Transform entropy

Haskell implementation of the Overview/Transform entropy



Model entropy

Example - a weather forecast


Let $T$ be a one functional transform, $T \in \mathcal{T}_{U,\mathrm{f},1}$, having underlying variables $V = \mathrm{und}(T)$. Let $A$ be a histogram, $A \in \mathcal{A}$, in the underlying variables, $\mathrm{vars}(A) = V$, having size $z = \mathrm{size}(A) > 0$. The underlying volume is $v = |V^{\mathrm{C}}|$. The derived volume is $w = |T^{-1}|$.

Consider the deck of cards example,

let lluu ll = fromJust $ listsSystem [(v,Set.fromList ww) | (v,ww) <- ll]

let [suit,rank] = map VarStr ["suit","rank"]
    [hearts,clubs,diamonds,spades] = map ValStr ["hearts","clubs","diamonds","spades"]
    [jack,queen,king,ace] = map ValStr ["J","Q","K","A"] 

let uu = lluu [
      (suit, [hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades]),
      (rank, [jack,queen,king,ace] ++ map ValInt [2..10])]

let vv = Set.fromList [suit, rank]

rp uu

rp vv

let aa = unit (cart uu vv)

rpln $ aall aa
"({(rank,A),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"

Also consider a game of cards which has a special deck such that spades and clubs are pip cards and hearts and diamonds are face cards. The suit and the rank are no longer independent,

let bb = unit (Set.fromList (
      [llss [(suit,s),(rank,r)] | s <- [spades,clubs],    r <- ace : map ValInt [2..10]] ++
      [llss [(suit,s),(rank,r)] | s <- [hearts,diamonds], r <- [jack,queen,king]]))

rpln $ aall bb
"({(rank,A),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"

Consider the transform relating the suit to the colour,

let colour = VarStr "colour"
    red = ValStr "red"; black = ValStr "black"

let xx = llaa [(llss [(suit, u),(colour, w)],1) | (u,w) <- [(hearts, red), (clubs, black), (diamonds, red), (spades, black)]]

rpln $ aall xx
"({(colour,black),(suit,clubs)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,black),(suit,spades)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(suit,diamonds)},1 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(suit,hearts)},1 % 1)"

let ww = Set.fromList [colour]

let kk = vars xx `Set.difference` ww

let tt = trans xx ww

ttaa tt == xx

und tt == kk

der tt == ww

In order to compare the sized derived entropies of the two decks, we shall add together two special decks, $B + B$, to have the same size as whole deck, $A$,

size aa
52 % 1

size bb
26 % 1

let bb = scalar 2 `mul` unit (Set.fromList (
      [llss [(suit,s),(rank,r)] | s <- [spades,clubs],    r <- ace : map ValInt [2..10]] ++
      [llss [(suit,s),(rank,r)] | s <- [hearts,diamonds], r <- [jack,queen,king]]))

size bb
52 % 1

rpln $ aall bb
"({(rank,A),(suit,clubs)},2 % 1)"
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},2 % 1)"
"({(rank,J),(suit,diamonds)},2 % 1)"
"({(rank,9),(suit,spades)},2 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,clubs)},2 % 1)"
"({(rank,10),(suit,spades)},2 % 1)"

rpln $ aall $ aa `tmul` tt
"({(colour,black)},26 % 1)"
"({(colour,red)},26 % 1)"

rpln $ aall $ bb `tmul` tt
"({(colour,black)},40 % 1)"
"({(colour,red)},12 % 1)"

The derived entropy or component size entropy is \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropy}(A * T) &:=& -\sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (\hat{A} * T)_R \times \ln~(\hat{A} * T)_R \end{eqnarray} \]

let ent = histogramsEntropy 

ent (aa `tmul` tt)

ent (bb `tmul` tt)

The derived entropy is positive and less than or equal to the logarithm of the derived volume, $0 \leq \mathrm{entropy}(A * T) \leq \ln w$,

let w = fromIntegral (Set.size (states (xx `ared` der tt))) :: Double


log w

ent (aa `tmul` tt) <= log w

ent (bb `tmul` tt) <= log w

Complementary to the derived entropy is the expected component entropy, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropyComponent}(A,T) &:=& \sum_{(R,C) \in T^{-1}} (\hat{A} * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * C)\\ &=&\sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (\hat{A} * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(\{R\}^{\mathrm{U}} * T^{\odot A}) \end{eqnarray} \]

transformsHistogramsEntropyComponent :: Transform -> Histogram -> Double

For example,

let cent aa tt = transformsHistogramsEntropyComponent tt aa

cent aa tt

cent bb tt

The cartesian derived entropy or component cardinality entropy is \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) &:=& -\sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R \times \ln~(\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R \end{eqnarray} \]

let vvc = unit (cart uu vv)

ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

In the case of the whole deck of cards, the histogram is cartesian, $A = V^{\mathrm{C}}$, so the component cardinality entropy equals the derived entropy, $V^{\mathrm{C}} * T = A * T$,

ent (vvc `tmul` tt) == ent (aa `tmul` tt)

The cartesian derived entropy is positive and less than or equal to the logarithm of the derived volume, $0 \leq \mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \leq \ln w$,

ent (vvc `tmul` tt) <= log w

The cartesian derived derived sum entropy or component size cardinality sum entropy is \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropy}(A * T) + \mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \end{eqnarray} \]

ent (aa `tmul` tt) + ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

ent (bb `tmul` tt) + ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

The component size cardinality cross entropy is the negative derived histogram expected normalised cartesian derived count logarithm, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropyCross}(A * T,V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) &:=& -\sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (\hat{A} * T)_R \times \ln~(\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R \end{eqnarray} \]

histogramsHistogramsEntropyCross :: Histogram -> Histogram -> Double

For example,

let crent = histogramsHistogramsEntropyCross

crent (aa `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt)

crent (bb `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt)

The component size cardinality cross entropy is greater than or equal to the derived entropy, $\mathrm{entropyCross}(A * T,V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \geq \mathrm{entropy}(A * T)$,

crent (aa `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt) >= ent (aa `tmul` tt)

crent (bb `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt) >= ent (bb `tmul` tt)

The component cardinality size cross entropy is the negative cartesian derived expected normalised derived histogram count logarithm, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropyCross}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T,A * T) &:=& -\sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R \times \ln~(\hat{A} * T)_R \end{eqnarray} \]

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (aa `tmul` tt) 

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (bb `tmul` tt) 

The component cardinality size cross entropy is greater than or equal to the cartesian derived entropy, $\mathrm{entropyCross}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T,A * T) \geq \mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)$,

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (aa `tmul` tt) >= ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (bb `tmul` tt) >= ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

The component size cardinality sum cross entropy is \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropy}(A * T + V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \end{eqnarray} \]

ent ((aa `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt))

ent ((bb `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt))

The component size cardinality sum cross entropy is positive and less than or equal to the logarithm of the derived volume, $0 \leq \mathrm{entropy}(A * T + V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \leq \ln w$,

ent ((aa `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt)) <= log w

ent ((bb `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt)) <= log w

In all cases the cross entropy is maximised when high size components are low cardinality components, $(\hat{A} * T)_R \gg (\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R$ or $\mathrm{size}(A * C)/z \gg |C|/v$, and low size components are high cardinality components, $(\hat{A} * T)_R \ll (\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R$ or $\mathrm{size}(A * C)/z \ll |C|/v$, where $(R,C) \in T^{-1}$. To show this consider another transform $T’$,

let tt' = trans (cdaa [[1,1,1],[1,2,2],[1,3,2],[2,1,2],[2,2,1],[2,3,2],[3,1,2],[3,2,2],[3,3,1]]) (Set.fromList [VarInt 3])

rpln $ aall $ ttaa tt'
"({(1,1),(2,1),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,2),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,1),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2),(3,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,3),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,1),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,2),(3,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,3),(3,1)},1 % 1)"

Let $A’$ be a scaled regular diagonal histogram plus a scaled regular cartesian histogram,

let aa' = resize 9 $ norm (regdiag 3 2) `add` norm (regcart 3 2)

rpln $ aall $ aa'
"({(1,1),(2,1)},2 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,2)},1 % 2)"
"({(1,1),(2,3)},1 % 2)"
"({(1,2),(2,1)},1 % 2)"
"({(1,2),(2,2)},2 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,3)},1 % 2)"
"({(1,3),(2,1)},1 % 2)"
"({(1,3),(2,2)},1 % 2)"
"({(1,3),(2,3)},2 % 1)"

let vvc' = regcart 3 2

rpln $ aall $ vvc'
"({(1,1),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,1),(2,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,2),(2,3)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,1)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,2)},1 % 1)"
"({(1,3),(2,3)},1 % 1)"

rpln $ aall $ aa' `tmul` tt'
"({(3,1)},6 % 1)"
"({(3,2)},3 % 1)"

rpln $ aall $ vvc' `tmul` tt'
"({(3,1)},3 % 1)"
"({(3,2)},6 % 1)"

The derived entropy equals the cartesian derived entropy,

ent (aa' `tmul` tt')

ent (vvc' `tmul` tt')

but the cross entropy is greater than either,

ent ((aa' `tmul` tt') `add` (vvc' `tmul` tt'))

crent (aa' `tmul` tt') (vvc' `tmul` tt')

crent (vvc' `tmul` tt') (aa' `tmul` tt')

The cross entropy is minimised when the normalised derived histogram equals the normalised cartesian derived, $\hat{A} * T = \hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T$ or $\forall (R,C) \in T^{-1}~(\mathrm{size}(A * C)/z = |C|/v)$. In this case the cross entropy equals the corresponding component entropy,

ent ((vvc' `tmul` tt') `add` (vvc' `tmul` tt'))

crent (vvc' `tmul` tt') (vvc' `tmul` tt')

The component size cardinality relative entropy is the component size cardinality cross entropy minus the component size entropy, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropyRelative}(A * T,V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) &:=& \sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (\hat{A} * T)_R \times \ln\frac{(\hat{A} * T)_R}{(\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R}\\ &=& \mathrm{entropyCross}(A * T,V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)~-~\mathrm{entropy}(A * T) \end{eqnarray} \] The component size cardinality relative entropy is positive, $\mathrm{entropyRelative}(A * T,V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \geq 0$,

crent (aa `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt) - ent (aa `tmul` tt)

crent (bb `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt) - ent (bb `tmul` tt)

crent (aa' `tmul` tt') (vvc' `tmul` tt') - ent (aa' `tmul` tt')

The component cardinality size relative entropy is the component cardinality size cross entropy minus the component cardinality entropy, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{entropyRelative}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T,A * T) &:=& \sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R \times \ln\frac{(\hat{V}^{\mathrm{C}} * T)_R}{(\hat{A} * T)_R}\\ &=& \mathrm{entropyCross}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T,A * T)~-~\mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \end{eqnarray} \] The component cardinality size relative entropy is positive, $\mathrm{entropyRelative}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T,A * T) \geq 0$,

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (aa `tmul` tt) - ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (bb `tmul` tt) - ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

crent (vvc' `tmul` tt') (aa' `tmul` tt') - ent (vvc' `tmul` tt')

The size-volume scaled component size cardinality sum relative entropy is the size-volume scaled component size cardinality sum cross entropy minus the size-volume scaled component size cardinality sum entropy, \[ \begin{eqnarray} (z+v) \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * T + V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)~-~z \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * T)~-~v \times \mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \end{eqnarray} \] The size-volume scaled component size cardinality sum relative entropy is positive and less than the size-volume scaled logarithm of the derived volume, $(z+v) \ln w$,

let z = fromRational (size aa) :: Double
    v = fromIntegral (vol uu vv) :: Double

(z+v) * ent ((aa `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt)) - z * ent (aa `tmul` tt) - v * ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

(z+v) * ent ((bb `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt)) - z * ent (bb `tmul` tt) - v * ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

(z+v) * log w

let z' = 9 :: Double
    v' = 9 :: Double
    w' = 2 :: Double

(z'+v') * ent ((aa' `tmul` tt') `add` (vvc' `tmul` tt')) - z' * ent (aa' `tmul` tt') - v' * ent (vvc' `tmul` tt')

(z'+v') * log w'

(z'+v') * ent ((vvc' `tmul` tt') `add` (vvc' `tmul` tt')) - z' * ent (vvc' `tmul` tt') - v' * ent (vvc' `tmul` tt')

In all cases the relative entropy is maximised when (a) the cross entropy is maximised and (b) the component entropy is minimised. That is, the relative entropy is maximised when both (i) the component size entropy, $\mathrm{entropy}(A * T)$, and (ii) the component cardinality entropy, $\mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)$, are low, but low in different ways so that the component size cardinality sum cross entropy, $\mathrm{entropy}(A * T + V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)$, is high.

Model entropy

Let histogram $A$ have a set of variables $V = \mathrm{vars}(A)$ which is partitioned into query variables $K \subset V$ and label variables $V \setminus K$. Let $T \in \mathcal{T}_{U,\mathrm{f},1}$ be a one functional transform having underlying variables equal to the query variables, $\mathrm{und}(T) = K$. As shown above, given a query state $Q \in K^{\mathrm{CS}}$ that is effective in the sample derived, $R \in (A * T)^{\mathrm{FS}}$ where $\{R\} = (\{Q\}^{\mathrm{U}} * T)^{\mathrm{FS}}$, the probability histogram for the label is \[ \begin{eqnarray} \{Q\}^{\mathrm{U}} * T * T^{\odot A}~\%~(V \setminus K) &\in& \mathcal{A} \cap \mathcal{P} \end{eqnarray} \] In the deck of cards example, the model of the colours of the suits does not tell us anything about the rank given the suit in the case where the histogram is the entire deck,

let qq = unit (Set.singleton (llss [(suit,clubs)]))

let vk = vv `Set.difference` kk

rpln $ aall $ norm $ qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` aa `ared` vk
"({(rank,A)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,J)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,K)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,Q)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,2)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,3)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,4)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,5)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,6)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,7)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,8)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,9)},1 % 13)"
"({(rank,10)},1 % 13)"

So the entropy is high,

ent $ qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` aa `ared` vk

In the case of the special deck, however, our model aligns the suit to the rank via colour, so a query on clubs is always a pip card,

rpln $ aall $ norm $ qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` bb `ared` vk
"({(rank,A)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,2)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,3)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,4)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,5)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,6)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,7)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,8)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,9)},1 % 10)"
"({(rank,10)},1 % 10)"

and the entropy is lower,

ent $ qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` bb `ared` vk

Similarly, a query on hearts is always a face card,

let qq = unit (Set.singleton (llss [(suit,hearts)]))

rpln $ aall $ norm $ qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` bb `ared` vk
"({(rank,J)},1 % 3)"
"({(rank,K)},1 % 3)"
"({(rank,Q)},1 % 3)"

which has still lower entropy,

ent $ qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` bb `ared` vk

If the normalised histogram, $\hat{A} \in \mathcal{A} \cap \mathcal{P}$, is treated as a probability function of a single-state query, the scaled expected entropy of the modelled transformed conditional product, or scaled label entropy, is \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&\sum_{(R,C) \in T^{-1}} (A * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * C~\%~(V \setminus K))\\ &=&\sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (A * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(\{R\}^{\mathrm{U}} * T^{\odot A}~\%~(V \setminus K)) \end{eqnarray} \]

setVarsTransformsHistogramsEntropyLabel :: Set.Set Variable -> Transform -> Histogram -> Double

For example,

let tlent kk aa tt = setVarsTransformsHistogramsEntropyLabel kk tt aa

tlent Set.empty aa tt

tlent kk aa tt

tlent Set.empty bb tt

tlent kk bb tt

This is similar to the definition of the scaled expected component entropy, above, \[ \begin{eqnarray} z \times \mathrm{entropyComponent}(A,T) &:=& \sum_{(R,C) \in T^{-1}} (A * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * C)\\ &=&\sum_{(R,\cdot) \in T^{-1}} (A * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(\{R\}^{\mathrm{U}} * T^{\odot A}) \end{eqnarray} \] but now the component is reduced to the label variables, $V \setminus K$,

let cent aa tt = transformsHistogramsEntropyComponent tt aa

let z = fromRational (size aa) :: Double

z * cent aa tt

z * cent bb tt

The label entropy, may be contrasted with the alignment between the derived variables, $W$, and the label variables, $V \setminus K$, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{algn}(A * \mathrm{his}(T)~\%~(W \cup V \setminus K)) \end{eqnarray} \]

algn $ aa `mul` ttaa tt `ared` (ww `Set.union` vk)

algn $ bb `mul` ttaa tt `ared` (ww `Set.union` vk)

The alignment varies against the scaled label entropy or scaled query conditional entropy. Let $B = A * \mathrm{his}(T)~\%~(W \cup V \setminus K)$, \[ \begin{eqnarray} &&\mathrm{algn}(A * \mathrm{his}(T)~\%~(W \cup V \setminus K)) \\ &&\hspace{5em}=\mathrm{algn}(B) \\ &&\hspace{5em}\approx z \times \mathrm{entropy}(B^{\mathrm{X}}) - z \times \mathrm{entropy}(B) \\ &&\hspace{5em}\sim z \times \mathrm{entropy}(B\%W) + z \times \mathrm{entropy}(B\%(V \setminus K)) - z \times \mathrm{entropy}(B) \\ &&\hspace{5em}\sim -(z \times \mathrm{entropy}(B) - z \times \mathrm{entropy}(B\%W)) \\ &&\hspace{5em}= -\sum_{R \in (B\%W)^{\mathrm{FS}}} (B\%W)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(B * \{R\}^{\mathrm{U}}~\%~(V \setminus K))\\ &&\hspace{5em}= -\sum_{(R,C) \in T^{-1}} (A * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * C~\%~(V \setminus K)) \end{eqnarray} \] The label entropy, may also be compared to the slice entropy, which is the sum of the sized entropies of the contingent slices reduced to the label variables, $V \setminus K$, \[ \sum_{R \in (A\%K)^{\mathrm{FS}}} (A\%K)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * \{R\}^{\mathrm{U}}~\%~(V \setminus K)) \]

let lent kk aa = setVarsHistogramsSliceEntropy kk aa

lent Set.empty aa

lent kk aa

lent Set.empty bb

lent kk bb

In the case where the relation between the derived variables and the label variables is functional or causal, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \mathrm{split}(W,(A * \mathrm{his}(T)~\%~(W \cup V \setminus K))^{\mathrm{FS}}) &\in& W^{\mathrm{CS}} \to (V \setminus K)^{\mathrm{CS}} \end{eqnarray} \] the label entropy is zero, \[ \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{(R,C) \in T^{-1}} (A * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * C~\%~(V \setminus K)) &=& 0 \end{eqnarray} \] This would be the case, for example, for a deck consisting of 26 ace of spades and 26 queen of hearts,

let cc = scalar 26 `mul` unit (Set.fromList [
      llss [(suit,spades),(rank,ace)],
      llss [(suit,hearts),(rank,queen)]])

rpln $ aall $ cc
"({(rank,A),(suit,spades)},26 % 1)"
"({(rank,Q),(suit,hearts)},26 % 1)"

rpln $ aall $ cc `tmul` tt
"({(colour,black)},26 % 1)"
"({(colour,red)},26 % 1)"

rpln $ aall $ cc `mul` ttaa tt `ared` (ww `Set.union` vk)
"({(colour,black),(rank,A)},26 % 1)"
"({(colour,red),(rank,Q)},26 % 1)"

let ssplit = setVarsSetStatesSplit 

rpln $ Set.toList $ ssplit ww (states (cc `mul` ttaa tt `ared` (ww `Set.union` vk)))

tlent kk cc tt

algn $ cc `mul` ttaa tt `ared` (ww `Set.union` vk)

Now the model predicts the rank given the suit,

let qq = unit (Set.singleton (llss [(suit,clubs)]))

rpln $ aall $ norm $ qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` cc `ared` vk
"({(rank,A)},1 % 1)"

let qq = unit (Set.singleton (llss [(suit,hearts)]))

rpln $ aall $ norm $ qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` cc `ared` vk
"({(rank,Q)},1 % 1)"

So label entropy is a measure of the ambiguity in the relation between the derived variables and the label variables. Negative label entropy may be viewed as the degree to which the derived variables of the model predict the label variables. In the cases of low label entropy, or high causality, the derived variables and the label variables are correlated and therefore aligned, $\mathrm{algn}(A * \mathrm{his}(T)~\%~(W \cup V \setminus K)) > 0$. In these cases the derived histogram tends to the diagonal, $\mathrm{algn}(A * T) > 0$.

Example - a weather forecast

Some of the concepts above regarding transform entropy can be demonstrated with the sample of some weather measurements created in States, histories and histograms,

let lluu ll = fromJust $ listsSystem [(v,Set.fromList ww) | (v,ww) <- ll]
    llhh vv ev = fromJust $ listsHistory [(IdInt i, llss (zip vv ll)) | (i,ll) <- ev]
    red aa ll = setVarsHistogramsReduce (Set.fromList ll) aa
    ssplit ll aa = Set.toList (setVarsSetStatesSplit (Set.fromList ll) (states aa))
    lltt kk ww qq = trans (unit (Set.fromList [llss (zip (kk ++ ww) ll) | ll <- qq])) (Set.fromList ww)
    query qq tt aa ll = norm (qq `tmul` tt `mul` ttaa tt `mul` aa `red` ll)

let [pressure,cloud,wind,rain] = map VarStr ["pressure","cloud","wind","rain"]

let [low,medium,high,none,light,heavy,strong] = map ValStr ["low","medium","high","none","light","heavy","strong"]

let uu = lluu [
      (pressure, [low,medium,high]),
      (cloud,    [none,light,heavy]),
      (wind,     [none,light,strong]),
      (rain,     [none,light,heavy])]

let vv = uvars uu

let hh = llhh [pressure,cloud,wind,rain] [

let aa = hhaa hh

rp uu

rp vv

rpln $ aall aa
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,heavy),(pressure,low),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,high),(rain,heavy),(wind,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,high),(rain,light),(wind,strong)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,low),(rain,light),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,heavy),(wind,strong)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,light),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,high),(rain,none),(wind,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,high),(rain,none),(wind,none)},3 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,low),(rain,light),(wind,light)},1 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,light),(wind,light)},2 % 1)"
"({(cloud,none),(pressure,medium),(rain,none),(wind,none)},1 % 1)"

size aa
20 % 1

We considered the case where we wish to predict the rain given the pressure, cloud and wind in Transforms, by creating a transform which related cloud and wind,

let cloud_and_wind = VarStr "cloud_and_wind"

let tt = lltt [cloud,wind] [cloud_and_wind] [
      [none, none, none],
      [none, light, light],
      [none, strong, light],
      [light, none, light],
      [light, light, light],
      [light, strong, light],
      [heavy, none, strong],
      [heavy, light, strong],
      [heavy, strong, strong]]

The derived, $A * T$, is

rpln $ aall $ aa `tmul` tt
"({(cloud_and_wind,light)},12 % 1)"
"({(cloud_and_wind,none)},4 % 1)"
"({(cloud_and_wind,strong)},4 % 1)"

rpln $ aarr $ norm $ aa `tmul` tt

The derived entropy, $\mathrm{entropy}(A * T)$, is

let ent = histogramsEntropy 

ent (aa `tmul` tt)

The derived entropy is positive and less than or equal to the logarithm of the derived volume, $0 \leq \mathrm{entropy}(A * T) \leq \ln w$,

let w = 3 :: Double

log w

Complementary to the derived entropy is the expected component entropy, $\mathrm{entropyComponent}(A,T)$,

let cent = transformsHistogramsEntropyComponent 

cent tt aa

The cartesian derived, $V^{\mathrm{C}} * T$, is

let vvc = unit (cart uu vv)

size vvc
81 % 1

rpln $ aall $ vvc `tmul` tt
"({(cloud_and_wind,light)},45 % 1)"
"({(cloud_and_wind,none)},9 % 1)"
"({(cloud_and_wind,strong)},27 % 1)"

rpln $ aarr $ norm $ vvc `tmul` tt

The cartesian derived entropy, $\mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)$, is

ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

The component size cardinality cross entropy, $\mathrm{entropyCross}(A * T,V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)$, is

let crent = histogramsHistogramsEntropyCross

crent (aa `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt)

crent (aa `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt) >= ent (aa `tmul` tt)

The component cardinality size cross entropy, $\mathrm{entropyCross}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T,A * T)$, is

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (aa `tmul` tt) 

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (aa `tmul` tt) >= ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

The sum of the derived and cartesian derived, $A * T + V^{\mathrm{C}} * T$, is

rpln $ aall $ (aa `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt)
"({(cloud_and_wind,light)},57 % 1)"
"({(cloud_and_wind,none)},13 % 1)"
"({(cloud_and_wind,strong)},31 % 1)"

rpln $ aarr $ norm $ (aa `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt)

The component size cardinality sum cross entropy, $\mathrm{entropy}(A * T + V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)$, is

ent ((aa `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt))

ent ((aa `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt)) <= log w

The component size cardinality relative entropy, $\mathrm{entropyRelative}(A * T,V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)$, is the component size cardinality cross entropy minus the component size entropy, $\mathrm{entropyCross}(A * T,V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)~-~\mathrm{entropy}(A * T)$,

crent (aa `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt) - ent (aa `tmul` tt)

The component cardinality size relative entropy, $\mathrm{entropyRelative}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T,A * T)$, is the component cardinality size cross entropy minus the component cardinality entropy, $\mathrm{entropyCross}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T,A * T)~-~\mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T)$,

crent (vvc `tmul` tt) (aa `tmul` tt) - ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

The size-volume scaled component size cardinality sum relative entropy is the size-volume scaled component size cardinality sum cross entropy minus the size-volume scaled component size cardinality sum entropy, \[ \begin{eqnarray} (z+v) \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * T + V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) - z \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * T) - v \times \mathrm{entropy}(V^{\mathrm{C}} * T) \end{eqnarray} \]

let z = fromRational (size aa) :: Double
    v = fromIntegral (vol uu vv) :: Double

(z+v) * ent ((aa `tmul` tt) `add` (vvc `tmul` tt)) - z * ent (aa `tmul` tt) - v * ent (vvc `tmul` tt)

(z+v) * log w

Define the abbreviation rent for the size-volume scaled component size cardinality sum relative entropy,

let rent aa bb = let a = fromRational (size aa); b = fromRational (size bb) in (a+b) * ent (aa `add` bb) - a * ent aa - b * ent bb

rent (aa `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt)

It was shown that the alignment between cloud_and_wind and rain is greater than the alignments between any of cloud, wind or pressure and rain,

algn $ aa `red` [pressure,rain]

algn $ aa `red` [cloud,rain]

algn $ aa `red` [wind,rain]

algn $ aa `mul` ttaa tt `red` [cloud_and_wind,rain]

Define the abbreviation tlalgn for the alignment of the derived variables and the label variables,

let ared aa vv = setVarsHistogramsReduce vv aa
    tlalgn tt aa ll = algn (aa `mul` ttaa tt `ared` (der tt `Set.union` Set.fromList ll))

tlalgn tt aa [rain]

The alignments are all zero for a cartesian sample,

algn $ vvc

algn $ vvc `tmul` tt

and for the independent and formal,

algn $ ind aa

algn $ ind aa `tmul` tt

In the case of medium pressure, heavy cloud and light winds, the forecast for rain is heavy,

let qq1 = hhaa $ llhh [pressure,cloud,wind] [(1,[medium,heavy,light])]

rpln $ aarr $ query qq1 tt aa [rain]

So the entropy for this query is zero,

ent $ query qq1 tt aa [rain]

Compare this to the cartesian where all outcomes are equally probable,

rpln $ aarr $ query qq1 tt vvc [rain]

ent $ query qq1 tt vvc [rain]

For some queries the model is ambiguous. For example, when the pressure is low, but there is no cloud and winds are light, the forecast is usually for light rain, but not always,

let qq2 = hhaa $ llhh [pressure,cloud,wind] [(1,[low,none,light])]
rpln $ aarr $ query qq2 tt aa [rain]

In this case the entropy is higher,

ent $ query qq2 tt aa [rain]

but still lower than for the cartesian,

ent $ query qq2 tt vvc [rain]

If the normalised histogram, $\hat{A} \in \mathcal{A} \cap \mathcal{P}$, is treated as a probability function of a single-state query, the scaled label entropy, is \[ \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{(R,C) \in T^{-1}} (A * T)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * C~\%~(V \setminus K)) \end{eqnarray} \]

let tlent tt aa ll = setVarsTransformsHistogramsEntropyLabel (vars aa `Set.difference` (Set.fromList ll)) tt aa

tlent tt aa [rain]

An idea of the scale of the label entropy can be obtained from the cartesian,

z/v * tlent tt vvc [rain]

This is similar to the definition of the scaled expected component entropy, $z \times \mathrm{entropyComponent}(A,T)$,

z * cent tt aa

z * cent tt vvc

The label entropy, may be contrasted with the alignment between the derived variables, $W$, and the label variables, $V \setminus K$, \[ \mathrm{algn}(A * \mathrm{his}(T)~\%~(W \cup V \setminus K)) \]

algn $ aa `mul` ttaa tt `red` [cloud_and_wind,rain]


tlalgn tt aa [rain]

This may be compared to the diagonalised for an idea of scale,

algn $ resize (size aa) $ regdiag 3 2

The label entropy, may also be compared to the slice entropy, which is the sum of the sized entropies of the contingent slices reduced to the label variables, $V \setminus K$, \[ \sum_{R \in (A\%K)^{\mathrm{FS}}} (A\%K)_R \times \mathrm{entropy}(A * \{R\}^{\mathrm{U}}~\%~(V \setminus K)) \]

let lent aa ll = setVarsHistogramsSliceEntropy (vars aa `Set.difference` (Set.fromList ll)) aa

lent aa [rain]

z/v * lent vvc [rain]

That is, the model label entropy is much higher than the sample label entropy, but model queries may be applied to ineffective sample states.

Now let us compare the entropy properties of several models. First redefine the cloud_and_wind model as $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$,

let ttcw = tt

Now consider a model $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ which consists of a literal reframe of the cloud variable,

let cloud2 = VarStr "cloud2"

let ttc = lltt [cloud] [cloud2] [
      [none, none],
      [light, light],
      [heavy, heavy]]

rpln $ aarr $ norm $ aa `tmul` ttc

ent (aa `tmul` ttc)

So the simpler model, $T_{\mathrm{c}}$, has higher derived entropy than $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$.

Consider the relative entropy,

rent (aa `tmul` ttc) (vvc `tmul` ttc)

Now consider the alignment between the derived variable and the label variable,

tlalgn ttc aa [rain]

algn $ aa `red` [cloud,rain]

So the simpler model, $T_{\mathrm{c}}$, has both lower relative entropy and lower label alignment than $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$.

Now consider queries on the model,

let qq1 = hhaa $ llhh [pressure,cloud,wind] [(1,[medium,heavy,light])]

rpln $ aarr $ query qq1 ttc aa [rain]

let qq2 = hhaa $ llhh [pressure,cloud,wind] [(1,[low,none,light])]

rpln $ aarr $ query qq2 ttc aa [rain]

tlent ttc aa [rain]

So the simpler model, $T_{\mathrm{c}}$, has higher label entropy than $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$. In short, the simpler model, $T_{\mathrm{c}}$, is generally a worse predictor of label than $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$.

Consider if a better predictor of the rain can be made by constructing a transform $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$ that relates cloud and pressure,

algn $ aa `red` [pressure,cloud]

let cloud_and_pressure = VarStr "cloud_and_pressure"

let ttcp = lltt [cloud,pressure] [cloud_and_pressure] [
      [none, high, none],
      [none, medium, light],
      [none, low, light],
      [light, high, light],
      [light, medium, light],
      [light, low, light],
      [heavy, high, strong],
      [heavy, medium, strong],
      [heavy, low, strong]]

rpln $ aarr $ norm $ aa `tmul` ttcp

ent (aa `tmul` ttcp)

So the simpler model, $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$, has higher derived entropy than $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$, but not as high as $T_{\mathrm{c}}$.

Consider the relative entropy,

rent (aa `tmul` ttcp) (vvc `tmul` ttcp)

Now consider the alignment between the derived variable and the label variable,

tlalgn ttcp aa [rain]

So the new model, $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$, has both higher relative entropy and higher label alignment than $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$, although the derived entropy is higher.

Now consider queries on the model,

rpln $ aarr $ query qq1 ttcp aa [rain]

rpln $ aarr $ query qq2 ttcp aa [rain]

tlent ttcp aa [rain]

So the new model, $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$, has lower label entropy than $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$. In short, the new model, $T_{\mathrm{cp}}$, is generally a better predictor of label than $T_{\mathrm{cw}}$.

To summarise,

[ent (aa `tmul` tt) | tt <- [ttc, ttcw, ttcp]]

[cent tt aa | tt <- [ttc, ttcw, ttcp]]

[rent (aa `tmul` tt) (vvc `tmul` tt) | tt <- [ttc, ttcw, ttcp]]

[tlalgn tt aa [rain] | tt <- [ttc, ttcw, ttcp]]

[tlent tt aa [rain] | tt <- [ttc, ttcw, ttcp]]

The weather forecast example continues in Functional definition sets.
