Limited-path-models tuple partition practicable shuffle content alignment valency-density fud inducer
Haskell commentary on the implementation of Tractable and Practicable Inducers/Haskell Implementation/Limited-path-models inducer
See section ‘Optimisation’ P674. The limited-path-models tuple partition list maximiser, $Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} }$, is constructed
&&Z_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} } = \\
&&\hspace{2em}\mathrm{maximiseLister}(X_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} }, P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} }, \mathrm{top}(\mathrm{omax}), R_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} })
The optimise function $X_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} } \in \mathcal{F}_{\infty,U_A,V_A} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{q} } :\to \mathbf{Q}$, is the rational approximation to the shuffle content alignment valency-density valued total function of the limited-models infinite-layer substrate fuds, defined
X_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} } = \{(F,I_{\mathrm{csd} }^{ * }((A,A_R,F))) : F \in \mathcal{F}_{\infty,U_A,V_A} \cap \mathcal{F}_{\mathrm{q} }\}
where the shuffle content alignment valency-density computer $I_{\mathrm{csd}} \in \mathrm{computers}$ is defined as (Text)
I_{\mathrm{csd} }^{ * }((A,A_R,F)) = (I_{\mathrm{a} }^{ * }(A * F^{\mathrm{T} })-I_{\mathrm{a} }^{ * }(A_R * F^{\mathrm{T} }))/I_{\mathrm{cvl} }^{ * }(F)
The $I_{\mathrm{csd} }^{ * }$ function is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
systemsHistogramsHistogramsFudsAlignmentCsd_u :: System -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Fud -> Double
systemsHistogramsHistogramsFudsAlignmentCsd_u uu aa aarr ff =
(algn (aa `fmul` ff) - algn (aarr `fmul` ff)) / (w ** (1/m))
Note that the _u
suffix indicates that there are no bounds checking guards on the arguments.
The neighbourhood function $P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} } \in \mathrm{P}(X_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} }) \to \mathrm{P}(X_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} })$, derived from the limited-layer limited-derived-volume limited-underlying-volume limited-breadth partition infinite-layer fud tree, $\mathrm{tfiubhd}(U)(V)$, is defined (Text)
&&P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} }(Q) =\\
&&\hspace{2em}\{(F \cup G,I_{\mathrm{csd} }^{ * }((A,A_R,F \cup G))) : \\
&&\hspace{3em}(F,\cdot) \in Q,~\mathrm{layer}(F,\mathrm{der}(F)) < \mathrm{lmax},\\
&&\hspace{3em}G \subseteq \{P^{\mathrm{T} } : K \in \mathrm{tuples}(V_A,F),~|K^{\mathrm{C} }| \leq \mathrm{xmax},~P \in \mathrm{B}(K^{\mathrm{CS} }),~|P| \geq 2\},\\
&&\hspace{3em}1 \leq |G| \leq \mathrm{bmax},\\
&&\hspace{3em}W = \mathrm{der}(F \cup G), ~|W^{\mathrm{C} }| \leq \mathrm{wmax}\}
The neighbourhood function is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFunctionsFunctionNeighbourhoodPartitionLimitedPathModels ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer ->
System -> Histogram -> Histogram -> Map.Map Fud Double -> Maybe (Map.Map Fud Double)
xmax bmax wmax lmax uu aa aarr qq
| ... = Just $ llmm
[(hh, (algn (aa `fmul` hh) - algn (aarr `fmul` hh)) / (w' ** (1/m))) |
ff <- keys qq, layer ff < lmax, let uu2 = (uu `uunion` fsys ff),
gg <- llfudsll bmax [qqtt pp | kk <- tuplesll (vars aa) ff, vol uu2 kk <= xmax,
pp <- partsll (cart uu2 kk), dim pp >= 2],
gg /= fudEmpty, let hh = ff `funion` gg,
let ww = fder hh, let w = vol (uu `uunion` fsys hh) ww, w <= wmax,
let w' = fromIntegral w, let m = fromIntegral (Set.size ww)]
| otherwise = Nothing
algn = histogramsAlignment
tuplesll vv ff = Set.toList $ setVariablesFudsSetTuple vv ff
llfudsll bmax ll = Set.toList $ qqff $ setsPowersetLimited (Set.fromList ll) bmax
partsll = Set.toList . setsPartitionSet
Note that the neighbourhood function could also be implemented with the $I_{\mathrm{csd} }^{ * }$ function mentioned above.
For the first layer, $F = \emptyset$, the set of next layer fuds corresponds to the non-empty pluri-valent partition-sets of the intersection of (i) the lower-limited-valency substrate partition-sets set $\mathcal{N}_{U,V,\mathrm{umin} }$, where $\mathrm{umin}=2$, (ii) the limited-underlying-volume substrate partition-sets set, $\mathcal{N}_{U,V,\mathrm{xmax} }$, (iii) the limited-breadth substrate partition-sets set, $\mathcal{N}_{U,V,\mathrm{bmax} }$, (iv) and the limited-derived-volume substrate partition-sets set, $\mathcal{N}_{U,V,\mathrm{wmax} }$,
&&|P_{P,A,A_R,\mathrm{csd},\mathrm{p} }(\{(\emptyset,\cdot)\})| = \\
&&\hspace{5em}|\mathcal{N}_{U,V,\overline{2} } \cap \mathcal{N}_{U_A,V_A,\mathrm{xmax} } \cap \mathcal{N}_{U_A,V_A,\mathrm{bmax} } \cap \mathcal{N}_{U_A,V_A,\mathrm{wmax} }| - 1
In the case of pluri-valent regular variables $V$, having valency $d>1$ and dimension $n$, if the implied underlying-dimension limit, $\mathrm{kmax} = \ln \mathrm{xmax}~/ \ln d$, is integral, $\ln \mathrm{xmax}~/ \ln d \in \mathbf{N}$, then the cardinality of the intersection is
&&|\mathcal{N}_{U,V,\overline{2} } \cap \mathcal{N}_{U,V,\mathrm{xmax} } \cap \mathcal{N}_{U,V,\mathrm{bmax} }| = \\
&&\hspace{5em}\bigg(\sum_{b \in {0 \ldots \mathrm{bmax}} } \binom{c}{b}\bigg)~:~c = \sum_{k \in {0 \ldots \mathrm{kmax}} } \binom{n}{k} (\mathrm{bell}(d^k)-1)
The intersection is defined in module AlignmentSubstrate
valenciesDimensionsLimitsSetSetPartitionSubstrateLimitedUnderlyingDimensionBreadthPluriValentCardinalityRegular ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Maybe Integer
valenciesDimensionsLimitsSetSetPartitionSubstrateLimitedUnderlyingDimensionBreadthPluriValentCardinalityRegular d n kmax bmax
| n >= 0 && d > 0 && bmax >= 0 = Just $
let c = sum [binom n k * (bell (d^k) - 1) | k <- [0..(min n kmax)]] in sum [binom c b | b <- [0..(min c bmax)]]
| otherwise = Nothing
For example,
let nnvvkbmaxpvcdr d n kmax bmax = fromJust $ valenciesDimensionsLimitsSetSetPartitionSubstrateLimitedUnderlyingDimensionBreadthPluriValentCardinalityRegular d n kmax bmax
[(d,n,d^kmax,bmax,nnvvkbmaxpvcdr d n kmax bmax) | d <- [2..5], n <- [2..5], kmax <- [1..3], bmax <- [2..4], nnvvkbmaxpvcdr d n kmax bmax <= 200]
let ppcsdwp xmax bmax wmax aa = fromJust $ parametersSystemsSamplesShufflesFunctionsFunctionNeighbourhoodPartitionLimitedPathModels xmax bmax wmax 1 (sys aa) aa (ind aa) (Map.singleton fudEmpty 0)
let ppcsdwpinvll xmax bmax wmax aa = Map.toList $ functionsInverse $ ppcsdwp xmax bmax wmax aa
let ppcsdwpmax xmax bmax wmax aa = Set.findMax $ relationsMaximum $ functionsRelation $ ppcsdwp xmax bmax wmax aa
let aa = resize 100 (regpivot 3 2)
Map.size (ppcsdwp (3^1) 2 (3^1) aa)
rpln $ sort $ [(a, Set.size xx) | (a,xx) <- ppcsdwpinvll (3^1) 2 (3^1) aa]
Map.size (ppcsdwp (3^1) 2 4 aa)
rpln $ sort $ [(a, Set.size xx) | (a,xx) <- ppcsdwpinvll (3^1) 2 4 aa]
(algn aa)/3
rp $ ppcsdwpmax (3^1) 2 4 aa
"({({({(1,1),({ { {(1,1)} },{ {(1,2)},{(1,3)} } },{ {(1,1)} })},1 % 1),({(1,2),({ { {(1,1)} },{ {(1,2)},{(1,3)} } },{ {(1,2)},{(1,3)} })},1 % 1),({(1,3),({ { {(1,1)} },{ {(1,2)},{(1,3)} } },{ {(1,2)},{(1,3)} })},1 % 1)},{ { { {(1,1)} },{ {(1,2)},{(1,3)} } } }),({({(2,1),({ { {(2,1)} },{ {(2,2)},{(2,3)} } },{ {(2,1)} })},1 % 1),({(2,2),({ { {(2,1)} },{ {(2,2)},{(2,3)} } },{ {(2,2)},{(2,3)} })},1 % 1),({(2,3),({ { {(2,1)} },{ {(2,2)},{(2,3)} } },{ {(2,2)},{(2,3)} })},1 % 1)},{ { { {(2,1)} },{ {(2,2)},{(2,3)} } } })},23.159383609286493)"
let (ff,_) = ppcsdwpmax (3^1) 2 4 aa
algn $ aa
algn $ aa `fmul` ff
Map.size (ppcsdwp (3^1) 2 (3^2) aa)
rpln $ sort $ [(a, Set.size xx) | (a,xx) <- ppcsdwpinvll (3^1) 2 (3^2) aa]
Map.size (ppcsdwp (3^1) 3 (3^3) aa)
nnvvkbmaxpvcdr 3 2 1 3
rpln $ sort $ [(a, Set.size xx) | (a,xx) <- ppcsdwpinvll (3^1) 3 (3^3) aa]
let aa = resize 100 (regpivot 3 3)
Map.size (ppcsdwp (3^1) 2 (3^3) aa)
nnvvkbmaxpvcdr 3 3 1 2
rpln $ sort $ [(a, Set.size xx) | (a,xx) <- ppcsdwpinvll (3^1) 2 (3^3) aa]
Map.size (ppcsdwp (3^1) 3 (3^3) aa)
nnvvkbmaxpvcdr 3 3 1 3
rpln $ sort $ [(a, Set.size xx) | (a,xx) <- ppcsdwpinvll (3^1) 3 (3^3) aa]
bell (3^1)
bell (3^2)
nnvvkbmaxpvcdr 3 3 2 2
nnvvkbmaxpvcdr 3 3 2 3