Tuple set list builders
Python implementation of fast Practicable Inducers/Tuple set list builders
Multi-effective no-sum-layer limited-underlying tuple set list builder
Level multi-effective no-sum-layer limited-underlying tuple set list builder
Multi-effective no-sum-layer limited-underlying tuple set list builder
The application of the multi-effective no-sum-layer limited-underlying tuple set list builder, $I_{P,U,\mathrm{B,ns,me}}$, is described in Python.
The tuple set builder is defined in module AlignmentPracticable
parametersSystemsBuilderTupleNoSumlayerMultiEffective ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> System -> Set.Set Variable -> Fud -> Histogram -> Histogram ->
Maybe (Set.Set ((Set.Set Variable, Histogram, Histogram),Double))
def parametersSystemsBuilderTupleNoSumlayerMultiEffective(xmax,omax,bmax,mmax,uu,vv,ff,xx,xxrr):
The repa tuple set builder is defined in module AlignmentPracticableRepa
parametersSystemsBuilderTupleNoSumlayerMultiEffectiveRepa_ui ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> System -> Set.Set Variable -> Fud ->
HistoryRepa -> HistogramRepaRed -> HistoryRepa -> HistogramRepaRed ->
([((Set.Set Variable, (HistogramRepaVec, HistogramRepaVec, UV.Vector Double)),Double)],Integer)
def parametersSystemsBuilderTupleNoSumlayerMultiEffectiveRepa_ui(xmax,omax,bmax,mmax,uu,vv,ff,hh,hhx,hhrr,hhrrx):
Note that the _u
suffix indicates that no checking is done on the arguments. The _i
suffix indicates that it returns the cardinality of the searched.
Note that the repa builders are partly implemented in C.
Level multi-effective no-sum-layer limited-underlying tuple set list builder
The implementation of the repa level multi-effective no-sum-layer limited-underlying tuple set list builder, $I_{P,U,\mathrm{B,l,ns,me}}$, is defined in module AlignmentPracticableRepa
parametersSystemsBuilderTupleLevelNoSumlayerMultiEffectiveRepa_ui ::
Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> System -> Set.Set Variable -> Fud -> Fud ->
HistoryRepa -> HistogramRepaRed -> HistoryRepa -> HistogramRepaRed ->
([((Set.Set Variable, (HistogramRepaVec, HistogramRepaVec, UV.Vector Double)),Double)],Integer)
def parametersSystemsBuilderTupleLevelNoSumlayerMultiEffectiveRepa_ui(xmax,omax,bmax,mmax,uu,vvg,ffg,ff,hh,hhx,hhrr,hhrrx):
Note that the _u
suffix indicates that no checking is done on the arguments. The _i
suffix indicates that it returns the cardinality of the searched.
Note that the repa builders are partly implemented in C.