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0),(<<1,1>,5>,1),(<<1,1>,6>,1),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0),(<<1,1>,3>,0),(<<1,1>,4>,3),(<<1,1>,5>,0),(<<1,1>,6>,0),(<<1,1>,7>,3)},2 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0),(<<1,1>,3>,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0),(<<1,1>,5>,1),(<<1,1>,6>,0),(<<1,1>,7>,3)},2 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0),(<<1,1>,3>,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0),(<<1,1>,5>,1),(<<1,1>,6>,1),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},4 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0),(<<1,1>,3>,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0),(<<1,1>,5>,1),(<<1,1>,6>,1),(<<1,1>,7>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,1),(<<1,1>,2>,0),(<<1,1>,3>,1),(<<1,1>,4>,3),(<<1,1>,5>,1),(<<1,1>,6>,0),(<<1,1>,7>,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,1),(<<1,1>,2>,2),(<<1,1>,3>,0),(<<1,1>,4>,3),(<<1,1>,5>,0),(<<1,1>,6>,0),(<<1,1>,7>,3)},2 % 1)"
"({(<<1,1>,1>,1),(<<1,1>,2>,2),(<<1,1>,3>,1),(<<1,1>,4>,0),(<<1,1>,5>,0),(<<1,1>,6>,1),(<<1,1>,7>,0)},1 % 1)"
rpln $ aarr $ (norm (aa `fapply` ff)) `divide` (norm (vvc `fapply` ff))
algn (aa `fapply` ff) - algn (ind aa `fapply` ff)
algnden (aa `fapply` ff) - algnden (ind aa `fapply` ff)
ent (aa `fapply` ff)
cent (fftt ff) aa
rent (aa `fapply` ff) (vvc `fapply` ff)
Level limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher
Define the level limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher (Text) \[ Z_{P,A,A_R,V_{\mathrm{g}},F_{\mathrm{g}},\mathrm{L}} = \mathrm{searchTreer}(\mathcal{F}_{\infty,U_A,V_A} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{u}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{b}} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{h}},P_{P,A,A_R,V_{\mathrm{g}},F_{\mathrm{g}},\mathrm{L}},\{\emptyset\}) \] where the neighbourhood function returns a singleton \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&P_{P,A,A_R,V_{\mathrm{g}},F_{\mathrm{g}},\mathrm{L}}(F) = \{G :\\ &&\hspace{2em}G = F \cup \bigcup\{\{T\} \cup \mathrm{depends}(F_{\mathrm{g}},\mathrm{und}(T)) : \\ &&\hspace{5em}K \in \mathrm{topd}(\lfloor\mathrm{bmax}/\mathrm{mmax}\rfloor)(\mathrm{elements}(Z_{P,A,A_R,V_{\mathrm{g}},F_{\mathrm{g}},F,\mathrm{B}})),\\ &&\hspace{5em}H \in \mathrm{topd}(\mathrm{pmax})(\mathrm{elements}(Z_{P,A,A_R,F \cup F_{\mathrm{g}},\mathrm{n},-,K})),\\ &&\hspace{5em}w \in \mathrm{der}(H),~I = \mathrm{depends}(\mathrm{explode}(H),\{w\}),~T = I^{\mathrm{TPT}}\},\\ &&\hspace{2em}\mathrm{layer}(G, \mathrm{der}(G)) \leq \mathrm{lmax}\} \end{eqnarray} \]
The fud tree search function is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
The implementation replaces partition variables by cardinal variables and so has an additional argument of a list of variables, [Variable]
. This implementation is derived from the highest-layer limited-layer limited-underlying limited-breadth fud tree searcher,
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesLevelsListVariablesSearcherFudHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Set.Set Variable -> Fud -> [Variable] ->
Maybe ([Fud],(System,[Variable]))
wmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr vvg ffg ll
| ... = Just $ (pp,(uu',ll'))
| otherwise = Nothing
qq = ls fudEmpty uu ll lmax 0
pp = fst $ unzip $ qq
(uu',ll') = if qq /= [] then (last $ snd $ unzip qq) else (uu,ll)
ls _ _ _ 0 _ = []
ls ff uu ll h a = if b > a then ((gg,(uu',ll')) : ls gg uu' ll' (h-1) b) else []
yy = ls2 (topff (bmax `div` mmax) ff (zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr vvg ffg ff)) uu ll
gg = foldl funion ff (elems (llmm [(rr, ttff tt `funion` depends ffg (und tt)) |
hh <- (concat $ fst $ unzip yy),
w <- qqll (fder hh), let tt = fftt (depends hh (sgl w)),
let rr = ttpp tt, rr `notmem` nn]))
(uu',ll') = if yy /= [] then (last $ snd $ unzip yy) else (uu,ll)
b = maxr $ zzffcsdderhighopt wmax omax uu' aa aarr ffg gg
nn = llqq [ttpp tt | tt <- (qqll . ffqq) ff]
ls2 [] _ _ = []
ls2 (kk:bb) uu ll = (top pmax (fst $ unzip xx),(uu',ll')) : ls2 bb uu' ll'
(xx,(uu',ll')) = zzllcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr (ff `funion`ffg) kk ll
zzffcstupopt xmax omax uu aa aarr vvg ffg ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesLevelsFudsFunctionOptimiserTuple xmax omax uu aa aarr vvg ffg ff
zzllcsddecoptw mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk ll = fromJust $
mmax umax pmax uu aa aarr ff kk ll
zzffcsdderhighopt wmax omax uu aa rr ffg ff = fst $ unzip $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesLevelsFudsFunctionOptimiserDerivedHighest wmax omax uu aa rr ffg ff
Note that this implementation is additionally constrained to be limited-valency.
Level excluded-self maximum-roll highest-layer layerer
The level highest-layer excluded-self maximum-roll layerer, $I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mr,xs,d,l}}$, is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsLayererLevelMaximumRollExcludedSelfHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Set.Set Variable -> Fud -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Integer -> Integer ->
Maybe (System, Fud, Map.Map (Set.Set Variable) Double)
wmax lmax xmax omax bmax mmax umax pmax uu vvg ffg aa aarr f g
| otherwise = Just $ layer uu fudEmpty Map.empty xx xxrr 1
xx = apply (vars aa) (vars aa `union` fvars ffg) (fhis ffg) aa
xxrr = apply (vars aa) (vars aa `union` fvars ffg) (fhis ffg) aarr
layer uu ff mm xx xxrr l =
if l <= lmax && hh /= fudEmpty && (mm == Map.empty || maxr mm' > maxr mm) then
layer uu' gg mm' xx' xxrr' (l+1) else (uu,ff,mm)
ll = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (ii,b) <- zip [ii | ((kk,bb,bbrr),y1) <- qqll (buildfftup uu vvg ffg ff xx xxrr),
pp <- qqll (parter uu kk bb bbrr y1), nn <- qqll (roller (sgl pp)), ii <- nn, rancd ii < domcd ii] [1..],
let w = VarPair (VarPair (VarPair (VarInt f, VarInt g), VarInt l), VarInt b),
let ww = Set.map (\(_,u) -> (nnww u)) ii,
let tt = trans (unit [ss `sunion` ssgl w (nnww u) | (ss,u) <- qqll ii]) (sgl w)]
ll' = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (tt,(w,ww)) <- ll,
and [Set.size ww /= Set.size ww' || und tt /= und tt' || ttpp tt /= ttpp tt' | (tt',(w',ww')) <- ll, w > w']]
hh = qqff $ llqq $ fst $ unzip ll'
uu' = uu `uunion` (lluu $ snd $ unzip ll')
xx' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xx
xxrr' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xxrr
gg = ff `funion` hh `funion` depends ffg (fund hh)
mm' = buildffdervar uu' (vars aa) ffg gg xx' xxrr'
buildfftup uu vvg ffg ff xx xxrr =
fromJust $ parametersSystemsBuilderTupleLevelNoSumlayerMultiEffective xmax omax bmax mmax uu vvg ffg ff xx xxrr
parter uu kk bb bbrr y1 = fromJust $ parametersSystemsPartitioner mmax umax pmax uu kk bb bbrr y1
roller qq = fromJust $ parametersRoller 1 qq
buildffdervar uu vv ffg ff xx xxrr = llmm $ map (\((kk,_,_),a) -> (kk,a)) $ mmll $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsBuilderDerivedVarsLevelHighestNoSumlayer wmax omax uu vv ffg ff xx xxrr
Level excluded-self maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension highest-layer layerer
The level highest-layer excluded-self maximum-roll-by-derived-dimension layerer, $I_{P,U,\mathrm{L,mm,xs,d,l}}$, is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsLayererLevelMaxRollByMExcludedSelfHighest ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Set.Set Variable -> Fud -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Integer -> Integer ->
Maybe (System, Fud, Map.Map (Set.Set Variable) Double)
| otherwise = Just $ layer uu fudEmpty Map.empty xx xxrr 1
xx = apply (vars aa) (vars aa `union` fvars ffg) (fhis ffg) aa
xxrr = apply (vars aa) (vars aa `union` fvars ffg) (fhis ffg) aarr
layer uu ff mm xx xxrr l =
if l <= lmax && hh /= fudEmpty && (mm == Map.empty || maxr mm' > maxr mm) then
layer uu' gg mm' xx' xxrr' (l+1) else (uu,ff,mm)
ll = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (ii,b) <- zip [ii | ((kk,bb,bbrr),y1) <- qqll (buildfftup uu vvg ffg ff xx xxrr),
pp <- qqll (parter uu kk bb bbrr y1), nn <- qqll (roller (sgl pp)), ii <- nn, rancd ii < domcd ii] [1..],
let w = VarPair (VarPair (VarPair (VarInt f, VarInt g), VarInt l), VarInt b),
let ww = Set.map (\(_,u) -> (nnww u)) ii,
let tt = trans (unit [ss `sunion` ssgl w (nnww u) | (ss,u) <- qqll ii]) (sgl w)]
ll' = [(tt,(w,ww)) | (tt,(w,ww)) <- ll,
and [Set.size ww /= Set.size ww' || und tt /= und tt' || ttpp tt /= ttpp tt' | (tt',(w',ww')) <- ll, w > w']]
hh = qqff $ llqq $ fst $ unzip ll'
uu' = uu `uunion` (lluu $ snd $ unzip ll')
xx' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xx
xxrr' = apply (vars xx) (vars xx `union` fvars hh) (fhis hh) xxrr
gg = ff `funion` hh `funion` depends ffg (fund hh)
mm' = buildffdervar uu' (vars aa) ffg gg xx' xxrr'
buildfftup uu vvg ffg ff xx xxrr =
fromJust $ parametersSystemsBuilderTupleLevelNoSumlayerMultiEffective xmax omax bmax mmax uu vvg ffg ff xx xxrr
parter uu kk bb bbrr y1 = fromJust $ parametersSystemsPartitionerMaxRollByM mmax umax pmax uu kk bb bbrr y1
roller qq = fromJust $ parametersRoller 1 qq
buildffdervar uu vv ffg ff xx xxrr = llmm $ map (\((kk,_,_),a) -> (kk,a)) $ mmll $ fromJust $
parametersSystemsBuilderDerivedVarsLevelHighestNoSumlayer wmax omax uu vv ffg ff xx xxrr